Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1393: The blood of the Shangguan family

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Chapter 1393 The blood of the Shangguan family

When the sudden noise spread, the embers of the Beast Gate suddenly burst into flames like a chicken.

"Sovereign, long live..."

On the human side, the brows are frowning, and once again, they are vigilant.

How powerful is this Shangguan, down to the ground? Actually, I have not died yet.

The bottom of my heart is not shocked, it is absolutely deceptive.

However, so people do not have a little retreat, and some are more and more want to fight to kill.

Because they know that the Shangguan is not dead, the beast door will never be uprooted, and all these sacrifices and efforts will be in vain.

Never let this happen.

The partners around you, the sacrifice of your loved ones, absolutely must not be spent in this way.

"Brothers, what are you doing, killing..."



Under a roar, the whole man on the ground was killed, the weapons intersected, the blood was splashed, and the dim sky was almost completely reflected by the **** battlefield on the earth...

Nangong Yi, praying for the night, Situ, Meng Bai, Mu Xiu Ming, and even the Shangguan, who almost could not climb, was once again stirred up by the killing battle on this battlefield.

They may kill the strength of the Shangguan, but they can still peel off a layer of skin on the seriously injured Shangguan.

"Shangguan, how do you feel?" Situ Yu was near the Shangguan. He wiped his blood and looked at him and asked him.

Shangguan felt that his body had been shattered. The blood red under the corner of his mouth was stained with a piece of chest, but he didn't care about his lips and smiled. A strong sense of coldness rose from the bottom of his eyes. "Can't die!"

"If you can't die, then let's make some effort."

It was a depression that fell, and I saw that Situ’s body flashed at the fastest speed. The long sword Han Mang flashed through the **** battlefield, and the Shangguan, who was slowly standing up from the pit. .

On the other side, Nangongyi saw this, and the handsome and pale face raised a corner. When the silver light flashed, his figure disappeared into place.

"It's crazy!" Meng Bai hooked his lips and smiled.

"I am accompanying the end." The beautiful face that always prays for the night is also a slight smile. The ice in the eye is cooled and dyed with the general frost of Beichuan. The snake sword is pulled out, and the figure is followed by a phantom flash.

"This kind of benefit, how can I not have my share!" Mu Xiu Ming stirred up the moment of the element, and the figure also had an action very fast.

Five figures, five all-out attacks, from the four sides of the Shangguan.


The bones shattered in the strong Joe's voice, and the scorpion was uploaded from the bloodstained bureaucracy. At this time, his hair was draped, his head was low, and he could not see what happened to him at this time.

However, the attacks of Nangongyi and others have been unreserved.



Five attacks, all of which penetrated into the **** and broken body of the Shangguan, the blood spattered.

While Shangguan was drawing out the sword, the sword was once again swung out. This time, it was aimed at Shangguan’s neck.

Shangguan’s physique is special. I am afraid that the wounds on his body will be attacked by him, and he will not kill him. It would be better to cut his neck directly.


A muffled sound of a broken weapon.

At this moment, Shangguan’s face changed instantly.

I saw him cut the sword of the Shangguan, and it broke directly in the middle of the road. Then, a raging black smack hit him directly, and even gave him no chance to react. His body was once again hit. Out.


The faces of Nangongyi’s four people are suddenly white, and the subconscious wants to immediately evacuate from the Shangguan.

However, it is late!

The body is completely unable to move under the black vindictiveness. What is even more terrifying is that the spiritual vindictiveness in their bodies is being absorbed by him madly...

At this time, the Shangguan Temple slowly raised his head from the hair, and when his face was exposed to the public, he fell up.

I saw that at this time, the Shangguan was full of blood, and one eyelid was completely pierced into a big pit. The flesh of the cheek was also bloody, and the bridge of the nose was broken when it was hit by the landing pit. Aside, look like that, don’t be too shocked!

However, the Shangguane smiled.

"Ha ha ha..." 狰狞 smirked out loudly.

The story of this peak turn, it is really unbearable to get a touch of horror.

Is that Shangguanwei still a human being?

Why do you kill it and kill it!

When the laughter stopped, Shangguan squatted and looked up at the two figures in the air. "The deity is the undead. If you want to kill the deity, you are simply an idiot. You dare to force me to this, the deity." Use these of your partners to make sacrifices, and let this world be buried for what you have done."

After the words are finished, a wave of black temper is set off.

However, this time black vindictiveness is connected to the earth, an ancient and arrogant array of flashes from the ground.

At the moment when the formation appeared, the earth trembled.


The dark clouds between the heavens and the earth are getting denser and denser, and an unspeakable sense of oppression is forced to everyone on the earth.

Nangongyi and other people's faces were extremely pale, and their spiritual exhaustion was quickly lost. Breathing became more and more difficult. They wanted to resist, but they found that they could not move at all.

As for the Shangguan who was shot, this time, he almost felt that he could not hold it, and all the internal organs seemed to have been shattered.

However, looking at the situation of Nangongyi four people at this time, he almost bite his teeth, squatting and trying to get up from the ground; "put, let go of them..."

At this time!


Bai Qingshui, Gao Yu, Ling Xuan, and even Yun Lengyi and Yunxiao also, several figures rushed.


When I saw the Nangongyi and others who were wrapped in black vindictiveness, several people were cold in the eyes, and they thought that they would attack the Shangguan, who was stunned.


"I don't know the ignorant mortal who lives and dies."

"Puff puff……"

A few of the attacking figures were not close to the Shangguan, and they were directly shot and flew out.

But it is just the beginning.

I saw that after the clouds, white water and other people were shot and flew out, there were many figures coming quickly.

"We are coming too."

"I don't believe in Laozi. So many of us can't kill a Shangguan..."


The sword and the sword, attacking the upstairs bureaucracy.

However, for the Shangguan, it is like an ant, which does not pose any threat to him, nor can he prevent him from summoning him.

But those who come, but they are attacking the front-up bureaucrats.

A batch of one after another!

Together, tacit understanding, at this moment, everyone does not care about their own life and death, just want to remove the biggest cancer in front of them.

And such a scene is also very amazing.

In the air!

As the black light continues to drill, the dragon has become more and more information, and the spiritual power that was originally evacuated is gradually recovering.

But the dragon can't wait for it, and can't wait to absorb the light of those heavens, can't wait to digest the information in his mind, and he is not interested in awakening and turning into another person.

He only knows that at this time his companions are all at stake.

The other side of the cloud dance, the heart is also extremely anxious, but she still can not move.

Last time, Bai Lao was so awake that it didn't take so long. This time, why is it so long?



There was a shock on the ground, and the ancient summoning array was about to be completed. The Shangguan’s one-eyed flashed a touch of excitement.

It’s fast, it’s going to be fast, and it’s almost going to kill all the wicked and ignorant mortals!

The light of the array is becoming more and more obvious, and the ancient totem is also clearly flashed.

In a small moment, the array will take time to evacuate Nangongyi and others, and will be summoned out.

But at this time.


In the sky, a snoring sounded.

I saw that the dragon, which was still in the darkness, suddenly forcibly broke through the shrouded black light and went straight to the ground where the light became more and more obvious.

"Upper bureaucrat!" The dragon sorrows at this time is a golden color, and the body's breath is transformed into a dark darkness.

"The guy who doesn't scatter, but you don't want to stop it." Shangguan 冢 stared at the dragon that fell from the sky, his face was gloomy, and his body became more and more violent, speeding up the black vindictiveness of the battle.

The epee was out of the way, giving up the power of the whole body, and slashing toward the black formation.


As the thunder of the thunder, the sound of the sound resounded through the sky, and the aftermath of power spread.



Around the same time, the people who wanted to break through the peripheral protection of the array were also attacked. Under the strong aftershocks, they were almost shocked to vomit blood.

too strong.

Even if they add up thousands or tens of thousands of people, I am afraid that they are not opponents.

The dragon fell into evil and saw that the law was not broken. The face was very ugly. Especially when I saw the law, Nan Gongyi and others were already blue and white, and the light of the array was brighter and brighter. It is obvious that this battle will soon be formed.

But this time, the dragon is evil, even if it is a blood sacrifice, I am afraid that it will not be too late.

"Dragons are evil, use my blood to break the battle." At this time, Shangguan Yuqiang climbed up from the ground and shouted with a sigh of anger.

When Shangguan was in the process of starting the battle, he was again sent to fly out of the scope of the law, nothing more than because he was also the blood of the Shangguan family.

The Shangguan family, each generation, only has become the lord of the Beast Gate, and will have a special blood force. This is the law. He does not know how to form it.

However, Shangguan knows that he was originally the heir to the future of Wanshimen, and he also has a special power in his blood.

However, at first he did not want to be such a person, and he did not want to be a tool bound by fate, so he wanted to escape this so-called regular life.

But now, he is willing to accept and accept the so-called inheritance, the so-called fate.