Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 303: body shrunk

Lin Huai never thought that he would fall into such a situation.

He woke up from the musty smelling room and realized he was lying on the cold hard floor. Just as he was about to turn his head to confirm the situation, the pain in his body caused him to let out a "his--" sound.

"I always feel like I've been beaten." He murmured, closed his eyes and tried to straighten his chest, feeling the organs all over his body.

Fortunately, the ribs were not broken, the internal organs were not damaged, the limbs were complete, and there was no fatal injury that would cause him to lose his ability to move or lose consciousness.


"Why do I feel like I've shrunk?" Lin Huai wondered.

He tried to look down and saw that his body had shrunk by at least two sizes.

His current situation has to start from not long ago, when he entered the game with Chu Tianshu.

Different from previous experiences, this time Lin Huai did not experience the buffer zone of the system space before entering the game, nor did he have the opportunity to purchase quest-related items-perhaps this was caused by his status as an "irregular intruder". When he opened his eyes, he found himself sitting at a round table.

It was a large round table, in the shape of a ring, the middle was hollowed out, and a light ball floated on it. The round table seems to be in a meeting room in a dimly lit castle, with thick curtains and curtains hanging in the hall.

In addition to Lin Huai, there were seven people sitting around the round table. Perhaps due to some special treatment, Lin Huai could only see their blurred silhouettes, but could not see their faces.

However, after he saw one of the familiar silhouettes, the corners of Lin Huai's mouth twitched upwards.

"Everyone is ready." The first voice sounded in the ball of light, it was the voice of a charming woman.

"One more." The second voice sounded in the ball of light, and when it sounded, the color of the ball of light changed a little. It is the voice of a proud woman.

"It's okay, we have prepared extra stories and seats in advance." A third voice sounded from the ball of light, which seemed to come from a gentle and playful girl.

"He's so good-looking," said a fourth voice. "I'm going to give him an interesting ID badge."

"Quiet," said a fifth voice. "The cards are dealt."

The light ball trembled slightly, and there was the sound of shuffling cards. After this sound, more than twenty cards appeared in front of everyone at the same time.

"Please choose your identity cards in the story," said the sixth voice.

Lin Huai stretched out his finger and tapped a little on each card, and finally pointed to the red one.

The card he selected flew upside down to the table in front of him. The rest of the cards disintegrated quietly in the void like salt grains melted into lake water.

"The game will start in thirty seconds. Players, please prepare for teleportation...and, prepare for your identity change."

With the prompt of the seventh voice, the gray-white mist gradually spread throughout the entire conference hall. Before the fog was about to obstruct all vision, Lin Huai saw the familiar silhouette sitting across from him, and slid his index finger and thumb in his direction, making a "comparison" action.

Lin Huai:  …

He sat upright and remained elegant, and the person in the silhouette seemed to realize that he hadn't seen it, and stretched out his right hand to give him a heart.

Lin Huai:  …

"What is the mission of the game?" A girl's voice sounded.

"Slightly familiar, this voice..." Lin Huai moved his fingers.

He glanced in the direction of the girl in the limited twenty seconds, and noticed another silhouette, and also looked in the direction of the girl.

"The mission of the game is hidden in the invitation letter." Light Ball said.

Before the gray mist completely blocked his sight and was poured into his body, Lin Huai turned over the card that was upside down in front of him.

The card shows a little girl with a red cloak.

"little Red Riding Hood"


"Little Red Riding Hood... In this situation, not only is he bound, but it looks like he is locked somewhere..."

Lin Huai endured the pain and looked around.

This is a wooden house similar to a storage room.

The light in the wooden house was extremely dim, except for a small opening at the top, which seemed to be something similar to a transom. There are various sundries piled up in the room, there are big bags of flour, big bags of black beans... In short, it seems to be some kind of food.

Lin Huai was tied with hemp ropes and trapped in this storage room. He seriously doubted that he was also a "food".

"Hey...I feel a little bit of qi and blood flow..." Lin Huai groaned, "If you don't hurry up and think of a way, you will probably die here because of the lack of blood circulation in the whole body..."

Saying that, his eyes turned red.


Lin Huai: ? ?

"What, what, why did I suddenly become so weak?!" Lin Huai felt the change in his body in shock, and tried to kick the calf tied by the rope, "I always feel that my strength is weakened by this copy. More than half of it..."

He tried to open his skill panel - most of the time, Lin Huai would not open the system panel when his own qualities were sufficient...

After seeing that most of the items were still usable, Lin Huai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Although the body has become smaller, the mind is still flexible." He said to himself, "Well... Next, we should pick the strongest item in hand..."

His eyes swept past the dual guns that could shatter others with phantom bullets.

Glide past radios and ghost mirrors that smell dangerous all over.

Even slipped past the strongest life-saving skill - fifteen minutes of silence.

In the end, his eyes stopped on the words "Reverse Yan Ling", and he smiled.

"As long as this skill exists, all bosses can't kill me." He thought rationally (and a little proudly), "No boss can resist not cursing me...or cursing me with high intensity in my heart. , as long as I have this skill, I'm invincible. But..."

"The most urgent task is to get rid of the rope on my body." Lin Huai swayed **** the ground, and sadly found that he was like a salted fish that was fighting, "I have to find something sharp..."

After speaking, he thought for a while, and finally showed his pointed fangs.

In addition to beating up, the salted fish can also roll itself up. When Lin Huai successfully used his teeth to bite the rope tied to his body, he thought fortunately that although the cheating game sealed half of his abilities and many skill items, at least he did not change his gender and age. At the same time, it also changes his own flexibility...

The rough hemp rope was bitten off by him. After Lin Huai tried hard to challenge his flexibility and made various twisted postures, he finally bit off all the ropes that bound him, and finally "bah bah" forcefully. Twice.

"This hemp rope is too piercing." He commented, "It is worthy of being a copy of the advanced field, and even the way of escape is so ingenious, the taste of the hemp rope greatly increases the probability of ordinary people biting the hemp rope and fleeing. …”

Lin Huai didn't realize that most people would obviously not choose to bite the hemp rope...

Lin Huai tried to move herself on the floor, but before she got up, the wooden floor made a "squeak" sound.

He temporarily stopped his activities.

"There should be a guard outside the room, so he can't know that I'm awake." Lin Huai thought cautiously, "What if he was scared away after he knew I was awake? Approaching him without him noticing me."

The cabin was very quiet, so quiet that Lin Huai could hear his own breathing.

"The sound of rapid breathing may also reveal my existence." For the first time in the high-level field, and without Chu Tianshu by his side, Lin Huai was much more cautious than usual, "In order not to reveal my existence, I had to Stop breathing."

Thinking like this, he fully turned on his Specter Mode and stopped breathing.

Lin Huai was **** before, so he still couldn't confirm his state. After he regained his freedom, the first thing Lin Huai did was observe himself.

In the corner of the warehouse is a dusty mirror. Lin Huai walked over and wiped it clean with the rag next to it without hesitation.

What was reflected in the mirror was a petite girl in a burgundy cloak.

She has a female version of Lin Huai's face, but it is softer, sweeter, and therefore more sinister than that. Little Red Riding Hood looks somewhere between a girl and a teenage girl, with dark hair and eyes, and pale skin. The girl in the mirror has extremely thin wrists and ankles, and looks like she will be crushed soon. The cloak wrapped around her body, down to her knees. At her neckline was a black velvet bow that fastened her cloak.

The three colors of black, white and red formed a very sharp contrast on her body. Those colors were not strong, but had the texture of the old days.

However, in stark contrast to her petite, almost skinny body is her expression, which is definitely not the expression that should appear on a little girl's face - smiling, but eerie and sinister, with an unusual ghostly and Evil, and a little inexplicable joy.

——This is a spooky and sweet ghost doll-like pretty loli.

Lin Huai moved the corners of his mouth, and the little girl in the mirror moved the corners of his mouth too. He looked at himself in the mirror and was silent.

"I can't accept it." He murmured, "The identity card I drew actually..."

"So short."

With his current height, to talk to the male version of Chu Tianshu, he would probably have to turn his head up and turn around by his legs...

Lin Huaiqing thought about that scene with a face, and with malice began to expect that the identity card that Chu Tianshu had drawn was Ding Ke'er in "Peter Pan"——

Yes, the little elf that was small enough to dance on a human hand.

He stood on tiptoe, walked cautiously to the door, and gently—

Push the door open a crack.

There is no one outside the door.

Lin Huai breathed a sigh of relief. He had just arrived, and he still planned to restrain himself. If he scare the owner here, his conscience would be in trouble.

It was also at this time that he realized that what he was in seemed to be a storage room.

"This should be the scene from "Little Red Riding Hood". What I should do next is to escape from here?" Lin Huai thought, "Huh..."

A strong aroma floated out from a certain direction.

Accompanied by the sound of Gululu stewing soup.

Lin Huai walked cautiously against the wall, and at the end of the corridor, he saw a kitchen.

In the kitchen stood a firewood and a large pot. There seemed to be something cooking in the pot. Lin Huai was too short to see the contents of the pot.

He walked over step by step, tiptoeed, and looked in—

There seemed to be something fluffy on his head.

Lin Huai raised his head, a huge wolf's head was looking down at him condescendingly.

Before the wolf head could make a sound to him, Lin Huai didn't even think about it—

He grabbed the wolf's head and shoved it into the pot.