Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 728: Give you a ride

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Chapter 728 gives you a ride

There was a dull cold arc on the face of Yunwu. The black arrogant was still silent, but stood quietly in front of the cloud dance.

That group of fog has also become much thinner, obviously has just consumed a lot.

What did the old man do?

In a short period of time, the strength has increased so much, even if the attack of the black arrogant can also resist consumption?

What is black arrogance, she is not very clear, but she understands that it is not simple.

This **** old man!

On the other hand, the dragon sorrowful at this time has no time to take care of the other, staring at the body of Yunfu, who escaped the corpse of the millipede, and then sighed, and devoted himself to the place where the acupuncture points were broken.

What makes him more concerned is that after the body's originally exhausted power has been overdrawn and cleaned again and again, there seems to be signs of a surge.

Is it because it is going to be advanced soon?

However, if this time breaks, it is really not the time.

"Useless waste!" The rudder looked at the millipede under his body and sighed with a gloomy face.

The wounds made by Yun Dance are deep and more serious than before. If he spends more time to heal this guy, he would rather solve it himself.

The main rudder snorted and slammed down from the back of the millipede. He glanced back at the body of the millipede that was twitching, and the eyes that had become sunken, and the heart was angry and hateful.

This millipede, but how much energy did he spend to tame?

Today, I have let this little girl film kill and kill, I can not be angry and not angry!

"Old man, it seems that your things are not good."

Cloud dance sneer, but in the dark, constantly inhale and squat under the chest, for fear that one will accidentally spit out the blood, and the last breath of the body will be gone.

"Hey! The old man will let you know the price of no honor today!"

The main face of the ridiculous rudder was distorted and changed. Suddenly, the huge force contained in the hand separated the weeds around the half man.

"Brush!" 哗 哗 的 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 划 ,

The cloud dance pupil shrinks for a while, just like the size of the needle tip, and the body quickly recedes.

Black arrogant, the scarlet scorpion stunned, the black fog stunned, and took the initiative to meet the rudder master, silently the same overdraft of strength, hard to resist this blow.

"Boom!" A strange power fluctuation suddenly spread.

The two forces, which are almost rivals, did not give up, and they shook a huge aftermath, forcing the cloud dance that had just stood firm and took two steps back.

I only felt a pain in my chest, and my throat was sweet, and I was swallowed by the blood.

Looking up at the black fog that has almost disappeared, he sighed and said: "Black arrogant, come back!"

Black arrogant seems to have been unable to hold it anymore. After hearing the words, he returned to the cloud dance body and quietly healed.

--how does it feel? Do you want to be tight?

- Nothing, fix it, but you have to be careful, the power he gets is unusual...


What do you mean?

The cloud dance was still going to ask, but the voice of black arrogant sank.

"Without your friends to help you, when can you hold on?"

The rudder master originally wanted to chase twice again, and completely smashed the strange black mist, but suddenly it was empty, leaving only the crumbling cloud dance, slightly calming the mind, disdain.

"This is not necessary for you to control, worrying that you are the most important." The attitude of Yun Dance is still tough, watching the eyes of the rudder is also full of pity.

"You said that you are a young man, and it’s sad to be so embarrassed by my arrogant juniors now!"

The rudder main face suddenly burst into a white, white stare at the cloud dance, low opening: "I did not expect a dead person, the mouth is quite good, good, the old man took your dog today to wash this shame!"

It is just a gust of wind, it seems that it is expected that the cloud dance can never hide, but it is no longer the next move.

This stinky old man will die on his own arrogance.

The cloud dance sneered, and the fire that had been extinguished on the ancient sword was suddenly re-steamed.

The scorching flames gather together to devour the power of the main rudder, while the cloud dance squats in this gap, pinching a red-red pill from the dark cuffs at the cuffs and swallowing it.

The dragon dumping evil that is breaking through the sealed acupuncture points just saw this scene, and the eyes were cold and full of anger.

That idiot! Did you actually use that medicine?

Not yet divided the rudder master to make the next move, the momentum of the cloud dance suddenly skyrocketed, and a sweeping pressure hit him, it is absolute power suppression!

The rudder master looked up and raised his eyes in an incredible way.


I saw the cloud dance at this time, the figure floated in the air, the broken clothes and long hair without wind, and the eyes were smudged into scarlet, and he was like a prey stared by the demon.

"Old man, you said that if you are dead, will those people sing praises for your merits?"

The rudder main body is chilly, and the stiff look up looks like the cloud dance is cold and cold, but the whole body is not moving, it can only be mermaid.

He does not want to die! Don't want to!

Seeing the rudder master did not talk, the cloud dance sneered, reaching out and extending the five fingers, the palm of the hand is facing the rudder master, an invisible force gathers in her palm, blending with the power that will suddenly bind the rudder master. In the air, an invisible connection is formed.

"Look at you a lot of age, it is estimated that you should live enough!"

The sound of the clouds and dances floated from the air and passed to the ears of the rudder. It sounded more like a general faraway from him.

All of them were wrapped in an invisible force, unable to move, and for the first time in the eyes of the rudder, there was a near-desperate horror.

He wanted to speak, but he found that even the sound could not be heard.

"If that's the case, then I will send you a ride."

Cloud dance sneered, the five fingers gradually closed, not far from the opposite side of the rudder, the body is really like being held, the extrusion is not shaped.

"Oh..." The sound of the crisp bones broke, and the old eyes were full of blood, but they couldn’t make a sound with a big mouth open.

Do not……

The face of Yun Dance suddenly became white, and the body in the air shook slightly, slowing down for a while, but actually coughed up a blood.

There is not much time left for her, and it must be resolved as soon as possible.

Thinking this way, and then looking up at the rudder master who has been physically distorted, the eyes are full of bloodthirsty killings.

The five fingers slowly grasped again, but if you look carefully, you can see that her hand is shaking slightly.