Wings of Hung Chien

Chapter 62: 62

When the ox cart stopped at Xiaoli Mountain and left the men's houses and the little husband's, Aunt Li and Si Hongcang went their separate ways.

In the morning mist, the street market was very lively. The country girl carrying the burden, the aunt with the basket, the young son-in-law with the basket and the baby, the husband's family, and others like Yun Ruo and Zheng Qinger whispered. Country boys who keep pointing, a thriving market scene.

On both sides of the cramped street, there is a narrow alley every other section. At the end of the eyes, or at the corner of the fence, or on the other side of the river, there are urchins running out from time to time in the alley, laughing and drilling in the street. Go, run frolic among the crowd.

Yun Ruo and Zheng Qing'er also joined the crowd. The cloth shoes of Melaleuca stepped leisurely on the bluestone ground, silently. They were in the hustle and bustle of the street, but there was a feeling of tranquility and tranquility in their hearts.

Looking at the shops on both sides in turn, there are stalls selling fried dough sticks and steamed buns that emit an attractive aroma, while others make the little baby stagnate. Some people at the door of the tofu shop exchange beans for tofu, and the aroma from the sesame oil shop is the strongest. There is a smell of fried peanuts and oil cakes, and the shop selling daily groceries is bustling with people, and the business is most prosperous.

Suddenly, I saw a large door at the door of the shop in front. It was covered with rough silk flowers, silver bracelets and various hairpin rings. As well as all kinds of gorgeous and tacky powder boxes, small wooden combs, grate and other cosmetic items, Zheng Qinger, Li Mingrou, Du Juan and Zhaomei immediately stopped and stepped forward to pick and look.

Yun Ruo glanced at it, but was not very interested. In order to wait for them, she turned her eyes elsewhere. Seeing that there was a cloth shop next door, she was about to go in and have a look. Suddenly felt a hand holding his own, and Si Hongcang's familiar and gentle voice came from his ear, "Do you want to go to the cloth village to see the cloth?"

Yun Ruo looked up at her, saw her smilingly looking at her tenderly, her hand was tightly held by her, but there was distress in her eyes, and she suddenly understood. I thought: Sister Si Hong saw that other boys were picking out the accessories that boys liked, but she didn't look interested. Maybe she thought she had an ugly face on her sad face, so she tabooed those... .

Yun Ruo's heart was clear, and she felt deeply relieved, so she smiled and said to her, "I'll go pick a comb, buy a wooden hairpin, and then let Zhaomei teach me a simple way to brush my hair, and pull the braids in hot weather. Get up and cool down."

Si Hongcang listened and smiled, "If you like Zhao Meiwan's hairstyle, after you learn from him, teach me, and I will help you comb your hair in the future."

"!..." Yun Ruo looked at Si Hongcang blankly.

She actually... Said that she would have to help her comb her hair in the future?

Yun Ruo was shocked by her words-----!

However, it is better to say that he was shocked, rather than being deeply moved.

Si Hongcang gently held his hand and came to the stall selling jewelry rouge, and the two went forward to pick them together.

Looking at the things on the stall, Si Hongcang was really not satisfied. However, seeing Yun Ruo chasing her heartily, he would be happy with him.

I just thought, when I have time to go to the county seat, I will help him buy a better and more beautiful one.

Yun Ruo picked out a fine-toothed poplar comb and a wooden hairpin. Although the style of the wooden hairpin was simple, it looked simple and gentle, which made Yun Ruo very fond of it.

The two items amounted to eight cents. Si Hongcang immediately took out the money bag from his pocket and counted the eight cents to the owner of the stall. Yun Ruo didn't say anything, just smiled and watched her pay.

Si Hongcang was very happy when he saw Yun Ruo waiting so quietly for her to pay, just like a little husband, and asked softly, "Would you like to choose something else?"

Yun Ruo shook her head and whispered to her, "No, that's enough."

"It's too good for you to pass the time." Si Hongcang whispered in his ear, jokingly.

"Is this bad?" Yun Ruo looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"Good or bad, but you still have to know how to ask, because children who can cry can only eat candy!" Si Hongcang said to him earnestly.

"What kind of absurd reason are you doing? You can only teach bad children! I believe in the truth that great wealth comes from heaven, and small wealth comes from diligence and thrift." Yun Ruo said to her seriously.

"Yes, yes, after marrying you, it's hard for me to become poor! Hahaha..."

"When did you become so unreasonable?" Yun Ruo looked at her with a look of resentment.

Zheng Qinger, Li Mingrou, Zhaomei, Du Juan and other boys have been picking for a long time, but they didn't like anything, or they were reluctant to pay. In short, a few of them did not buy anything, so they entered the cloth village again.

In the dark shop, the long wooden counter is very wide, with hundreds of rolls of various floral fabrics on one end, and various solid-colored fabrics are also displayed on the shelves behind the counter.

Yun Ruo bought a lot of cotton cloth and thought to herself: I want to help my mother, father, sister... um, my sister's clothes no longer need to be sewed for her. She now has her brother-in-law to help her. It's better to help my mother and father to make a few more summer clothes, and make a few more for myself... Well, let's help Sister Si Hong make two more clothes.

So I got a big pack. Si Hongcang was busy paying and carrying the cloth. Zheng Qinger and Li Mingrou also bought some. But after seeing that Si Hongcang was paying and carrying the cloth that Yun Ruo bought, several people were full of envious eyes on Yun Ruo.


Every year, on the 25th of August, Si Hongcang would prepare offerings and come to Zhang's grave.

This day is not only the death day of Zhang's family, but also the death day of Si Hongcang's predecessor.

Today, she specially prepared a sumptuous sacrifice.

The reason why she prepared a particularly rich offering to worship Zhang was because she used the body of her daughter and her identity. On the one hand, now she will finally complete the major events of her life here. Therefore, Yu Li, she should come over and tell the father and daughter.

Of course, as soon as I set foot on the cemetery, I saw a woman standing in front of Zhang's grave...

When she turned around to face Si Hongcang, those eyes were bright, arrogant and domineering. Because her aura was too strong, Si Hongcang couldn't help but take a small step back.

Who is this woman? !

Si Hongcang looked at the young woman in front of him and didn't know how to react.

This woman is really too beautiful, too handsome, too... powerful!

She is the kind of person who stands out among thousands of people, stands out from the crowd, shines brightly, and has the style of a king who reigns over the world.

Facing her, Si Hongcang felt embarrassed.

In the previous life, what kind of character did she not see? ! But no one has such a powerful coercion like her! Now, she feels very oppressed!

When she looked at Si Hongcang carefully, although she looked at her with a soft gaze and a shallow expression on her face, that layer of joy could not be concealed.

But joy? Why? !

Si Hongcang didn't know her!

And the young woman looked at her with eyes that seemed to have something to say, but she just seemed to want to look at her like this...

Because, she didn't say a word to Si Hongcang, but after taking a deep look at her, she turned around and left.

Facing the woman's series of unintelligible performances, Si Hongcang could only stare blankly at the woman's retreating back.

I couldn't tell what I felt, but suddenly my scalp felt numb and my limbs trembled...

I thought to myself: such an unusual thing, shouldn't something unusual happen?

Late that night, Si Hongcang passed through the shadow guard and received two messages from Bai Yi.

One, the emperor made his southern tour.

Second, Yanhui County will serve as a new magistrate in the future.

When he read the message of the emperor's tour, Si Hongcang was really indifferent. He couldn't understand directly in his heart, what did Bai Yi pass on this news to her?

One, she can't help. Second, what does this have to do with her. 3. It doesn't help her career at all, doesn't it?

Therefore, to Si Hongcang, this message is simply a trivial piece of news that can't be compared to her!

This matter was quickly forgotten by Si Hongcang and no longer exists.

However, the second one was the news about the new magistrate of Yanhui County, which made her a little worried...

Because Bai Yi specifically mentioned in the message that the new magistrate is a bad official who corrupts money and bends the law, and asked her to deal with it carefully. The most important thing is that the court has her backers.

Facts have proved that soon, the Lu family passed the bad news from Yanhui County.

Hearing this news, Yun Tian immediately ran to Si Hongcang.

Speaking of this topic, Yun Tian immediately frowned, and unconsciously tugged at the grass on the grass beside him with one hand, while saying worriedly, "The family trustee brought a letter saying that I'm afraid this new magistrate of Lu County is not very good. To deal with it, in the east, she often does things like scraping the ground for extortion, as if there is a backer in the imperial court."

Si Hongcang already knew about this matter.

But when she actually listened to it, her heart was still "squeaky".

Ordinarily, these villagers in the next Jiji are not worthy of such people's concern, it is nothing more than adding some taxes. However, Yannan Village is no different than an ordinary village. If it is targeted, it will be difficult for the next three years. I don't know what will happen!

The twilight was already very thick, and Yun Tian couldn't see Si Hongcang's eyes clearly, but after hearing her words, she remained silent, thinking that she was as worried as herself, so he comforted her gently, "Don't worry too much, the boat reaches the bridge, Naturally straight. It is said that she will come back in August, and then everyone will discuss it, so as to be prepared.

We will visit the shopkeeper of the Lujia Farm Tools Workshop tomorrow. People like them know a lot about officialdom and have experienced a lot. If she is willing to give us a few words, then we will have an idea. "

Si Hongcang nodded, and let's watch it for now. To be honest, ordinary people like them at the bottom have very little resistance to those in power. Even if someone in the court is an official, there is no guarantee that they will be able to protect their family members. The competition at that level is far more cruel than the exploitation and exploitation at the bottom.

Like a thousand miles of clear sky suddenly shrouded in a haze, I used to think that this pastoral life was too leisurely and peaceful, like the water of the Xiaoqing River, which has been flowing so quietly, and I hoped that it would rise once again. It's good to see the spectacular scene of the river rolling and rushing endlessly! Now when the real tide comes, when it is about to drown and sweep the land and fields, I miss the benefits of the gentle wind and drizzle.

People, with all kinds of emotions and six desires, it is the most difficult animal in the world!

She got up and walked slowly to Yun's house side by side with Yun Tian.

Even if you are worried, you cannot always take it to heart. Besides, laughter in life makes it easy to forget those troubles.

After eating, Yun Ruo and Gao Fengxian finished cleaning up and washing up together, they mixed some honey and egg whites, and let Yun Tian help them apply their faces in the room. Because I'm not sure when the sky will come. Therefore, while Yun Ruo Gao Fengxian was waiting to apply his face, the two stayed in the room.

Si Hongcang and Yun Tian came to the room, and she watched Yun Tian easily get off the table, pick up the bowl that Yun Ruo had prepared to apply to his face, and went to the reclining chair to wait for Yun Tian to apply it. face of two people.

Si Hongcang also came in, smilingly looking at one of the two faces under the light, his eyes full of interest.

Si Hongcang had already seen such a scene several times. Although her hands were itchy, she still did not dare to ask for help. Now that he is already engaged to Yun Ruo, then Yun Ruo's skin care and beauty can be done by himself.

Thinking about it, I went to the kitchen to get another bowl. Then, she distributed half of the skin care cream in Yuntian's bowl into the bowl in her own hand.

"Sister, let me apply Yun Ruo's face in the future, you can help my brother-in-law apply it." Si Hongcang, the commander, said firmly.

In fact, she likes to help people do beauty and skin care. In her previous life, she often helped her sisters and friends with skin care and beauty treatments, and felt that this time was especially warm and intoxicating. Also, after taking care of people's skin, all the beauties have a soft, supple and radiant look on their faces, and she will have an indescribable sense of accomplishment.

When he heard Si Hongcang's words, Yun Ruo, who was lying down and waiting for his sister to help him apply his face, immediately sat up. He kept saying, "No".

Who is Si Hongcang? Who can resist her crooked kung fu? !

Of course, no one can!

Because people are shameless, but invincible in the world!

She said to Yun Ruo very rascally, if she doesn't let herself help him, it's fine as long as he kisses him ten times in front of everyone!

How dare Yun Ruo do this? Don't say it's rumored to go out and shame people, before he kisses her, he will be ashamed to death, okay!

Of course, what's even more disgusting is that my sister is also a big accomplice! What do you say, it's important to take care of your husband's beauty first? ! Is this still what his own sister said? How can you rake your own brother like this?

And Gao Fengxian, who heard his wife's master's words, laughed so much that the spring flowers bloomed, and even his raised pregnant belly trembled, and she lay obediently on the wooden reclining chair, waiting happily. With his wife and owner to help him apply skin care cream.

Looking at the ambiguous eyes of all the thieves and thieves, Yun Ruo had to lose the battle and obediently ask Si Hongcang to put his face on him!

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