Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 352: Hunting Lei Feng Project

... When Emily woke up again, it was already an hour old.

She found that she was still lying on the operating table, but the restraints on her body had been lifted, except that there were slight bumps on her skin. Memories before she lost consciousness flooded in, she first looked around in horror, to beware of the murderer's reappearance. Then……

She was even more frightened when she saw the body of the murderer that had not yet completely melted in the bathtub.

Apparently, someone came into this room, rescued her from the murderer, and threw the murderer into this hydrochloric acid pool. Before she could scream, Emily noticed a note.

A note on the table next to it.

"Dear reporter, just now, I saved you from a murderer."

The letter briefly described Emily's experience of being rescued by the unknown benefactor, and what the mysterious man expected of her: he wanted her to post the news of the upcoming tea party on the newspaper bulletin board. , and signed "Morse", among other things, he wanted her to hold off on reporting on the hotel incident. otherwise……

"I'm going to make you feel real fear."

Emily's hands trembled, and she could clearly feel that the person's words were not false. She read the note carefully many times, and said to herself, "Morse? Is this your name?"

"No," a muffled voice sounded from behind the door, "I found this in the hotel, the boss's pseudonym."

"Are you going to pretend that he is not dead, so as to lure other people related to the boss?" After being startled by the person behind the door, Emily understood almost instantly the person hiding behind the door. Intention, "Who are you? Are you also an unannounced interviewer? Are you also investigating the crimes in this city?"

Her voice became excited. The person behind the door was silent for a while, listening to the voice of the reporter who had fallen into the fantasy of Batman and Superman, and said with a blank eye, "Forget it."

"Can I know your name?" the reporter excitedly asked, "Can I know who I'm serving?"

Humanity behind the door: "I don't want to leave my name, I never leave a name for good deeds..."

"Oh, I understand," the reporter said immediately, "I know that people like you respect privacy, so..."

"If you must know my name, you can call me Lei Feng." Humanity behind the door panel.

"Lei Feng, a very interesting name!" the reporter said excitedly, "Maybe because I was too frightened, I can't remember what happened after I was tied to the operating table. But you look very skilled, and you used to Have you done a lot of this fighting the evil in the dark? Like the Dark Knight, you sound like you have a lot of stories, can I interview you when it's all over? I want to hear your stories..."

"Strictly speaking, I prefer clowns... no need," the man said. "Now you can get out of here."

The reporter didn't give up her idea of ​​making big news until she left. She kept persuading Lin Huai, who she couldn't see but her voice follow, trying to make him understand that she just wanted to write a novel about his struggle against darkness based on him. , like "Sherlock Holmes", she would name it "Lei Feng's Story". And Lin Huai thanked him very seriously for this, and after sending the reporter out of the Baicheng Hotel, he closed the door.

Lin Huai jumped back to the ground lightly. In the hours that the reporter passed out, he searched the hotel and found the hotel owner's room. There was a secret door in the innkeeper's room, and inside it were all sitting or standing bone specimens. After searching the boss's room but found nothing resembling a letter, Lin Huai thought for a moment, entered the secret door without any hesitation, grabbed the skulls of the skeletons, opened their mouths, and obtained the information hidden inside. Various confidential letters.

There's a saying "only dead men keep secrets," and it's clear that the innkeepers practice this principle in a rather darkly humorous way.

"As expected of a pervert, the way of hiding the letter is so euphemistic and twisted." Lin Huai, who received the letter, commented, "Only someone like me can immediately think of where the letter is."

... He obviously didn't realize that he was able to think of this for the first time, and his own thinking, which was synchronized with the real perverted thinking of the boss, was obviously one country with the perverts.

Lin Huai sat back in the boss's room and began to read those letters. He was lucky and crashed directly into the enemy's lair. The tea party will be held the day after tomorrow, and the perverts will gather in the lobby on the third floor of the White City Hotel to share their creations.

And it's time for Lin Huai to make some preparations.


The puppet master drove his puppets to patrol the city for a day, but always found nothing. It wasn't until dusk that he recalled all the puppets, and shrugged to Tian Chu who was standing beside him, "I didn't find it."

Tianchu looked at the puppet he came back last. The puppet was tattered, covered in large swathes of blood, his eyes were dull, but he held an envelope in his hand. He frowned and said, "What is that?"

"Oh - you mean that envelope?" the puppet master said happily, "it met a pervert in the city who followed it, a killer who likes to make puppets of living people. I really can't stand him playing in front of Guan Gong. The action of the big knife killed him easily, and found this invitation to the tea party from his pocket - just so, I can also bring the dolls to participate. Speaking of which, they still made money. Obviously, I 's puppets are better than these NPC puppets..."

"Can an ordinary NPC hurt your puppet like this?"

"The perverted killer NPCs here are also ghosts above the level of red, don't underestimate them." The puppet master protested and shrugged again, "Well, you know, this dungeon still has A fish caught in the net is the girl who was with Xia Xingye before. She hasn't given up on chasing me, and this doll was broken by her after she met her today... Don't question my strength! She She was also injured. Hey, you said, she is so weak, why do you keep trying to provoke me? If the crow hadn’t been here, my primary goal would be the crow, and I wouldn’t care about her. I killed her long ago, Mosquitoes keep calling around and it's very troublesome..."

"Some people are very stubborn," Tianchu spread his hands, "you're in trouble. Back then, this girl was tricked by a profiteer with an arrow, so she chased him all the way to the high-level field. Now you owe her more than just one arrow. Arrow."

"Didn't she have a grudge with Xia Xingye? I thought she would be very happy too... It's all the profiteer's fault, why suddenly can't think of saving people? Didn't he push people down by himself?" Touching his nose, he said to Tianchu again, "That's it, we both got the invitation. I guess the crow will also go to the tea party, and then we will ambush him there?"


"This is the end of the years of hatred! But I'm really curious, what kind of lively reaction will those people in the camp know that the 'raven' has actually returned." The puppet master stretched his waist, " But it's a pity, all they see is a 'doll'... By the way, I almost forgot, I promised you to leave his execution right to you first."

Tianchu is indecisive. The puppet master glanced at him, he remembered the rumors of discord between the two, and couldn't help but say, "How are you going to torture him? Leave it to me alive and don't break too many joints..."

"Don't worry." Tian Chu patted him on the shoulder lazily, "As for the way to punish him, I have already imagined many poses in my mind over the years... No, the way. You don't need to do this kind of thing. I'm worried."

"Oh," said the puppet master cheerfully, "we are the same in this regard. On many days, I also thought of tying him up day and night..."

Tian Chu's eyes suddenly became sharp and fierce.

"...Then the scene of smashing his joints bit by bit." The puppet master finished this sentence.

Tian Chu's eyes became tired and bored again.

When the two were talking, they happened to pass through a lively intersection. At the crossroads, a newsboy is selling today's evening paper. Tianchu took one at random, he flipped through the evening newspaper, and put it into his package.

"I guess the crow will appear at the scene of the tea party. I know him, he is a person who will never let go of any occasion to join in the fun and show off. I can even predict his behavior pattern, we don't need to find him at that time, he He will come out by himself, and I need you to confirm his location through the puppet." Tian Chu said, "It seems that he is not planning to appear in the city these few days. Let's wait for the news of the tea party."

The puppeteer nodded. He unconditionally believed that Tianchu knew everything about the crow.

"But compared to this, I want to ask you something." Tianchu continued, "Are you sure you have completely killed Xia Xingye?"

"Could it be that he didn't kill him? Hahaha?" The puppet master laughed, "His body is already in my hands."

"I always feel that people like him should always leave behind a bit." Tian Chu said calmly.


The middle-aged man covered his forehead and held today's Wucheng Evening News in his hand.

The memory of last night was not as clear as if it had been washed by the rain. He vaguely remembered that he found the girl in the store who had somehow sneaked in, and chased her outside the store. What confuses him is that he seemed to smell a breath last night, and after that, he couldn't control himself...

He put those odd thoughts behind him, and then focused on the evening paper. When he saw the bulletin board at the bottom of the evening newspaper, the middle-aged man's mouth twitched.

"What's wrong?" his sister asked him.

The middle-aged man just read the newspaper repeatedly, and after a long time, he sneered: "...Maybe other people can't see it, but my friendship with Morse is far better than that of ordinary people. Yes, he really should be at this time. Publish this message, but the wording in it... doesn't look like him!"

"I'm going to check the situation, is it the Wucheng Evening News?" He put on his hat and left the antique store.

Seven hours later, the man came out of the cafe, walking in a hurry. He brought some psychedelics, and from the reporter named Emily got an outline of what happened last night, about the mysterious man who had killed Morse.

That person... The middle-aged man's eyes darkened, and he thought of the name that contained the chilling aura and the sound of gold and stone.

Lei Feng!