Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 410: send a courier

In the end, the kind-hearted Lin Huai did not cut off the two legs of the baseball cap, but decided to let him climb in along the side window of 404 in good faith. Because the baseball cap was so uncooperative, Lin Huai had to struggle a little to convince him at first.

"Don't misunderstand me, I really want to integrate into this harmonious community." Lin Huai said, "I will be your courier from today. In my one-month courier career, I hope We can get along well, help each other, and come to me if you need anything. For example, now, I feel that you need to put your head back on your body. "

Baseball cap with head separated:  …

"How can you be so shameless!!" The baseball cap screamed.

Considering that the plumbing was too complicated, Lin Huai had to carry the baseball cap to the transom of the toilet in Room 404. The transom had only one slit open, and it looked eerily from the slit. Lin Huai put the slender courier into the baseball cap's hand, and said kindly to him: "You go in. Just in time, you can also get to know your neighbors, maybe they are still beautiful."

Baseball cap: "Brother, there are ghosts in 404!!"

"What are you pretending to be, you are not too." Lin Huai said ruthlessly, shoving the baseball cap into the window.

It didn't take long for Lin Huai to hear the notification sound of "the express delivery has been signed" from the mobile phone, so Lin Huai whistled with confidence and went down from the 4th floor.

This apartment building seems to have been built many years ago, there is no elevator, and the corridor is also gloomy, with exposed walls scattered. Finally, after passing through the third floor, Lin Huai saw a **** "2" appear on the wall.

This is the second floor, and it is also the last 201 that needs Lin Huai to deliver express.

The layout of the apartment building is different from other apartments. Next to the stairs is 212, then 211, 210... and even the innermost 201. As Lin Huai walked, he remembered the 813 who jumped down from the upstairs. If it weren't for the high prices, 813 would have been able to have its own accommodation in 12 rooms on each floor, rather than living on a clothes pole.

It turns out that the high housing prices can also turn ghosts into people. Thinking of this, Lin Huai sighed a little.

The second floor is very quiet, and every household is closed. Lin Huai only glanced at them and arrived at 201. Lin Huai stopped when he saw 201.

He noticed that 201's door had no handle on it.

Originally located on the doorknob... only a dark handprint!

Lin Huai stared at the handprint for a while, then took out a sticker from his bag. Then, he knocked on the door with his finger and said, "Is there anyone inside the courier?"

No answer.

"Is there no one?" Lin Huai made an infinite stream standard cannon fodder speech.

In the room of 201, a dark figure was lying on the door. It looked at the weak young man outside the door and grinned.

The blood-red eyes were aimed at the cat's eyes, and it looked at the top of the young man's head, as if it was ready to tear him apart. It saw the youth muttering to himself, still saying those innocent and stupid things.

"It's weird, why is there no one? Obviously..."

The next moment, the young man in sight disappeared!

At the same time, a **** hand crawled up the back of its neck.

"Obviously... I heard your trembling breathing on the opposite side of the door!!!!"

The ghost made a heart-piercing scream, and the **** hand grabbed its neck at that moment, followed by a weak voice.

"I'm so timid and want to pretend to be a ghost to be scary. Here is your courier. You can sign for it."


After going downstairs, Lin Huai saw that his electric car was still parked well downstairs, and he couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief.

"I had so much fun, I almost forgot about the electric car," he said to himself. "Fortunately, these ghosts are generally more educated and won't steal my electric car for sale."

He said goodbye to this neighborhood and went to the next one. The delivery of the next community is also easy, and the express cabinet has solved most of the troubles. After a while, there were only five parcels left in Lin Huai's hands.

Three of the five deliveries belonged to the same woman, two of them were cosmetics and one was a pair of long scissors. The woman's residence is on the fourth floor of the building. As soon as Lin Huai entered the community, he found that the atmosphere in the community was not quite right.

Most of the neighborhoods that Lin Huai went to today were quite lively. Especially in the building full of ghosts, the ghosts even gave him a welcome ceremony to show their welcome. There was no one talking or talking in this community, and even walking was in a hurry. What's more, after seeing the stranger Lin Huai, he immediately looked away.

Unfortunately, the setup of each house in this community is quite complicated. It is difficult to find where the sixth building is according to the rules. Lin Huai rode the express van and watched for a while, trying to find a kind person to ask for directions, but everyone turned a blind eye and walked away after meeting his gaze. He had no choice but to finally set his sights on a pregnant woman.

The woman was pushing a stroller, wearing a long pink and white dress, with a bulging belly, looking very gentle. Generally speaking, such young mothers are kind and helpful, and she can't outrun Lin Huai with a stroller.

"Hello." Lin Huai stopped her and said politely, "Do you know where the sixth building is?"

"Six buildings?"

Lin Huai noticed that when he mentioned this unit, the old lady who was carrying vegetables behind him shivered a bit. She carried the vegetables in her pocket and left without looking back at the fastest speed.

Lin Huai had the intention to catch up with her, but obviously, tearing herself in half in front of this young mother was a very rude behavior. He then regretfully watched the old lady disappear, remembered the direction in which she disappeared, and waited for the young mother's answer.

"Sixth building? Go in from this side, turn left... The one that is closest to the inside is."

"This is a long way, it's hard for you to remember." Lin Huai said.

The young mother smiled gently, touched her belly and said, "Because I live in the sixth building."

"Oh, okay, thank you." Lin Huai said, "I won't talk to you anymore. I'm the courier in charge of this piece. I will cooperate more in the future. I have a hunch that I will get along well with you."

As he said that, he greeted the woman in the pink and white dress and rode the battery car towards the deepest part.

Old lady Chen ran all the way, it was hard to imagine that this lame old lady could go out of such a speed. She lived on the second floor, and when she was going upstairs, she saw a crack in the door on the first floor. She knew that this was Old Man Li's residence, and she couldn't help but think that Old Man Li was a careful person, why he forgot to lock the door when he went out to play mahjong today.

But even so, she didn't care about it anymore. After entering the house, she closed the door as fast as she could. After seeing the back of the newspaper in the bedroom, Mrs. Li breathed a sigh of relief and took the vegetables out of her pocket.

"Old man, today I saw people asking where the sixth building is going. The sixth building? Didn't the sixth building here burn down because of a fire a few years ago. A lot of people died, okay? It's easy to push things down. There are still dozens of bones buried under there... It's a sin. The courier asked where the sixth building was. I think he must have seen a mistake on the courier slip. already."

While the old lady was talking, she was still a little flustered. She was choosing pea sprouts on the table. The more she chose, the more she felt that today's batch of pea sprouts were all turning yellow, as if they were dry and dehydrated.

"It wasn't like that when I bought it," she thought.

"Recently, there have been rumors in the community that there is a haunted area in the sixth building, and it is still haunted. What about selling the house and moving out. I thought that we must also have the money to buy a new house. Now the house price is much higher than it was decades ago. ...What are people afraid of? People are not afraid of ghosts, they are afraid of being poor and sick. The young ones have the money to move out, let's live here for half a lifetime, should we live or live." People are always facing her with their backs, "And they are old neighbors for decades, they are used to it. Now, there are not many young people who are willing to move into our community. Speaking of which, the courier stopped and asked that today. Girl, I look very familiar..."

"Who is it..."

How to choose pea sprouts is a pile of yellow. While throwing the yellow leaves aside, the old lady thought, "It looks a little familiar, I seem to have forgotten her, she..."

At that moment, a figure flashed through the old lady's mind, her hand suddenly stopped, and her face was pale!

The woman who was stopped by the young man to give her address... Wasn't that the pregnant woman who died in the fire a few years ago and lived on the second floor of the sixth building? !

"Oh, it's not good, old man..."

The old lady was about to call her husband's name when a memory suddenly flooded into her mind.

Her husband had died of a heart attack a year earlier, so who was sitting in the bedroom when she got home? !

The old lady did not dare to look back. She heard light or heavy footsteps coming towards her from the bedroom. The footsteps sounded like a pregnant woman.

"Knock knock."

"Knock knock."

A slight knock sounded at the door. The old lady leaned back and stuck her whole body against the wall. She raised her head tremblingly when a shadow shrouded her, and the next moment she let out a heart-piercing scream.

Where is the old man Chen sitting in the room! It was clearly a...

Bloody pregnant ghost! !

Specter's claws were like lightning and stretched out towards her. When the old lady closed her eyes in despair, a loud noise suddenly came from the door.

"I'm sorry, I'm a courier. I went to the buyer's house just now and found no one, so I came here." The young man with black hair and red eyes stood at the door, holding a hideous baby doll in his hand, "Your child , please check, by the way..."

"You seem to be in the wrong room." Lin Huai said, "Do you need me to take you home?"

Lin Huai quickly completed the delivery mission and rescued an old lady.

However, when he saw the address of the next courier, Lin Huai paused.

"The address for the next courier is... a mental hospital?"

The address shown on the courier note is indeed a mental hospital. The recipient's name is also quite intriguing - it has no last name, no first name, or even a mobile phone number. The only thing it shows...

It's a **** number.

