Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 273: : Oya Komai

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Chapter 273: My Little Dance

"Small things, the husband has not promised to let you take the five poisonous stones out to save the Nangongyi."

There were no ones in the world. The dragon stalked the clouds and hugged the clouds in his arms. He looked down at her eyes. The sinister scorpions were clearly filled with the four characters "Seeing Death and Not Saving."

Just thinking about this cloud dance, my thoughts are slowing back, and I look up at the men in front of me.

I asked one sentence: "Things have been given to me. Do you still want to go back?"

"The things that are given to you, naturally, will not go back. But, if you are small, you dare to take the things that you have given to you for other men. You don't have to wait for the antidote to save your life. He is on the west."

Although the face of the dragon has not yet been changed, the natural domineering that emerges from the bones and the evils that do not put anyone's things in the eyes are still revealed.

"Since things have been given to me, it is mine, the decision is in my hands, OK, don't make trouble, I have counted in my heart." Saying, Yun Dance wanted to pull his hand back from his hand.

The dragon is naturally afraid to let go.

However, it is at this time.

The house where Nangongyi lived suddenly heard a rush of fighting.

The action of the cloud dance and the dragon's tacit understanding of the pull-down, looked at each other and quickly rushed to the Nangongyi residence.

When the two arrived, the courtyard was already a mess. Several guards fought together with a black masked man, and everyone with a clear eye could see that the masked man with more than one enemy had the upper hand.

At the moment, Nangongyi was supported by the guards. Because he had white veil, he couldn't see him all face, but he felt vaguely sighed and seemed to be weak.

I don't know if it was poisonous or was injured.

"Let the two laugh."

Nangong Yi saw them two, some weak smiles. "I have been like this since poisoning. It is really useless."

After the cloud dance looked at him, he did not like him. He just looked at the battle circle and carefully observed the number of shots and tactics of the black man.

In addition to the suppression of strength in an enemy, there are still many things to be aware of.

Unless the person who is alone is already having the cost of directly crushing others.

And this masked black man obviously does not have these.

Just when the cloud dance was carefully observed, Nangong Yi suddenly made a request to the dragon to ward off.

"Dragon Four Brothers, I don't know, can you let me help those guards?"

Dragons and evil spirits smiled and looked at Nangong Yi, and the eyes clearly contained deterrence.

"Nan Gong Gongzi, your bodyguards are all good ones, and they can't cope with them. I am going, isn't it to die?"

Nangongyi seems to have expected the attitude of dragons and evil spirits. He said: "The small five is as strong as I am. I am more confident about the person who is her brother. I must have paid for the Warcraft Forest this time. You have already taken it, then Just protect me."

Between the two, it seems that they are talking very normal.

However, somehow, there is always a temptation that others cannot understand.

Yun Wu was not interested in the temptation between the two of them, but the dragon smashed the end and played the black masked man, she was very happy to see.

Only by observing actual combat can she get more ways to confront her.

The dragon sorcerer perceives the gaze of the cloud dance, and asks with a slap in the face: "I want to see Xiaowu?"

Yunwu nodded with a stiff expression.

"Since Xiao Wu wants to see it, then I will go and play with him."

The words of the dragon dumping evil are clearly understood. He shot, but to make the cloud dance happy.

At the end, I did not put Nangong Yi in my eyes.

Is this arrogant?


"Who do you think you are, you dare to talk to the son like this!" And his attitude, how to protect the guards around Nangongyi can endure, the face is ugly and almost will face him on the spot.

"Okay, don't say too much." Nangong Yi raised his hand to stop the guard, the pale face under the white veil, and the smile faded.

He intended to try this dragon four to see if he had any details.

This person's acting style is really too similar to someone in his impression.

Next, it is time to see his strength.

Dragons and evil spirits will not know the calculations in Nangong Yixin. He looks at the guards who are fighting together and the black masked man. His mouth is slightly raised and he is dyed with a trace of cruel sneer.

Since he wants to test, he will let Nangong Yi look at some interesting things.

The dragon sorrows and sorrows go to the battle circle, but every step makes people feel that his momentum is getting stronger and stronger.

Everyone has discovered that as the dragons move toward the past, even the air is filled with invisible depression.

The black man quickly noticed the existence of the dragon's evil spirits. He flew two guards and seemed to be unwilling to confront the dragon.

However, how can dragons and evils make him wish?

The broad palms are one by one, and a wide-bladed epee appears in the palm of the dragon.

The sword was covered with strange lines and the pattern of the material and the hilt. It seemed that the sword that was given to the cloud dance by the dragon was just a pair.

And this is also the cloud dance, the first time I saw that he really took out all the weapons.

When I saw that the sword seemed to be a pair with her, the heart actually passed a trace of the same.

At that time, there were no guards standing still in the black man's side. After the pressure was light, the black man's suffocation was also enough.

He proudly said to the dragon: "You don't want to do anything, this is something between me and Nangongyi!"

It is said that the dragon's evil spirits only deepen the smile of the mouth. He is not a kind of grudge that will take care of them.

"Who said that I want to take care of you and Nangongyi?"

The black man said: "So, are you not planning to intervene?"

The dragon sorrows slightly closes his eyes. When the black man thinks about what he is going to do, he suddenly looks at him with a glance, and the **** color of the scorpion is swept over the silk.

Even the wide-bladed epee in the hands of the dragon's evil spirits, along with his changes, showed a trace of blood in the lines.

The dragon sinister smiles and angers, and raises his hand to point the sword at the black man. "My little dance depends on how I clean up you, then I will clean up and show it to her."

When the black man feels the inexplicable change in the air, his heart trembles. It seems that he did not expect the man’s breath to be so strong.

However, he was obsessed with his efforts to show another boy, which was simply a shame.

However, the black man is not stupid, his feet move, he shoots quickly, and he wants to take the lead.

But it is still a slow step.

In the middle of the wide blade, the air was cut through the air, and the sharp whistle was cut down toward the black man.

In this short moment, the **** lines on the epee are like the vines that are full of vitality, and quickly climb the entire blade.

Even the imposing manner of the dragon's own evil spirits began to surprise people to some tremors. What is even more bizarre is that people can't see through the height of his specific strength.

This is the most terrifying thing.

"To clean up, I have to see if you have this ability!"

Black people are not so humiliated, fighting the whole body, especially in the hands of weapons, but also covered with a layer of nearly liquid energy.

It can mobilize the body's power to such a degree, and the energy is so refined and thick.

The cloud dance outside the stadium saw this step and was somewhat surprised.

The dragon smashed evil and no longer played with the other side, the epee fell, and the air was pulled out of a crack.

The epee and the other weapon slammed the thunderous bang, and the hard-pressed ones pressed their bodies down.

However, the masked black man is obviously a hard bone, but under the power of the dragon, he still struggled to push back his strength.

"Interesting." The dragon's eyes turned to the masked black man's eyes, and finally no longer only scorn, but with a bit of interest.

Although the dragon sorrow does not really use all the power, but the person who can work with himself in this situation can make him have some fun.

Quiet outside the cabin, there is no wind.

The clothes on the dragon's body are twitching, like a windless automatic.

Nangongyi looked at the dragons who were confronted with the black people, and the two wise men in the white gauze were both stunned and passed a trace of doubt.

The breath is wrong!

Does he really want more, this dragon four, is not the person he thought?

However, there are not many people who can make him invisible. Is there really no connection between these two people? still is……

The masked black man knows that this is a hard idea that touches the hand, and the heart is retired.

"Who are you in the end? Why do you want to help Nangong Yi and I do it?"

The dragon screamed and laughed, and the expression was full of cold arrogance.

"Who said that I am helping Nangong Yi, is your ear smashed? It is my little dance to see, I will shoot."

What is meant by him, what is Nangong Yi’s calculation for him?

I don’t know if it’s a dragon-faced evil. I have a masked black man who likes it. The other side smiles. At the juncture of fighting each other, I can also laugh at the dragon.

"Good boy, if the trick is not dead today, drink the same day!"

The response to the dragon's evil spirits is to whisper and replied: "I can drink it myself, you can forget it."

When the voice just fell, the dragon fell into the upper body and suddenly went forward. The whole portrait was a bow and arrow that was pushed out and greeted the other side straight.

Just when the masked black man was strictly guarded against the frontal attack, the dragon's body shape was strangely in the middle of the road, suddenly at a right angle of ninety degrees, straight up and straight up.

Although Yun Dance was originally in the Warcraft Forest, I have seen the dragon dumping evil shots. However, I have never seen such a skill in today’s dragons and evil spirits. Now I am a little surprised.

The epee wrapped in strong strength fell straight from the air, and the masked black man wanted to move away, but he was horrified to find that his figure was fixed!

Yunwu looked at the masked black man who was not bound by the body, but seemed to be struggling in the same place, realizing that it was necessary to use the means of dragons and evils, so that he could not escape the attack.