Why is the NPC Frightened By Me Again [Infinite Stream]

v2 Chapter 85: Turns out I'm mentally ill

"Potential criminals?"

The unfamiliar term made him stop himself.

During his half-year human career, Lin Huai loves to learn the legal common sense necessary to survive in human society through moral observation, Fake talk films and other legal popularization programs, and to formulate effective cover up or escape plans for his possible future crimes... ...cough, this should be a warning to myself to restrain my emotions.

In those columns, he has seen the glamorous child bride who was an arsonist who robbed his family property, the ex-doctor who became a qigong master and a fraudster, and the pineapple-head dress that broke up with his hip boyfriend and gave a speech in Paris, France. Persecution... But the only thing he hasn't heard of is potential criminals.

He was in a very strange room. However, it would be extremely inappropriate to call it a room. The place is too small and too close for a room. A bed and a few books already occupy more than half of the room than Wang Feng's talent... In terms of size, it is more like a small cage than a room. The ceiling, the floor and one wall are sealed off with white soft cladding, while the other three sides...are floor-to-ceiling glass.

Lin Huai has seen rooms completely wrapped in soft bags in movies. They are soft, elastic, and resilient, and can effectively mitigate the impact of collisions, and are mostly used to imprison mental patients with strong aggressive or self-mutilating tendencies. The corset on Lin Huai's body and the collar on his neck also seemed to reveal to him the fact that "he is now a mentally ill person under severe surveillance". However, the three glass walls in front of me... are really confusing.

It's not like something used for ventilation and light transmission. Instead, it's more like a display column on a pedestrian street, a beautiful window on the Champs-Elysees, a display case that wraps the Mona Lisa's smile. Lin Huai in a corset, together with this white and pure background, is one of the most exquisite exhibits.

Through the glass, Lin Huai could see that near him, there were many small rooms that were exactly the same as where he was. Roughly, there were ten in total. In each room there was also a man like him, standing or sitting, wearing the same white straitjacket. They are tall or short, fat or thin, some are mature and stable middle-aged people, and some are children with swirls on their heads. Some are white men and some are black women.

Most of these prisoners were good-looking, with silver collars around their necks and a number marked on their bodies. In the small room, they each have, in addition to a bed, or fitness equipment, or painting tools, or a computer. Their faces were sluggish, or they were leaning against the treadmill, or their heads were bowed, and they were sitting by the easel, holding a paintbrush stained with lake blue paint in their hands.

They're not like humans, they're not like animals, they're like...

Furniture, or artwork, objects without soul, together form part of the picture.

...For some unknown reason, a chill appeared on Lin Huai's back.

The chill was so strong. It was better than a meeting with an evil spirit, better than dripping blood and shrill screams.

Numerous rooms are neatly arranged in a corridor. Many cameras on the walls of the corridor flashed red light, constantly patrolling, otherwise the light was dim. The luminous clock at the top reads "8:00". In addition, there seemed to be a metal plaque hanging by the wooden door deep in the corridor. Lin Huai narrowed his eyes and couldn't see what was written on it.

The end on the other side is covered by a red curtain, making it difficult to see the contents.

It was so quiet, so quiet... He could even hear his own breathing.

He was not in a hurry to speak, but looked around the small room for more clues about his situation.

In addition to himself, there is a small soft bed and many books and pictures in the room. Paper materials are scattered on the ground in disorder - if this statement is not clear enough, then this analogy can be used: if the game scene is set up by a dung beetle, then it is definitely not a Virgo, The dung beetle who can get out of the round shit.

He crouched down and picked up a red book from among the many documents.

"This one looks the most expensive..." he thought.

The hard-shelled cover of the book is swashed in English, gilded, and looks extravagantly capitalist. Its content is also quite capitalist, with only four words translated, and it reads: God loves the world.

'God created the world and taught them to be good. However, part of life has the genes of original sin... We punish sin with law and restrain sin with morality, but we have never thought of eliminating the existence of sin from human nature...'

"These are all things that don't make sense..." Lin Huai turned a few pages and lost interest. He did not have the obsessive-compulsive disorder and thirst for knowledge like some male protagonists with the surname Feng who read the whole book completely, but openly turned the book to the catalog page.

The book's table of contents divides the entire book into three parts. The first part talks about the importance of morality, the second part talks about the **** of the human mind over the body, and the third part talks about a perfect society where everyone has a high sense of morality .

After flipping through the little red book, he began to read other messy pictorials. The title of the pictorial is "New Entertainment Weekly", and it is published once a week. The latest one is marked with the time: 501 years of the new era.

In addition to reports on daily life and current technology, the pictorial also tells a long story about a man's heroic deeds. Reporters dubbed the man the "greenhouse light", claiming that "he illuminated like a beacon a darkened greenhouse long plagued by crime and murder, making it possible that crime and war would never happen again, and that the world of new humans would be free. haunted by crime and evil".

The appearance of the man in the photo really lives up to the name of "Light of the Greenhouse". He had emerald eyes that gleamed with wisdom. And on the top of his head, which symbolizes wisdom, he also has wise and soft brown medium-length hair...

"Doctor, wearing glasses, medical company, giving speeches... It's a collection of essential elements of an American TV villain, not to mention that he has such sparse hair, which shows that his doctorate must be real, at least a capable The mid-level boss who will die after five minutes of speaking..." Lin Huai squatted on the ground, rummaged through with unprecedented patience, and filtered out all the reports related to Dr. Lucier.

The first report came from a year ago. It was mentioned in the report that Dr. Lucier invented a brand new treatment method and claimed to be "healing" potential prisoners-that is, through genetic testing and other methods, he has been identified as a future prisoner since he was twelve years old, with strong criminally inclined humans.

Here, the newspaper divides a tofu block and details the origin of the definition of potential criminal.

It turned out that it is now the 501st year of the new calendar. Thousands of years ago, the world war broke out. Under the continuous nuclear attack, the world was reduced to a cold wasteland. Countless survivors mutated and died tragically under the influence of nuclear radiation.

In order to resist the cold weather and pervasive radiation outside, the surviving human beings used new technology to establish a huge city-state underground, which is managed by thirteen consuls, whose power decreases from the first consul to the thirteenth consul. . It's called "The Greenhouse" or, by fans of ancient mythology, "Utopia."

The date of completion of all "greenhouses" is set as the first year of the new calendar. After that, the ever-changing scientific and technological means have greatly improved the productivity of the "greenhouse". They set up a large number of solar energy recycling panels on the surface of the earth. Under the new technology, the solar energy recycling rate is as high as 90%. The great abundance of materials and the increasing development of science and technology have raised the living standard of the new human beings to an unprecedented height.

However, the struggle between human beings will not be reduced because of the lack of materials or the harsh environment, nor will it disappear because of the increase of materials and the improvement of the environment. Maybe it's because of the lack of sunlight, maybe it's because the blue sky and white clouds can only be seen from the electronic screen, maybe the inventors have made humans too full... They quickly united to build the underground world from the very beginning, and became slack , degenerate and "since you want to seek stimulation, then follow through to the end". With the increase of the threshold of excitement, movies, games, books... traditional entertainment methods are more and more difficult to stimulate their senses. Therefore, people begin to seek new stimulation and become more and more out of control. Greenhouses become—

Rice City, New York City, Gotham City.

The thirteen consuls of the greenhouse were very distressed by this phenomenon. They tried every means to punish the perpetrators, but the sparse population of the greenhouse could not stand the toss too much. At this time, the thirteenth consul, while reading ancient earth books, discovered the concept of born criminals.

In the ancient earth era, an Italian criminologist named Lombroso pointed out that there is such a criminal who has some innate characteristics or factors that are different from normal people in terms of physiology, psychology or physique. This determines that the crime of this kind of person is natural and inevitable, that is, a born criminal. After repeatedly studying crimes in greenhouses in recent years, they quickly and without evidence confirmed the conjecture, and concluded that genes and heredity did play a huge role in crime. What's more, after the implementation of the policy of heavy punishment for minor crimes, the establishment of a crime observation system that will make people a watch (*from the famous line of "poi", you are being watched, its Google translation is: you are being made into a watch) and potential criminals. After the determination of the system, the crime rate of greenhouses has indeed dropped significantly. Therefore, these systems are bundled together into a big gift package and implemented to all greenhouses...

After all, it really works!

"...It works! It's obvious that the consuls in the greenhouse era did not do chemical experiments, and they didn't even design a control group. What kind of independent variable experiment is this!!"

In the beginning, the classification of potential offenders only happened after they turned eighteen years old, but later, the technology was carried forward. Every child born in a greenhouse is screened at the age of twelve, including genetics, behavioral habits, and more. Children who pass the screening live as civilized people, while children who fail the screening and whose crime rate is too high are judged as potential criminals, put in a nursing home, and spend their time as alien, lonely and discriminated against. the second half of life. Of course, the greenhouses are still very kind, they just put this group of people in a mental hospital, but still provide them with food, and give them the illusion of being well cared for with unobstructed Internet and entertainment.

But where there is oppression, there is resistance. In addition to the moderates who constantly question the natural-born criminal theory, there are the most oppressed potential criminals. After all, they have never done anything bad when they were born, but they are forced to be imprisoned for a lifetime of misery on trumped-up charges, which is more severe than the women in some anti-heroine novels who are persecuted and paranoid before they have done anything. The heroine who robbed the golden finger and sold it to the brothel and died of flower willow disease was wronged... Two hundred years ago, led by a potential criminal who was imprisoned in a sanatorium, all the potential criminals set off a big rebellion that swept the entire greenhouse—— Eventually, they nearly lifted the ground and fled to the outside world.

It is a pity that their leader disappeared at a critical moment, and many potential criminals were arrested and brought to justice. This incident proved that they were indeed violent and cruel, and they were subjected to more tragic cleansing. In the face of this tragic scene, a reporter with a mission to attract attention ran out with a pen. He pointed out: "This tragedy is not a distortion of human nature, nor is it a loss of morality-because born criminals, they should not be human beings, right? We tolerantly let them live and give them food and clothing. That's good enough. They're essentially a pack of beasts, a pack of domestic animals!"

Although his speech was too extreme, it was recognized by many people. The so-called potential criminals thus lose their human rights. Before the age of twelve, they, like other children, ran freely, lived happily, and had the most beautiful yearning and brightest future. After the age of twelve, a light test list decided their fate. They were taken away from their families by the agency, imprisoned in dark cells, labeled as "potential criminals", and since then, they have become monsters who can't see the sun...

However, year by year, the number of potential prisoners has risen sharply, and the supply of nursing homes and medical centers for potential prisoners is in short supply. Therefore, some people shouted: "Why let this group of social scum occupy society's resources? Isn't it enough to just kill them all?"

But, of course, it's impossible to kill them directly. First, this is contrary to the "humanitarian" claim that the greenhouse is coming soon. Second, the **** killing is bound to bring a great backlash, causing the past to repeat itself... At this time, Dr. Lucier appeared.

He is not a psychologist, on the contrary, he is a Ph.D. in media studies and biology. He claims that he can treat potential prisoners so that they can integrate well into society and stop committing any violence. No one knows what the doctor, who is famous for studying Pavlov's dog, talked with the consul of the greenhouse. In a word, the consul of the greenhouse said that the largest sanatorium in the greenhouse, the Rama Sanatorium, will be used as an experimental base for Lucier. Carry out research to convert potential prisoners into normal human beings with normal rights as soon as possible and reduce the burden on nursing homes.

When he saw "Pavlov's dog", Lin Huai tapped his forehead.

"Pavlov's dog .

Thinking like this, he touched his hair and turned to the next page.

The second report came from half a year ago, and the headline content was unusually sensational - "He succeeded!".