Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 320: why in my place

"Fortunately, I was strong enough. After receiving treatment, I quickly got out of the shadow he brought me..." The blue-clothed woman continued chattering, "and succeeded in having a strong and sunny smile, smiling and living in the dungeon. down..."

"And what's even more pleasing is that that person no longer exists in the dungeon. It is estimated that there will be no chance of resurrecting the corpse in the future. Thinking of this, my heart is filled with sunshine." Lan The woman in clothes said with a big smile, "Although I feel like I missed the chance to get revenge on him, there are a lot of regrets..."

Qiuran: "...don't use such strange quantifiers."

For some reason, the more she walked with this person, the more she felt that this person's temperament was a little dangerous.

This kind of danger is an intuitive perception - Qiuran knows that her IQ is not good, so she believes in intuition.

... Besides, even if she doesn't have intuition, she thinks that someone who can laugh and say that his joints have been smashed is already perverted enough.

...but it's not easy to judge whether it's a perverted person who laughs and taps someone else's joints with a hammer accompanied by Beethoven's symphony, or a perverted person who can tell people this story with a smile many years later.

"We seem to have reached a place." The woman in blue said.

She pushed back a bush and whistled when she saw the street in front of her.

"Look at the map." She leaned over to look at the map in Qiuran's hand and frowned, "Huh? This doesn't seem to be the kingdom of the Mirror Witch..."

It's a foggy, damp street with a distinctly British style.

A carriage drove through the streets, the wheels rolled on the stone bricks, making a "da-da" sound, and they could hear the sound of chill and dampness a few hundred meters away.



The woman's miserable wailing sounded in the distance. At the moment when the voice sounded, several people subconsciously buried themselves in the grass.

The screams continued for a while, the voice seemed to seep blood, and the pain of the victim was continuous, sharp and deep. Slowly, the screaming finally stopped.

——That sound didn't stop, but...

Dying from exhaustion.

"The dungeon player of the Witch of Lust is dead." The system's icy reminder sounded in everyone's minds, "Players, please plan your next itinerary carefully."

Crowd: …………

dead... dead?

Was the scream in the foggy city just now the last sound the dead player made during his lifetime?

"You don't have to be so nervous, although that player is dead, we are still alive." The blue-clothed woman said carelessly, "And maybe she wasn't killed by the **** witch's big copy, but just by the plot of her birth point. Killed. Anyway, we only need to pass the key copy of the **** witch, and we don't have to go through the birth point plot..."

"...But the plot of the birth point." Qiu Ran hesitated.

No matter what the plot at the birth point is, it is closely related to the next witch plot that the player will encounter. It is even said that it is a kind of plot and clues.

Just as Qiuran's birth point plot is ice coffin, apple and crow, so her corresponding witch plot is exactly the culprit that caused her to be killed by poisonous apple - the queen in the castle, and that picture reflects in people's hearts jealousy and ugly mirrors.

And Lin Huai's birth point plot is Little Red Riding Hood. Among all the players, he is the only player who appears in the game in the form of Lolita (perhaps this is the game's response to him, an intermediate player who came to the advanced field with his boyfriend. player protection). The purpose of the big bad wolf was to eat him, and in the original story, Little Red Riding Hood was indeed eaten by the big bad wolf - she got into his stomach, and was finally rescued by the hunter cutting her belly. Therefore, the witch plot he corresponds to is also in the forest, it is also a lost little girl and food, and it is also related to the same important organ - hunger and stomach.

And the plot of Chu Tianshu's birth point is a blocked coffin full of thorns... and a "prince" who wants to kiss him with evil intentions. Of course, Chu Tianshu kicked the prince into the well with a tingling scalp, and carefully concealed this matter from Lin Huai. Therefore, his corresponding witch plot is also related to the "Kiss of True Love", the dreamland and the sleeping city, and the story related to the spinning cone.

And now... the only player who can tell them what happened in that "city" is dead. If they arrive in the city at this moment, what they can see... is just a strange and purposeless world.

How can they know who the real witch is in this city?

"That city-state looks very dangerous." Qiuran whispered for a long time, "Let's leave here first, and come back after finishing the copy of the envy witch..."

The woman in blue was very cheerful: "Okay, you have the final say."

Before leaving this street, Qiuran saw this city-state controlled by a **** witch for the last time. The city-state is always filled with fog—either wet rain and fog, or gray smoke and dust. The whole city seems to be soaked by rain and gunpowder. road.

In this blurred vision, Qiuran saw the faded English letters written on the city's rusted golden signs.

She saw the six letters clearly.


"Don't worry," the woman in blue said behind her. "It's just a copy. Do you know what is scarier than ghosts and gods?"

Qiuran asked her, "What is it?"

The woman in blue smiled inexplicably.

"Hahahaha, of course, it's people's hearts. No matter how cruel ghosts are, they are not as scary as perverted humans." She smiled and said, "As long as you don't encounter weird and terrible perverts like 'raven', these things are not a problem."

Qiuran:  …


Weird and terrifying metamorphosis in the mirror labyrinth.

He was wearing a burgundy cloak, his neat black bangs hung down on his forehead, his eyes were dark, and in his hand he was holding a long-handled axe as long as his entire calf.

His side is so-called by the mirror around him. In the mirror, his figure and Chu Tianshu's figure were reflected.

The place separated from him by a piece of glass is Chu Tianshu.

"The new guests are arranged, let's start over." The blood-red witch returned to the glass and smiled.

Then she...

"What is the one behind you?!" The blood-red witch screamed.

Lin Huai looked back and saw that the female ghost covered in blood was lying pitifully on the ground following him. He looked at the blood-red witch, and said sincerely, "A road sign."

Blood Red Witch:  …

Lin Huai: "The kind that can mark the road that has been traveled and drag out a long, long bloodstain."

Blood Red Witch:  …

She snorted coldly and said, "It is forbidden for unrelated people to enter here."

Lin Huai: "This is not a human, but a ghost..."

Just as he was about to argue for his tool ghost, he swept his eyes and suddenly discovered a very wonderful thing.

——In all the mirrors, the figure of the female ghost is not reflected?

With a small "huh", he planned to take out the ghost mirror in the package and use it to use the control variable method to find the female ghost to see if there was a problem with the mirror or the female ghost. However, before he could do any further work, the blood-red witch sneered and snapped her fingers.

The tool woman ghost he summoned was in the snap of her fingers, and disappeared without any resistance.

Lin Huai:  …

The blood-red witch looked at Lin Huai's increasingly gloomy face, and smiled smugly: "What? You're scared? I've said before that in front of my strength, you can't resist at all..."

Lin Huai said, "You just destroyed my private property."

Blood Red Witch: ? ?

What about getting angry?

"I spent an A-level side story to buy this radio." Lin Huai lifted the radio in the package to his hand, and said coldly to the blood-red witch in the glass, "There are only dozens of radio stations in this radio. The ghosts on the radio are my precious private wealth..."

Blood Red Witch:  …

...wait, private wealth? Why do you take the ghosts on the radio as your private wealth so naturally?

"And you, so easily... ruined her. She deserves at least a B-level side story." Lin Huai said softly, "Let's do it."

He smiled at the Mirror Witch: "This B-level sub-plot will be earned from you."

Blood Red Witch:  …? ?

... She decided to give up communication with this player with a strange brain circuit.

"Just now, I overlooked a problem when dividing the compartments. It turns out that the two gamers are lovers who have a heart-to-heart relationship--" The Envy Witch smiled, "Just so, in this dungeon, my favorite is the couple."

As she spoke, the glass that originally stood between the two disappeared.

Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu returned to the same room again. Lin Huai opened his mouth. Just as he was about to talk to Chu Tianshu, he realized that...

His voice was actually blocked!

He couldn't make a sound.

"Considering the possibility of cheating between the two, I especially silenced the voice of the person who answered the question." The blood-red witch appeared in a mirror and said with a smile, "Next, I will tell this man named 'Lin' When a player of Huai' asks a question, when the real answer emerges in his mind, one of the six mirrors will also show his true thoughts on the question. Then—"

"The player surnamed Chu needs to find the right side of his thoughts, walk in, and bring the player surnamed Lin in together. Next, the player surnamed Chu was shut up and answered my question. Question." The Blood Red Witch gave her game rules in detail, "Next, do you understand?"

Lin Huai and Chu Tianshu looked at each other and nodded.

There are different meanings in their eyes.

Lin Huai: ...you can't guess (doubt).

Chu Tianshu: …You can rest assured, I can.

Lin Huai: I can't even guess what I'm thinking.

Chu Tianshu: I don't want you to think, I want mine.

"Okay, now is the first question." The blood-red witch floated her body in the mirror and said softly, "Lin Huai."

"In the past two decades, you have been an ordinary college student, you are passionate about learning, and you are keen to disguise yourself as a downright warm-hearted normal person in your life, yet your essence is a downright lunatic and Perverted..." The blood-red witch read her lines.

Before she could finish speaking, Chu Tianshu threateningly knocked on the glass she was in with pliers.

"Hey," the handsome young man with fluffy chestnut hair squatted in front of the mirror where she was, casually tapped the mirror with pliers, and made a few crisp sounds, "Keep your mouth clean."

Blood Red Witch:  …

Lin Huai on the other side is very cooperative with her work. He tried his best to compare his mouth shape to Chu Tianshu, but found that his mouth was completely sealed, and he couldn't even make a mouth shape. In the end, he could only do a few gestures of turning his hands and turning his head, expressing himself with body language—

'Oh, she's right, don't be angry, I like this comment. ’

Chu Tianshu:  …

"Okay, little lunatic." He retracted his wrench and stood up.

Blood Red Witch:  …

The blood-red witch's mood was a little complicated.

Unlike other witches, as a jealous witch, one of the most deadly killing moves of this mirror copy she created is to provoke conflicts between players.

After several players entered the mirror labyrinth, no matter what their previous relationship was and what kind of temporary cooperative relationship they had reached, the only inevitable thing was that they concealed from each other.

It is human nature to hide from others. Whether it's the distribution of benefits, the acquisition of final props, or the way to deal with it in the face of a crisis... What the Mirror Witch likes to do most is to intensify contradictions and amplify the antagonistic emotions between players through each question.

Sometimes, it only takes a small opportunity for players to kill each other. For example, when one was asked, "He just got a very useful prop in the previous city-state, what did you think about following him in the corridor?", the other saw in the mirror that he was being robbed. The scene where the person who asked the question was killed with a scythe from behind with his head smashed to pieces.

Or, when asked about the core interests of the team, a team leader full of benevolence, righteousness, morality and friendship appeared in the mirror, but when the ghosts attacked, they left other players behind, ran away by themselves, and even... The scene where the player who vowed to protect pushes into the pile of ghosts and escapes by himself.

Or, one of the players appeared in the mirror. When the other players were not paying attention, he secretly hid the props from other witches, stuffed them into his sleeves, turned his head and said to the other party that he hadn't found the props, even in other players. When life and death were at stake, there was no scene where this secret was revealed.

...even she sometimes creates a situation where all the answers in the mirrors in the room are wrong, they are all made up by her.

And the more players who have a relationship between the two in the past, the more welcome the Blood Red Witch is. Since the two are old acquaintances, there must have been many stories between them. It is too simple to find the breaking point of the relationship between the two.

- People who can easily kill other players are always other players. Ghosts are restricted by rules and cannot be killed, but players do not.

——Especially, the most vulnerable, most betrayed, and most intolerant of deceit and lies.

... However, looking at the two people in front of her, the blood-red witch suddenly became a little puzzled.

——These two people are so abnormal, can she really let them kill each other, or go into the wrong choice?

She stopped thinking about it and looked at the two again...

Blood Red Witch:  …

She watched the man named Chu Tianshu walk towards Lin Huai and touched the corner of his mouth. After he confirmed that Lin Huai couldn't open his mouth to speak and could only make a humming sound, Chu Tianshu actually laughed.


Blood Red Witch: ? ? ?

Then she saw Chu Tianshu stretch out her index and middle fingers...

kind of side by side.

Touched each other's lips.

She squeezed each other's lips.

Then he touched the other person's mouth ambiguously.

Blood Red Witch: ? ?

Wait, what are you doing?

Chu Tianshu: "Hey, hey, come and bite me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-”

Lin Huai withdrew the kick given to him expressionlessly.