Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 416: moisturizing mask

Chen Gang is a college student living near Yangshui Lake, and he has the habit of forgetting to bring his community access card when he goes out to buy things.

But it's not too much of a hassle. In the past, as long as he shouted at the door, the security guard in the security room would open the door. However, this time, he shouted several times in a row at the gate of the community, but there was no movement from the security room.

Just when Chen Gang was about to find a way to get through the crack of the car railing, the community door was finally opened.

Chen Gang held back his belly of fire. Carrying something, he saw that the security room was dark and the lights were not turned on. As he passed the security room, he shouted to the inside: "What did you just do! So fascinated?"

There is no sound inside.

Chen Gang stomped his feet in anger, and was about to go in again. At this moment……

There was a burst of earth-shattering laughter from the security room!

The laughter was continuous, eerie and mysterious, as if a person would burst his lungs with laughter. Chen Gang was taken aback. His legs were stiff when he heard the inside window being pulled open.

A pale, miserable face poked its head out of the window. At that moment, Chen wanted to run as soon as he pulled out his legs. The face said: "I'm sorry, I just watched a small horror video and I was fascinated."

This time it wasn't a twisted laughter, but the familiar voice of a security guard. Chen Gang just relaxed a little. He looked at the familiar face, only to feel that this person's face was particularly pale today. After calming down for a while, Chen Gang also scolded himself for being so easily frightened today. He thought it was funny, so he asked curiously, "What kind of video are you watching? It's so beautiful?"

"This." The security guard gave him the phone screen, and the video inside was pitch black, "Just this Douyin video, I'll send it to you via WeChat later."

Because Chen Gang usually receives couriers here, for the convenience of notification, he also added the security's WeChat. So he humbly agreed, and walked into the depths with his things.

He didn't know that after he left, the pale face that was behind him was always staring at him with pupilless eyes. Finally, the face stretched back into the room.

After he reached back into the room, that face... still kept a terrifying smile!


Lin Huai came to the location of Ms. Yang who complained. Instead of going upstairs immediately, he looked left and right, and after confirming that there was no one around, he found a blind spot for a surveillance camera.

His movements were as agile as a cat, and he made two moves in three steps, and then climbed up to the balcony of Ms. Yang's house from outside the wall.

Lin Huai felt that something was wrong when his toes landed on the balcony. The balcony was covered in dust, as if it had not been cleaned for a long time. There are some cardboard garbage, express boxes, shoe boxes and the like stacked on the balcony. It seems that Ms. Yang likes online shopping like many people, and also has the habit of keeping the express boxes, accumulating them into a pile to sell scraps, or saving them for other purposes.

Lin Huai saw no one in the kitchen through the glass door. Out of professional instinct, he rummaged through the boxes.

Most of the cardboard boxes are printed with the contents of the goods, many of which are shops selling clothes, toilet paper, washing powder and other daily necessities. In addition to this, there are a lot of things related to beauty. These include face-washing instruments, automatic eyebrow trimmers, small bubble instruments and other express packaging used to beautify themselves. In addition, there are some small bits and pieces. Lin Huai looked at them and found that they were from Armani, YSL, Shu Uemura and other stores, and they seemed to be all kinds of makeup and skin care products.

It can be seen that this Ms. Yang is a person who cares about her appearance very much.

However, among these small boxes, the most are square boxes of various sizes, and the labels that have not been torn off are written in Chinese, English, and even Japanese or Korean. It was the blessing of Lin Dangdang, a beauty enthusiast who always acted with them, and Lin Huai barely knew about face masks. However, Lin Dangdang does not buy expensive masks. She said that most of the masks on the market only have the effect of hydrating, but it is also more important to hydrate the skin, which can make people radiant, and those advanced masks can also eliminate acne.

At that time, Lin Dangdang's forehead happened to have two large pimples due to half-term homework. She looked at Shao Wei, Lu Jin and the others who had the same decadent faces, and then at Lin Huai, she was shocked to say that she had known Lin Huai for so long, and Lin Huai had not developed a single pimple.

"And your skin is so white that it feels like a fake," she commented.

Lin Huai's skin is indeed very white. Even in reality, when his soul gradually merges with his body and is almost human, it is still so white. Therefore, Chu Tianshu likes to make some traces on it, and as Lin Huai becomes more and more like a human being, there are more and more traces he can leave...

- Of course, this is all irrelevant.

Lin Huai can see that this pile of mask boxes includes almost all kinds of brands that are common in the market. The expensive ones include ex-boyfriends, and the cheap ones also have various domestic products like a leaf, whether it is applied on the face or smeared, they are all available. If Lin Dangdang stayed here, she would probably say "is this sister a blogger of Xiaohongshu".

But at this time, Lin Huai remembered the figure of the woman who came to deliver the courier yesterday. Although it was sunny, she was wearing a black mask and a raincoat.


Lin Huai tapped his chin with his fingers. He lowered his head and continued to search in those express boxes.

He always felt that there was something he wanted here.

Lin Huai quickly found several boxes in the express box that had never heard of the brand. In one of the boxes lay a thank you note that was stuffed together. The thank you letter thanked the customer for applying to purchase this trial product, and hoped that she would reply to the use feedback in the circle of friends. Other than that there are some words.

It seems that this Ms. Yang not only likes to buy face masks, but also often buys some micro-business face masks that are not qualified but seen in the circle of friends. When he turned to the bottom, Lin Huai's fingers keenly felt a hint of Yin Qi.

Based on this yin qi, he pulled out the cardboard box below.

Unlike other cartons, this one does not have a brand on it, or it has a garish pattern on it. It has only two swash characters on it.

"Facial mask"

In the word "film", the tick that belongs to the word "month" is very long, and it looks like a long drop of water flowing down. Lin Huai simply opened the box and found a product introduction inside.

The description of the product is written in red ink pen and is very simple.

"Efficient hydration, reborn..."

In addition to the product introduction paper, there is also a used mask packaging. Those yin qi emanated from the packaging.

Lin Huai carried the package and lifted it expressionlessly. As he did this, the liquid in the package dripped down the edge of the package.

In the eyes of others, the liquid still remaining in the silver packaging is a transparent essence, but in Lin Huai's eyes, it is...

The foul-smelling, yellow-reddish pus-smelling blood water!

"Perhaps the so-called mask that was originally placed here is really the face peeled from the face of a ghost." Lin Huai murmured, "It's just that in Ms. Yang's eyes, it is a transparent, thin piece of skin. It's like a cicada's wing mask."

After completing these investigations, Lin Huai quietly climbed down from the third floor. When he walked into the elevator and was about to close the door, a young man came in a hurry outside the elevator.

The young man seemed to be on the phone with someone, and when he saw that the elevator was closing, he hurried in.

"I'll stop chatting when I get on the elevator. The security guard laughed so happily watching that horror movie, maybe it's some kind of **** movie! I'll take a look later when I go back, yes, yes, you can help me later Arrived, when I heard Chen Gang, I should say it!"

After that, the young man hung up the phone.

Lin Huai stood beside him and glanced at him. The young man turned his eyes to see him, and said, "Handsome guy, you look a little shy, you just moved here?"

"Express delivery." Lin Huai said.


The young man saw that Lin Huai really didn't look like a courier, and he was empty-handed. Recently, thieves have frequently visited the community. Although Lin Huai is handsome, he cannot be relieved of the suspicion of being a thief. Therefore, he took two steps back, pretending that he was looking in the mirror with his mobile phone, and secretly took a picture of Lin Huai's back, which was reflected in front of him on the elevator door.

It's always safe to be prepared.

Lin Huai didn't seem to realize that he was being photographed secretly. He got to the third floor and went down. The elevator door then closed.

Chen Gang also took the elevator and arrived at his residence, the seventh floor.


Lin Huai knocked on the door of 301, and after a while, a woman's voice came from inside.

The voice was vague, like a fish blowing bubbles: "Who is it?"

"For express delivery, come to see the problem of water entering the express delivery." Lin Huai said.

After a long time in the room, finally came the sound of a woman opening the door.

"come in."

Lin Huai looked up at the room. The room was dark and the lights were not turned on. The woman stood at the door, wearing a black mask and a waterproof jacket.

"Do you want to change your slippers?" Lin Huai bowed her head.

The next moment, he paused.

"You don't need to change your slippers, come in and see." A woman's voice came from his head.

Looking at it with human eyes, the ground here just looks a little damp. It can be seen with Lin Huai's eyes...

The floor of the entrance hall leading to the door is actually densely packed, all of which are the marks of messy high heels!

Different high heels, different footprints... It's like several women have walked here and danced.

The woman wearing the black mask seems to have no idea that her room has become a happy dance place for "women". Lin Huai responded and followed her into the room. The woman didn't turn on the light in the room until then, pointed to the living room floor and said, "The couriers are all there."

"Recently, the house has been very wet. As soon as I got the courier back, I didn't open it, and I saw water seeping out from the inside." The woman said sharply, "How did you deliver this courier? It's still desiccant, why not? Is it leaking directly? Can I still use it?"

Lin Huai looked at the boxes, and the packaging inside was indeed soaked with water. He walked over, squatted down and said, "I'll take a look."

There was indeed a lingering dampness in the room. The moment he squatted down, Lin Huai opened his ghost eyes. At that moment, the black pupils belonging to humans turned blood red.

There are indeed large water stains on the express box. However, under the gaze of Ghost Eye...

Those water stains are obviously countless wet handprints!

Countless wet handprints overlapped each other, and finally turned into this large water stain. It's as if a "person" touched the contents of the courier after it was brought back. Lin Huai took out a knife, opened the courier, and said, "It's alright, look, it's just that the desiccant inside is still good when the outer package is soaked in water."

"How can you just take it apart..."

Saying that, he took out the desiccant inside. The desiccant inside was wrapped in plastic and was still intact. Lin Huai then said: "It's just that the outer packaging is wet, of course..."

At that moment, he felt a drop of water, tick, tick, on the top of his head.

Lin Huai looked up and saw a woman with long black hair bent over to look at him. She was wearing a dark mask, and the water droplets were dripping from her chin.

With a strange smell, water droplets.

Lin Huai continued to tell her as if she couldn't see it, "But it's a fact that the outer packaging has water. If you think it's not good, we can compensate you."

"No need, let's take it apart and open it here." The woman's voice said flatly, "Please help me take it apart. It's very wet in this room."

"Now we can be sure that this woman is indeed a ghost." Lin Huai thought in his heart, "Specially looking for a courier to come to your door, but you don't need to lose money. I made such a trip because I wanted to invite you into the urn."

"Since that's the case, I don't have to pretend to be a gentleman anymore."

Lin Huai suddenly felt very relaxed. Since the woman is a ghost, he can freely let go of himself.

Lin Huai opened the courier and said, "Why do you buy so many desiccants, do you open them all? Is it very wet in the house?"


"Oh, I saw you wearing a mask when I came in. What's the matter? Are you allergic to pollen? I just saw several boxes of masks on the coffee table in your living room. Do you like wearing masks? My girlfriend also likes buying masks. She My skin has always been dry."

After hearing this sentence, the woman finally opened the chatterbox.

"I also have dry skin," she said. "Some time ago, I saw a friend in the circle of friends who bought a mask and said that the effect was very good. I was introduced by her to buy a box. I have desert dry skin, what should I apply? It didn't work that way."

"Does it work?"

The woman nodded.

"Those masks look light and thin, but when you put them on your face, when you wake up the next day...the whole body becomes very moist and beautiful, it's not like me." The woman said slowly, "I then I have been applying it all the time... However, this mask is really too expensive. Wechat merchants say that the quantity is limited, and it is really difficult to get new ones because of the special craftsmanship..."

The craftsmanship of the mask is indeed special. After all, drowning beauties are hard to find.

"However, she told me that as long as I help her sell it together, she will give me more masks when she goes offline..."

"Is the effect really that good?"

The woman nodded.

Suddenly, she brought her face close to Lin Huai's side, and then came her gloomy voice: "It's so good, the smell of desiccant... It seems that all the water has been sucked away..."

She closed her eyes and seemed to be breathing intoxicated. Then, she picked up a pack of desiccant, and took off her mask like no one else.

At that moment, Lin Huai also saw the woman's face in the reflection of the TV screen!

It was indeed a very beautiful face - if every face was worth eight points, then this woman was obviously 96 points, because...

On her face, there are actually twelve human faces on top of each other! !

That woman thought she was putting on a mask every day, but she didn't know what she had been putting on her face...

It's all the face of a water ghost!

Therefore, every morning when she wakes up, she will feel that her facial features have become beautiful. Because what she saw in the mirror was not her own face at all...

Twelve faces overlapped, all desperately pressing their skins towards the bag of desiccant. Lin Huai blinked and said, "Since you have withdrawn the complaint, then I will go first..."

"Don't be in a hurry, little brother." The woman said enthusiastically, "Doesn't your girlfriend want to buy a mask too? Do you want to ask her what she thinks of my mask, or..."

She pointed to her face and smiled: "Are you going to try it for her?" Lin Huai: ...

"Try it."

"Try it."

Countless faces looked at him resentfully, and at that moment, Lin Huai saw eleven women standing behind the women. Eleven women were drowned in water, wearing white dresses with their heads down, standing in front of Lin Huai soaking wet.

They gradually surrounded Lin Huai, their wet hands reaching out to him.

Lin Huai glanced at the courier box beside him - there happened to be twelve boxes of desiccant in the courier box, and one box was enough for one person's face.

He guessed that the correct way to clear the customs was this. However, Lin Huai didn't want to go the usual way. He saw these twelve women approaching him enthusiastically and trying to sell him products, feeling that he could not live up to their goodwill and must explain it to them in detail.

"Actually, I also do a lot of research on hydration, but I don't usually hydrate like this."

Lin Huai said, raised his fingers and pressed the temples on both sides. He looked at the women on both sides, grinned and said, "I usually..."


"Like now, tear off the skin and soak it in water overnight to replenish water."