Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 1438: Little baby

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Chapter 1438 Little Baby

Then the small passage has to let such a big child come out, the cloud dance is a mess, and at this time, the doctor is incomparably missed. If there is a doctor who can have surgery, it is good to take her out directly.

But everything is empty talk, the child is still crawling desperately, the cloud dance has no strength, the contraction of the uterus temporarily stops, the dark child has not yet come out, eagerly crying inside.

Yunwu is in a hurry and knows that if he goes on like this, I am afraid that this dark child will die directly in it!

"I must give birth to the child!" The cloud dance broke out instantly, and a low voice came out from the shackles. The sigh of relief gave birth, and the lower body forced again, and the contraction of the uterus recovered immediately, even because of the desperation of the cloud dance. More intense than the previous contraction.

The dark child first came out, and then the little body drilled out a little bit, until all came out, the cloud dance had no strength at all!

But it is only to have a child, even more tired than playing for a long time!

"Greatly..." When the dark child was born, there was no crying of the baby. Instead, she curiously looked around and yelled and laughed. The little body was still pulling a long umbilical cord.

The small potato saw this at the tip of the eye, and quickly flew up, flying two circles around the child's curiosity, and then slammed the child's umbilical cord.

Then, the little potato did not care about the child, and quickly took the cloud dance, carefully placed her in the hot springs.

Yunwu only felt that the body that was almost falling apart was wrapped up in warmth, and the other child in the stomach showed no signs of birth. After entering the hot spring, he began to absorb the light.

Is it necessary to have two children to have two births? This was the last thought of the cloud dance before falling asleep, and then completely slept.

The little potato had already been exhausted, but it was still strong and flew up. It looked like the newborn child had no problem, and flew a bright light from his forehead into his forehead, and added a layer of enchantment to the cave. I fell asleep on the edge of the hot spring.

Fairy world.

The turbulent water, the birds sing, the scent of the scent from the mountains, until the air dissipated.

The dragon swayed in a battle, pale and thin, and the black hair was scattered around, dancing with the pure energy fluctuations around.

White walls, white curtains flying around the bed, and around the dragon, five people sitting cross-legged, black and white, energy from their palms, the clothes are windless, and the energy of the circle is glowing. , slowly disappeared in front of the dragon.

They are forcibly cleaning the memory of the dragon.

The pure energy slowly flows into the body, but it is resisted by the instinct of the dragon.

The five people around me suddenly opened their eyes.

"I can't think of his willpower so powerful, it has been so long, and there is still consciousness." A white man frowned and looked at the closed dragon in front of him.

“No problem.” One of the highly respected people in the middle said: “The consciousness is only powerful, and we only have to do what we should do. He will always have a day of defeat.”

Others listened, nodded, and closed their eyes again, licking energy, so that the whole room was bathed in a warm and awkward.

As time went by, the dragon fell in love and finally felt that there seemed to be something in his mind that was slowly disappearing.

I seem to be forgetting what I am.

The dragon was thinking about it, suddenly, there was a ripple in his mind.


Then, the dragon fell into a deep sleep. The last bit of news is gone.

The five people around them finally vomited. They looked very serious and didn't leave without sitting around the dragon.

A man sighed: "Today's final is over."

Eliminating the memory of the dragon's evil spirits, they consume too much energy, and several people are exhausted, their faces are gray and defeated.

Suddenly, the dragon in front of him, the whole body trembled fiercely, and he clearly eliminated the memory, but suddenly it was like remembering something, his mouth moved, and the word "child" came out faintly!

"Children...children...little guys...children..." The dragon's evil spirits are repeated, and the eyebrows are full of pain.

The fierce tremor of the dragon's evil spirits is like the volcano that is about to erupt. The black energy of the whole body overflows and slowly surrounds him.

Several people were surprised to see their eyes.

However, for a moment, the dragon fell into a sudden and static, soft on the ground, no sound.

In the white room, there was silence and no one spoke.

"What is going on here?" The five people looked at each other.

Quietly lying in the middle of the house, the dragon poured evil, and the body radiated a faint energy, and for a long time, it slowly disappeared.

"I see, this kind of thing, still have to consult the elders."


In the hot springs, the steam is steaming, the smoke is smoky, and the steamed cloud dance's face is red and red.

The cloud dance was lying in the warm water, and the heat was pouring up. She couldn't help but close her eyes and burst into disillusionment, suddenly feeling tired as never before.

After the birth of this child, she felt that her body was almost torn. At this time, her body was full of feelings of collapse and pain, which made her unable to bear the heavy eyes. After a while, she fell asleep.

For a while, the cloud dance opened his eyes and looked up to see his children.

However, in the entire hot spring, I did not hear any children crying.

My heart is still strange, my child has been born, but why did not cry.

Get up in a hurry and hard.

At this time, the cloud dance suddenly saw, not far from in front of me, a chubby child, crawling up and down on the ground, the little hand patted on the ground, still crawling unsteadily, suddenly saw something on the ground, suddenly biting Take your own finger and sit down.

"Hey?" The little baby poked a poke on the left and suddenly giggled.

The little baby powder is tender and tender, very cute, and the small potatoes are squatting on their heads, sleeping sweetly, and shaking their wings from time to time, licking their mouths.

Yunwu looked at the little baby in front of him and suddenly couldn’t help but burst into laughter. The heart was soft. The little baby was very obedient and obedient. Suddenly, I felt that all the pain I suffered was in the moment I saw my child. Also resolved.

The laughter of the cloud dance disturbed the game of the little baby. The movement on her hand suddenly stopped, and suddenly turned her head. I was originally focused on what was on the ground, and the big eyes were screaming at this time. Looking at the cloud dance, squinting, seems to be thinking about something.

The cloud dance saw the little stone in the baby girl's hand and sighed, "Child, come over."

The little baby may not understand, she suddenly squinted her head and looked at the cloud dance with a puzzled expression.

The cloud dance is a little glimpse, this child, it looks really not like a newborn baby, it seems that it has been a few months old, where is the feeling of a newborn child, not only from the body or intelligence.

Yunwu sighed again, helplessly laughed, and his children, how can be very happy.

"Greatly..." In the mouth of the little baby, spit out an unclear discourse, which is vague and sounds very tender. Sitting on the opposite side of the cloud dance on the edge of the hot spring, watching the cloud dance for a long time, biting his fingers and thinking for a while, Suddenly sitting on the ground, open your hands. "Great!"

The tender voice line only makes a mouthful of sound, but the cute appearance has made Yunwu want to hold her in her arms.

She must recognize that I am her mother. Tears filled with tears, and the joy in my heart overflowed with words, and hurriedly reached out and wanted to hold the child over.

The small potato suddenly shook his body, as if he had made a dream, suddenly burst into the sky, and then slammed into the stone above, and then "plopped" and fell into the hot spring.

The little wings trembled, and this opened the watery eyes, looked confused, and stretched out his body and stretched out, watching the smile of the cloud dancing face, suddenly turned into a light, flying to The little baby, then the baby was brought to the arms of the cloud dance by the little potatoes.

Soaking in the warm spring water, the warmth of the hot air smoked the cheeks of the cloud dance red and red, the cloud dance bowed his head, watching the soft little body laughing in his arms.

"Child, my child..." The graceful smile on the pale face of the cloud dance.

The child's pink and tender little hand gently grabbed her arm, looked up, a pair of watery eyes blinked, then smiled at the cloud dance "giggle", and hugged the neck of the cloud dance, in the cloud dance The mouth smashed up.

The cloud dance, which was stunned, was helplessly grabbed the baby and hugged it in his arms. He watched the baby eating his hand in his arms, curiously looking at everything around him, and the tender skin seemed to blow. Broken, Yunwu couldn't help but stick out the poke of the little baby's face, like a cooked egg, full of elasticity.

Bowing down, the cloud dance is close to the little baby, lovingly smiling, touching the nose of the little baby with the tip of the nose, the little baby rubbing his eyes, the long eyelashes sweeping over the face of the cloud dance, itching.

Yunwu held back the smile, gently kissed the face of the baby, very cute, very soft, very cute.

This baby looks like a dragon, a beautiful, with evil spirits.

"It’s just like this when you are born. If you grow up, you will definitely look better than you." Yunwu’s heart is happy, but he thinks of the dragon’s evil spirits. The man who is with him at all times is obviously The child is born, but he is not around.

The heart of Yun Dance suddenly smoked, and he shook his head in a hurry, forcing himself to suppress these pessimistic thoughts.

"Children, I will definitely find you." Yunwu licked his lips and said firmly.

"Greatly..." The baby's voice came again, and a pair of small hands continually patted the hot springs on the surface of the water. From time to time, the sound of '啪' '啪' sounded, the water splashed and fell on the cloud dance. On the child's face, there was a burst of 'giggle' laughter.