Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 221: Longge's Dragon

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Chapter 221 Longge's Long Shao

Cloud dance frowned, and the hand was quite cold: "No need!"

This breath is enough to make people shun three feet.

"Miss, I..." The middle-aged man also made a special trip.

When the cloud dances, the face changes slightly, it is really unbearable bad breath. "I said no, roll!"

The middle-aged man's face froze, and then his face was a bit ugly: "When you get here, you dare to be so mad, when you have a loss!"

If you don’t come to Taiwan, throw a swearing word and leave.

For his words, the cloud dance was too lazy to take care of him, and secretly took a breath, as if he had survived from his bad breath.

However, if he really opens in front of her, the cloud dance may not help but directly kill his full mouthful of yellow teeth.

Although she didn't want to be too eye-catching, the saint couldn't stand his stench.


After sweeping his eyes, this dirty and messy "everything market", Yun Dance took a deep breath and walked in.

Most of the roadside stalls are arbitrarily paved with a rag, with a variety of things on the top.

If you don't know what to do, just seeing those things that are not classified, it is enough to see.

After the cloud dance entered the market, it was discovered that some people came alone, and some people had a way to lead them.

Maybe these people are a small group of middle-aged men who are specializing in new entrants or commissions.

After walking for a while, there is nothing to gain.

Until, the stalls of a ragged old woman caught the attention of the cloud dance.

The people who set up the stalls here, although the stalls are all indiscriminate, but the stall owners are still neatly dressed, only the old woman, a little stand out.

Cloud dance looked at the old woman's booth, no wonder her side door can be.

The rags of the stalls are not dirty, and even the things that are placed are glued to the soil, as if they had just dug out from which graveyard.

Just as Yun Yun casually looked at his eyes and was about to leave, there was a change in the chaos of the temple, as if he had sensed something.

Yun Dance originally valued this chaotic hall very much. Now that Chaos Temple has a strange shape, she immediately stopped.

It can make the chaos hall feel all the way, there should be good things.

The cloud dance looked around a few times, trying to find out what made the chaos hall change. When her eyes passed over the old woman's booth, there was a noticeable shock in the chaos hall!

It is the thing on the stall!

The cloud dance shines brightly, but it quickly converges to the stranger, suppresses the excitement of the heart, pretends to look casually, and walks slowly toward the old woman.

The old woman saw that there was finally a guest coming forward, and her expression was a little excited.

"Miss, what are you going to buy?"

Yun Dance bowed his head and looked at the booth carefully. He carefully sensed the reaction of the Chaos Temple and finally determined the target when he saw a thumb-sized, wrapped earthy thing.

However, the cloud dance did not go directly to the thing, but instead picked up a bracelet on the booth, which seemed to be very interesting to play.

The bracelet is also the only clean thing on the booth. The pattern is repeated and inlaid with a lot of gems. It looks quite expensive.

"How much does this thing cost?"

The old woman saw the cloud dance picking up the bracelet, which seemed disappointing, but she still vigorously promoted it.

"Miss, these things are ancestral, and this bracelet has defensive capabilities and is a good self-protection."

"Defense ability?"

The cloud dance bracelet has been turned over and over again, and it is a bit novel. She has heard that someone can do these things, but they have never seen them.

"How much do you say, I look very good, it is not bad to buy and play."

The old woman heard the words, her eyes subconsciously swept the cloud dance and glanced at her, ordinary looks and awkward costumes.

In this way, can she have money on her body?

However, after taking a month, this is the first guest to come to the door, and immediately corrects his attitude.

"Miss, you really have a vision, just this number." The old woman stretched out a hand and made a "five."

Cloud dance raised eyebrows: "Five hundred?"

The old woman was black.

"Five thousand!"

The clouds danced, and some of them looked at the other things on the booth.

"Then you have to send something more."

Saying, Yun Wu picked up a pair of earrings at the booth, and the thing that made the Chaos Temple a strange thing.

"Let's just do it."

When the cloud dance picked up the earrings, the old woman didn't react much, but after she picked up the strip filled with dirt, the old woman's face was not so good.

"Miss, I don't really sell these things, or else, this earrings will send you, okay?"

Cloud dance at first glance knows that this old woman also knows that the thing is precious, but she is also sure to get the thing.

"The earrings are all sent, why don't you know what it is?"

Cloud dance is not too dirty to throw the mysterious items in your hands, it is indeed a manifestation of inappropriate things.

"Miss, it seems that you are not really ignorant, why bother me an old man?"

Cloud Dance understands that it is difficult to get away with it. Simply say, "That's good, you open a price, I buy."

The old woman had some heartbeats. She just wanted to speak, but she swallowed her words back, as if there was any scruples.

Yunwu said: "Do you not sell anything you put out?"

If it is not for the early warning that there is an annoying law enforcement team in the "All Things Market", then the mysterious object can make the Chaos Temple react, she is robbing and stealing!

"Fifty thousand, the bracelet will be given to the lady."

Cloud dance eyes and eyes, a burst of guilty heart, 500,000, how not to steal money!

Even if there is a lot of gold and silver jewels in her space, even if she is 500,000, she can come out, but she can't take it out of space in public.

What's more, this old woman is obviously asking her for a price.

The old woman saw this and said slowly: "If the young lady doesn't want to buy, buy a bracelet, four thousand for you."

The cloud dance heard the words, and the glimmer of the eyes flashed. I suddenly understood that the old woman did not want to sell the mysterious items to her!

At this time, the middle-aged man who was driven away by the cloud dance did not know when it appeared behind her.

"Look and understand, I want to play in the market of all things, who dares to sell you real things?"

Cloud dance overturned his head and glanced at him. "It doesn't seem to matter to you? If nothing, roll."

The middle-aged man was angry, rolled up his sleeves and pointed at the cloud dance nose and said: "Well, you are a stinky girl. You really don't know who I am. I won't give you a lesson today. I still need to be here. Mixed!"

When his voice just fell, he waved his fist and wanted to give the cloud dance a while!

The cloud dance face was cold, and the murderous air was brushed from the bottom of the eye.

However, I haven't waited for the cloud dance to have an action!

A slightly thick voice of the big voice came; "Who dares to make trouble in the market of all things?"

Immediately, I saw three men dressed in uniform black clothes, but some obese and sulky, came over from another street.

When the pedestrians at the street saw the three people, they saw it like a sly god, and they quickly avoided it.

The middle-aged man saw the coming man, the original fierce expression, and immediately put on a face that flattered his flattery and greeted him: "Adult, you come exactly, that is the stinky girl, she wants to break the rules of our market." ""

Reaching for the cloud dance.

The leading obese man, who first looked up and down on the cloud dance, seemed to be determining her identity.

But at this time, the cloud dance was covered in a thick coat, and it looked ordinary. In their eyes, there was no price, and it was a whole soft persimmon.

The leading obese man stepped forward and almost surpassed the head of the cloud dance. He looked down at the cloud dance with arrogance. "Is it your destruction rule?"

Cloud dance listened to my heart and smiled coldly.

This is the law enforcement team of the "everything market"?

It is also really amazing, this law enforcement team has united this group of rogue three slaughter guests, no wonder this market, it will be such a look.

I really don't know whether to despise the owner of this market, or sympathy.

Seeing that the cloud dance is not snoring, the face is not given, the obese man is a little angry.

"Since it’s a bad girl, you will learn a lesson. Otherwise, you really don’t know who the site is! Dare to come here to wild.”

After the lead fat man finished, the explorer was going to catch the cloud dance.

Cloud dance has long seen the strength of the other side, a guy who is less than the fourth-order, with her level of the seventh-order mid-term, can not be solved with much effort.

Just, but at this time!

Haven't waited for the cloud dance to start, a strange and powerful atmosphere, suddenly came from somewhere, blink of an eye, and saw the leading fat man flew directly out.

Brushed past.

A lot of stalls were found along the way, causing the stall owners around them to scream and scream, and all the precious items were smashed and screamed.

Yunwu looked at the past in the direction of the breath.

I saw, a tall and tall figure standing on the roof not far away, a black suit swinging with the wind, with a half-faced ghost mask on his face.

The mysterious and strange lines were engraved on the mask with white gold color, and a few rubies sparkled with radiance, and the man was set off with more evil spirits.

This man, the feeling of cloud dance is a word, cold.

Whether it's the golden enamel under his mask, the handsome half face with no expression fluctuations, or the breath that he exudes from his body.

It makes people feel that his cold image is carved from the ice of the extremely cold land.

Just standing face to face with him, you can feel the chill of deep into the heart.

Long less?

Dragon evil?

Regardless of the identity, the two faces of the man are each one of the best.

After seeing him appear, the people around him even brushed down.

This scene can make the cloud dance a little surprised.

what happened?

Why did the man feel like the emperor drove?