Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 34: Stealing treasure house

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Chapter 034 Stealing Treasures

It can be seen that the words of the dragon dumping evil can really provoke the anger of the strong man, and he will use the success of the eight.

Extremely fast, recruits are trying to take his life.

The dragon's evil spirits are not in chaos, and the evil spirits of the mouth are still laughing.

However, just when the old man was very angry and was completely provoked, the dragon fell into evil and finally appeared in an "unbeatable" situation, and the body began to volley away from other places.

"Want to escape? Hey, the palace is where you want to come, want to go and leave? Leave the old man to leave..." The old man was cold and stunned, his feet moved, and he went to the dragon to chase away.

A pair, do not destroy the thief does not stop.

This movement naturally attracted the movement of the palace guards. For a time, the entire palace was caught in a state of alert.

Instead, this treasure house is completely quiet.

Crouching on the second floor of the cloud dance, naturally seeing the scene just in sight.

Maybe others didn't know, but she clearly noticed that the man had a fascinating eye in her direction before the "invincible" evacuation.

He is the guardian who led her to the treasure house?

If you don’t feel it in your heart, it’s definitely fake.

However, at this time, she did not give her extra time to think more.

He actually won time for her, then she quickly took the opportunity to get what she wanted.

This treasure house, as she expected, even the windows are made of steel, and I want to enter, it seems only from the main entrance.

Fortunately, before the arrival, the cloud dance has already been prepared.

Put the homemade strong corrosion powder down a circle on the window of the window that was sealed.

Soon, I saw that the steel was corroded and there was a gap enough for her petite body to get in.

"Friend, am I here?"

I saw that from the high wall behind it, a long ladder tower came up, and a dragon in black vested yarn climbed up from the ladder.

Seeing the man who climbed up, Yun Dance’s mouth was pumping, his hands clenched and clenched, and he resisted the urge to reach out and kill him.

Damn guy, here is the treasure house of the palace. Is he really his backyard?

At this time, I still came to give her a mess?

"Friends, I just deliberately ran to the emperor's harem and put a big fire. At this time, the palace must be in chaos. We can safely come to steal treasure." Long San said very happy, even if it was separated by black crepe. I can also see his white teeth.

Hearing the words, the cloud dances.

He just didn't come over, was he running to set fire?

"Don't you let me go back?"

"Back, isn't it going to set fire?"

Cloud dance suddenly speechless.

Sometimes, she really felt that it was right or wrong at the beginning.

Didn't talk to him more, the petite figure of the cloud dance, got into it from that gap.

That gap, she deliberately made the size of her body shape.

In this way, Long San should not be able to follow up?

The cloud dance did not go to see it, because after entering the window, it was flashed to the eye by the golden gold and silver treasures around it.

A box of gold, silver ingots, jewelry, gold leaves...

Looking around a circle, this second floor said that there are also hundreds of square meters of large space, even filled.

"Wow, a lot of jewelry gold."

Behind him, suddenly there was a crying voice of the dragon.

The cloud dance turned and found that Long San had already got in from the half-height window, and the gap she had just made was obviously much larger than just.

what happened?

The clouds danced cold and the brows smashed.

She is a killer, and her alertness is definitely many times higher than that of an ordinary person. But she didn't even hear it. Is he really so weak and harmless to his face?

The dragon three shivered slightly, and under the cloud dance line, he asked her hand to hand her things, but the voice was very imposing. "You, you just fell in front of me, I learned you... Don't be angry, I, I won't be in the future."

She is a small bottle of corrosive powder.

But she remembered that she was put in her pocket. Did she accidentally get rid of it?

Yunwu smashed her eyebrows and looked at Noon's look at her dragon three, not talking about anything.

Put the bottle away and turn to walk up the stairs on the upper level of the treasure house.

The first two floors should be secular gold and silver jewels, the third layer of things, some precious herbs, and many rare herbs.

It should be at this level, should it be?

"Friend, are you angry with me? I promise that I won't lick your things again in the future. I will tell you when I get it. Can you not be angry with me..."

"If you don't shut up, I will sew your mouth." The cloud dance whispered.

"As long as my friends are not angry with me, I am willing to pout up and let you sew." The dog's legs are flattering.

Yunwu suddenly laughed and laughed.

But then, the cloud dance quickly searched around, because I don’t know how long the dragon can drag the guardian, and must leave before being discovered. Otherwise, she will not be able to fight the old man with her current strength. .

You can find every corner of the third floor, there is no such thing as a dragon flower!

Fourth floor!

As soon as Yun Yun stepped on the fourth floor, he was stunned by the dense books he had in front of him.

Obviously, this is absolutely no life.

But holding Ning's feeling of killing and letting go, the fast fourth floor space circled around.

However, I found a strange problem. These books are just some general history records, with some ordinary cultivation teaching and cultivation experience.

It is reasonable to say that the more you go to the upper level, the more precious it is to place things.

These books are not put into the usual library of books? Why put it in the treasure house?

However, just as the cloud dance bypassed the vignetting corner, the corner of the eye suddenly swept over a bookcase in the corner.

After a footstep, my eyes narrowed.

I saw that on the corner shelf, there was a set of cover-like books on the dragon roll.

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, it is just a very common picture.

But for the cloud dance, it is too special, but it is the pattern that I feel most familiar with after her two generations.

"The history of the mainland history?"

Cloud Dance grabbed the dusty book and swept a few eyes. It was a very common title, and it was a very common thing to open it.

However, somehow, when she picked up the book, she vaguely felt that there was a wave of dragons in the chaos of the sea.

It is a pity that she can't get in touch with the Chaos Temple now. Otherwise, she must know what it is.

However, it doesn't matter if you don't know it now.

Yunwu gave the book a good harvest, and when she was about to turn around, she was shocked by the dragon three behind her.

"Damn, why are you standing behind me without a word?" The low anger screamed.

"I want to tell you, I found the treasure, I want to show it to you." Long San said in an innocent way.

"Treasure?" Cloud dance raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you see." Long San said, like a treasure, handed a wooden box to her.

Cloud Dance will open the wooden box and find that it is actually a white silver bracelet with seven gems of different colors. It looks good.

However, there are a lot of gold and silver jewels on the first and second floors. There are many different kinds of precious bracelets. What kind of treasure is such a silver bracelet?

Perhaps understand the thought of the cloud dance, Long San took the bracelet out of the wooden box, grabbed the right hand of the cloud dance, and put the bracelet on.

In the next second, the cloud dance eyes flashed a stun.

Because, just the moment the bracelet was brought to her wrist, it was spiritually intimate, and it narrowed down on her wrist.

Immediately, a flash of color flashed, and the bracelet disappeared out of thin air.


Yunwu was surprised to see his slick wrist, could not help but reach out and touched it on his wrist, but he did not touch anything.

"What is going on here? Bracelet?"

"It's on your wrist. This is a very rare space bracelet. It has a special spirituality. When you put your hand on it, you will follow you all your life. As long as you think about it, it will appear."

Long San smiled as if he had given this treasure to her, he was very happy.

Cloud dance is not able to guess his mentality.

However, according to what he said, I experimented. As she thought about it, the bracelet that had just disappeared really appeared on her wrist again, and her mind was moving again and it was strange and disappeared.

As if, these are moving with her mind.

"Friends, you go in and see if the space is big. This space bracelet can follow your mind and put the things you want freely." Long San was interjecting.


Cloud dance is inexplicably somewhat heart-warming, so that is not...

The cloud dance did not hesitate. At the moment, the mind was moved. When the bracelet appeared, the consciousness moved and suddenly entered the bracelet space.

But soon, she was once again shocked by the scenes in the space.

The bracelet space, as the name suggests, is a space to carry around.

However, Yunwu did not think of it. As soon as he entered, the space he saw was a space that was divided into seven colors. Each space was less than a hundred square meters.

This distinguishes seven spaces, so there are at least seven hundred square meters.

Then she would be more than enough if she wanted to get rid of the whole treasure house.

For the first time to contact such a space cloud dance, I felt excited and excited.

"This treasure, where did you find it?" Yun Dance took consciousness out of space and looked at Long San with a gaze.

The dragon three pointed to the other side of the wall, the dark space that had been turned over by him.

I found two small books in the little dark, and the cloud dance took a look; "The secret of the beast? The royal heart?"

This fourth floor has made such a large number, is it just to hide this?

For the cloud dance that has seen the ability of the Millennium Summoner, this secret of the animal is really disdainful in her eyes, and the Royal Heart seems to be okay.

Since let her see, no matter whether it is useful or not in the future, it will be collected together. Anyway, just got such a huge space, there is no such thing as a bottom, it really feels too wasteful.

However, Yun Dance did not know that she had thrown into the two books at the bottom of the space, but let countless people break their heads, and they took the big price to get it.