Wings of Hung Chien

Chapter 90: 90

Looking far away in the direction of Xiaoli Mountain.

The magnificent and magnificent Prince Ren's Mansion, built by the emperor's decree, has been completed...

Si Hongcang looked at it, and couldn't help but slander in his heart, that scale is too big, isn't it? ! No matter how you look at it, it is a scaled-down version of the small East Palace Ziwei Hall!

The two returned to the entrance of Yannan Village, which they had not seen for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh.

At this time, Si Hongcang unexpectedly survived the hardship with Yun Ruo, who had been lost for several months, and the miracle that the two of them returned to Yannan Village safely together made the villagers excited!

Regardless of their exhaustion, the villagers ate dinner, took a shower, shook the big fan, invited them together in groups of three or five, and rushed to Si Hong's house as excited as watching a big show. While everyone repeatedly asked Si Hongcang and He Yunruo for details, there was a lot of discussion. There are also people walking back and forth in the courtyard and outside the courtyard, visiting the village road from time to time, only to see people entering the village. come in return.

Mrs. Song brought her son-in-law Feng Xian with her granddaughter Xiao Yunfei, and even Aunt Gao Kang's family came, as well as Xu Fumei and her husband Zheng Qinger, and they all helped for the whole day.

What amazed people the most was Yun Ruo. After the birthmark was removed from his face, his appearance was so beautiful? !

Everyone looked at it from side to side, Yunshan was still honest, and the Song family was at most more beautiful than the average man. They didn't understand how this husband and wife could give birth to such a beautiful son. Inevitably envious and jealous.

Seeing A Cang's beautiful face that is more manly than a man... and Yuntian is also good-looking, and even his husband Gao Fengxian is a flower in the village! cut! Really compare people to people, it's maddening!

How good all fell to the Yun family!

In front, Aunt Gao Kang shouted to everyone, "It's getting late, A Cang and Yun Ruo's husband and wife are also exhausted. Don't get in the way, everyone, let the family talk and rest early. If you want to watch the fun , come back tomorrow!"

After saying this several times, the crowd gradually dispersed, leaving behind Si Hongcang, Yun Ruo and the people who were close to the Yun family.

So Song Shi, Yun Tian, ​​and Gao Fengxian brought the food, and the whole family sat around the table, which was more complete than having a group dinner on the 30th night.

Song Shi was very excited after looking at Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo, asked for a while, and cried for a while. Listening to Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo answering for a while, and laughing for a while, they acted out the joys and sorrows of the world!

The little Yunfei in Yuntian's arms is seven or eight months old, lively, cute, and painful. He is also the most curious age.

"Xiao Feifei, he looks so handsome, I'll hug him." Si Hongcang looked at Yun Fei, a beautiful baby with a lovable face and a pair of ink-colored pupils. He loved it very much. Hug her.

"Will you hug?" Yun Ruoxiao asked her after glancing at the worried eyes of her family.

"I know how to hold a child after seeing someone hold a child." She was a master at coaxing children in her previous life!

As soon as he took his hand, Si Hongcang used a hug position that made Xiao Feifei the most comfortable, so that Xiao Feifei would quietly nestle in her arms. Just looking at her proficiency in holding the child, he thought that Xiao Feifei was a little bit more comfortable. It's not that she's bringing it! Instead, the Yun family was amazed.

"I didn't expect that she would let you hold her." In fact, what puzzled the Yun family the most was that Xiao Feifei was the one who recognized her life the most, not her own family. Anyone who approached would cry and say that she would let Ah Cang get close and even let her hug?

"Hehehe..." Si Hongcang stretched out his hand with a smile, teasing Xiao Feifei in his arms, "Because Xiao Feifei is smart and knows that I am her aunt, so I took her name. Woolen cloth!"

"Giggle..." Xiao Feifei was amused by Si Hongcang and laughed.

Yun Ruo also stretched out his hand to tease Xiao Yunfei, but he didn't feel like hugging her rashly, for fear that it would be bad to drop her.

"Hugging you too." After speaking, he pushed Xiao Yunfei in front of Yun Ruo and smiled.

"I won't hold..." Yun Ruo said nervously.

"If you don't know, you'll have to practice. Otherwise, when our child is born, you will be in a hurry." Although Si Hongcang put Xiao Yunfei in Yun Ruo's arms, it is correct to say that it is the Si Hongcang gang. With Yun Ruo, the two embraced Xiao Yunfei together.

Having said that, everyone looked at Yun Ruo's stomach with a look of surprise!

However, it made him blushed and glared at Si Hongcang.

"What? Did I say something wrong?"

"If you have a body, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Song shi said dissatisfiedly.

"Ah?!" The grand wedding has not been made up, not even the bridal chamber! Where did Ruoruo come from?

"Quick, go to rest, go to rest!" Saying that, Song shi stepped forward and took Xiao Yunfei out of the arms of the two of them, and rushed people to rest.

"Dad, we didn't..." Come on! Si Hong Cang Yunruo shouted at the same time.

Please, if Ruoruo is underage at all! I'm not a beast! Si Hongcang cried out in his heart.

"A Cang, didn't you say "wait"?"

"I said wait... well, wait for the future." Oh! It was a typo! hey...

When Yun Shanzhi came back, they were tossed around so enthusiastically by the people in the village, and they were all tired, so he said to his family, "After dinner, let Ah Cang Ruo'er rest first, if you have anything to say, I will wait until tomorrow. ."

After hearing this, Song shi quickly said, "Yes, then Ah Cang Ruo'er, go to bed early tonight."

"Okay." The two responded in a row.

Yunshan asked again, the place where A Cang and Ruo'er sleep can be fixed.

Gao Fengxian hurriedly replied, having already cleaned and arranged the shoulders of A Cang and Ruoruo.

Si Hong Cang Yunruo and his wife thanked Gao Fengxian for her hard work.

Gao Fengxian smiled and said, "No thanks, no thanks! You two are not at home, we can't decide some things, but we just cleaned the house when we had time."

Yun Ruo hurriedly said, "I've troubled my brother-in-law."

"This is as it should be, it's all my own," Gao Fengxian said with a smile.

Si Hongcang smiled at Yun Tian, ​​and she smiled back. She liked this kind of atmosphere very much, especially being close like a family member.

Yunshan Song felt that happiness was bubbling out of his heart like a mountain spring, and everyone was smiling.

After dinner, Si Hong Cang Yunruo went back to his home under the repeated urging of Yun Shan.

Si Hongcang first helped Yun Ruo to wash up with water, so that he could wash himself, and then the two rested together.

The house is all tidied up.

Looking at the room they were familiar with, the two smiled at each other...

Only then did they relax completely, and the two of them were content to lie down together comfortably, speechless all night.

The next morning.

Si Hong Cang Yunruo woke up from the noise of roosters and dogs barking.

The two looked at each other and smiled at the light that penetrated through the window, and finally came back. It is really isolated from the previous court life, and I really return to this free, quiet and simple paradise.

The two stretched their limbs and just lay lazily, not wanting to let their minds empty.

At this moment, the two of them didn't make any life plans, and just lived so idle!

Hearing noise outside, the two got up and dressed, brushed their teeth and washed.

Si Hongcang pressed Yun Ruo on the chair of the dressing table, picked up the comb and combed his long smooth black hair, and lightly arranged a simple and beautiful bun for him, and then put it back on. A white hosta with a withered gardenia.

Looking at the double photo of herself and her husband in the mirror, Yun Ruo felt an indescribable sense of happiness in her heart.

Opening the door, a fresh breath came in. Hidden morning fog.

The Yun family next door is full of chickens, and the Song family is throwing chicken food into the corner. The half-person-high courtyard wall is covered with green vines, and the surface of the vines is full of honeysuckle, interspersed with purple lentil flowers, and blue or purple crescent-shaped lentils. All with dewdrops. There are lush pumpkin vine leaves under the wall. With Gao Fengxian's "babble" chicken call, a few chickens got out from under the pumpkin leaves and rushed towards the chickens...

There were a few canna trees in the corner, with red and yellow flowers, and a clump of gardenias, but the blooming season had passed. Inside and outside the wall, there are several unpruned peach trees, the branches and leaves are disorganized, and there are peaches among them.

Because I was busy saying good morning to my daddy, I didn't notice the difference in the stairs under my feet, I stepped on it, and I was about to fall down the stairs! Fortunately, Si Hongcang, who was following behind him, hugged him from behind.

"Be careful! Is it okay?" After Si Hongcang put him down, he leaned over to help him check if his feet had knocked or touched anything.

"No." Being so carefully cared for by Si Hongcang, Yun Ruo's face turned red all of a sudden. He secretly thought, he shouldn't be so delicate, right?

Song shi looked at his son's appearance that was different from the past, and saw Si Hongcang's love and care for his son, and he was full of joy.

He smiled lovingly at them both, "Why do you get up so early? Why don't you sleep more?"

"It's better to be at home, I slept quite well this night." Si Hongcang smiled energetically.

"That's right, I don't know what kind of toss you two are going through outside." Speaking of this, Song shi felt pain in his heart.

"It's not as daddy thought, in fact, we didn't suffer much." Yun Ruo comforted daddy and said.

Yun Ruo said that the wind was light, but how could the actual situation be as easy as he said? ! Si Hongcang felt sorry for Yun Ruo in his heart, and reached out and held his hand tightly.

Yun Ruo gave her a sweet smile.

At this time, a half-sized black dog saw that Si Hong Cang Yun Ruo came out, and hurried over to circle around the two of them. Jo's thigh is on.

"Xiao Hei still recognizes the two of you."

Gao Fengxian looked at their husband and wife and smiled.

"Fengxian, A Cang, and Ruoruo have all come over to have breakfast together." Song shi shouted to the three of them.

"Ah." The three responded in unison.

Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo walked over, and the black dog followed them.

This house, once it returns to normal operation, everyone will find their own position and be busy, only Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo, on the first day of returning home, have nothing to do, let alone go to see that the emperor has enshrined the order. The construction of the so-called Prince Ren's Mansion was completed.

On the second day, the crowd of folks who came to Yun's and Si Hong's houses did not decrease, but increased instead. There was also a person outside the door that they didn't want to see——Wang Rong.

After Wang Rong followed Lieutenant General Lu, the Wang family used Lieutenant Lu as their backer. The family is arrogant and domineering like a village king in the village. In the past few months, he has been even more powerful in the village, especially Wang Rong, who really believes that he is the husband of Deputy General Lu.

This mountain is high and the emperor is far away, not to mention that he is just a bed warmer for the lieutenant, even a personal servant can bully others in the village.

In fact, if Wang Rong was brought into the house by Deputy General Lu, he would not even be able to rank as a waiter. However, in this remote Xiaoxiaoyannan Village, and with the care of the county magistrate, his identity will be different.

Because Lieutenant General Lu wanted to **** Si Hongcang into Beijing and could not take him with him, he was placed in his own mother's house, and two personal soldiers were sent to protect him to show his importance. She also wanted to take Si Hongcang back to the General's Mansion after the completion of sending Si Hongcang to the capital.

Unexpectedly, a series of accidents happened in the end, coupled with the failure of participating in the eldest princess to force the palace, the eldest princess was demoted to the common people for the crime of treason and was confined in the Huangzhuang, and even her cousin was also raided and destroyed.

However, due to the remote geographical location of Yannan Village, some news was closed and could not get in at all, so Wang Rong was lucky to escape.

Of course, after seeing Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo returning to Yannan Village safely and happily, this was like a thorn stuck in his heart, both painful and hateful!

The jealous Wang Rong reported to the county magistrate that Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo were no longer husband and wife, but they were living in the same room, which was a crime of fornication. So he led the officers and soldiers of the county government with the indictment book for the trial, and came to Si Hong's house to soak Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo in a pig cage to "justify the law"!

"You divorced him when you left Yannan Village, and the relationship between the two of you has long since cleared up. But now you two are blatantly living in the same room. This is a matchless affair, and you want to soak in a pig cage!" Wang Rong said straight to the point.

At this time, when the Yun family heard it, it was broken! Although I also knew that the matchless **** was going to be immersed in a pig cage, but A Cang and Ruo'er...the two would be divorced at that time, it was nothing more than forced by the situation! Now, how can it be like this? !

Listening to Wang Rong's righteous mention of this matter, Si Hongcang gave him a cold look and said with a smile, "You said, Ruoruo and I have an affair without a match?"


"Then what is your relationship with Vice Admiral Lu?"

"Of course I am her husband."

"Husband? As far as I know, she already has a senior husband, a side husband, a normal husband, and four other servants and servants in the room. I don't know which husband you are her husband. , which servant?"


Si Hongcang told Wang Rong on the ground that in Lieutenant General Lu's harem, he was not even a name.

"Besides, did she hire a matchmaker? Are you hired to bring a sedan chair to marry you?"

"I and the general have the magistrate Lu as a matchmaker. This is a token of her identity to me." Wang Rong showed a jade pendant engraved with the character Lu to show everyone.

"If I remember correctly, you should be the handsome man who was chosen to be the eldest princess in Beijing, right?"

"It turned out to be, but, Vice Admiral Lu took a fancy to me..."

"So she accepted you as a bed warmer."

"It's "husband"!"

"Although the eldest princess is not a sage, she was acting as the emperor to supervise the country at that time, and she was considered a half-monarch. You have already committed the crime of deceiving the monarch, and you are going to loot your family and destroy your clan."

"You, you lied! You said so much, but you are just delaying the time of your punishment!"

"To be tortured? Not to mention the fact that these two yamen are sent here to want me to be tortured. Even if Lu Xian's people came in person, she would have nothing to do with me."

"I think you're a dead duck! What are you dawdling at? Don't make a move, and put these adulterous and prostitutes who have harmed good customs in a pig cage!" Wang Rong glanced at the two yamen servants winked and shouted.

Although the two yamen were dissatisfied with Wang Rong's bossing towards them, they had to come to enforce the law after receiving the indictment and execution document.

At this time, there was a loud and noisy sound from outside the door.

It turned out that the village chief led the way, with the four sun, moon and stars and two thousand cavalry and personal guards, with the rank and honor guard of the first-class prince, and transported the dowry of 120 carried by the prime minister for the adopted son Yun Ruo. As well as Yushi Gao and Ji Ruji, a colleague, they came to Yannan Village in a mighty manner.

After a few months, Yannan Village became a sensation again, and people ran to tell each other,

When Gao Yushi and the official Ji Ruji entered the door, they saw Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo awe-inspiring. They were the most familiar with Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo. Therefore, as soon as they came, the two of them immediately bowed to the knees of Si Hongcang, who is Prince Ren, and Yun Ruo, the Prince of Ren, and shouted, "Prince Ren, thousands of years, thousands of years. Prince Ren, thousands of years, thousands of years, thousands of years. !"

Looking at the people who came, as soon as they saw Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo, they knelt down in front of them, and the yard was suddenly silent.

Many people didn't understand it, but a few people such as the village chief and Gao Kang understood it, like being struck by lightning!

in short. Si Hongcang's identity is not only the distinguished Prince Ren, but also the concubine of today's sages!

The situation suddenly changed, seeing that things were not as smooth as imagined, and the other party was not someone she could handle, Wang Rong's face suddenly turned pale, and she took a step back with trembling all over her body.

The young and old of Yannan Village were joking and saying hello to Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo just now. In a blink of an eye, the two of them became Prince Ren, the imperial clan of Prince Ren? ! I couldn't help feeling awe and envy. They all looked at the Yun family and the others, thinking that the Yun family did not know what good deeds they had done in their previous life, and they got a royal daughter-in-law like Si Hongcang.

In addition to Yun Ruo, not only the village chief, but also the elders of the Yun family couldn't sit still, and all the villagers who came to watch the fun all knelt down. Shanhu, Prince Ren is a thousand years old, Prince Ren is a thousand years old.

The two county yamen officers were still hesitant, unable to react for a while. Because they didn't understand Si Hongcang's identity before coming here, but now that they knew, the two yamen immediately knelt down and bowed down. It's good for the yamen to care about...

"All folks, get up, and Yushi Gao, Lord Ji, get up."

As soon as Si Hongcang woke up, everyone got up. But all of them looked at Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo with a look of novelty and excitement, which was even more mysterious and miraculous than the change they had when they returned to the village the day before yesterday!

The two yamen were not aroused, and of course they had to kneel obediently.

Si Hongcang said with a smile, "You two, want to arrest this king and this king? It's up to the master to beat a dog! Besides, this king is not a slave. She is the concubine of the current sage of Feng Kingdom, and a dignified benevolence of a country. Prince. As the county yamen servants, how dare you treat this king and the king like this?"

"His Royal Highness Prince Ren, please, please forgive the little ones! The little ones are just following orders..."

"Because of this, this king will not care about you for the time being."

"The little ones thank Prince Ren for his innocence!" The two yamen bowed down and thanked them with gratitude.

Si Hongcang turned around and said to the blank-looking Wang Rong, "As for you, Wang Rong. You have repeatedly used methods to harm this king, violated Wang's family law, and were sent out of Yannan Village without repenting! , Bullying the villagers! Now, you still bring people to execute this king and the king?

You are disappointed. This king is a royal family member, the daughter of the emperor, and if he is not only the adopted son of the prime minister of the dynasty, but also the first-rank Prince Ren, who was personally conferred by the mother emperor, how could you be comparable to a grassroots person? "Speaking of this, Si Hongcang stopped, looked at Wang Rong intently, and then said, "I'm afraid you don't know about Lieutenant General Lu, right? "

"What's the matter with her?"

"She violated the national law of looting her family and annihilating her family." Si Hongcang hid the heinous crime of Vice-General Lu's participation in the treason because he did not want the villagers to know about the scandal of the royal infighting.

Wang Rong looked at Si Hongcang viciously. His eyes were accusing her of "If you want to add a crime, why don't you worry about it!"

"Actually, you have already escaped death, and this king also intends to let you go, but why, you are so obsessed, not only aggressive, but also killing this king and the king everywhere!" In the end, Si Hongcang turned his attention to Yushi Gao, "Yushi Gao, like Wang Rong, commits both family and French laws, what crime should he be guilty of?"

Gao Yushi paused for a while, as if he was thinking, and then raised his voice, "Only if he commits a crime, and makes a trick to harm the royal family, it is enough to be hanged. If you add his relationship with Lieutenant General Lu, Once it is investigated, I am afraid that it will involve the nine clans."

As soon as the Wang family heard that the nine clans would be involved, they were completely paralyzed.

"Let Wang Rong alone take the blame on behalf of the entire Wang family."

Gao Yushi's eyes were awe-inspiring, and he shouted to the officers standing beside him, "Yes, come here, take down Wang Rong!"

A guard brought someone forward and twisted Wang Rong's arms.

Wang Rong stared blankly at Si Hongcang and Yun Ruo, as if she still couldn't believe it.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and he still couldn't accept it! Also, he didn't expect Yun Ruo to hate him so much, and he never pleaded for him even once. For a while, I thought, what would happen if he and Yun Ruo were "good brothers" as before?

Si Hongcang looked at Wang Rong, whose face was ashes, and hardened his heart, "Dispose of it on the spot to warn the public!"

Gao Yushi hesitated for a moment, and then Gongjian Qiu said, "Lord Gao, you seem to be such a shameless traitor, and you don't deal with it justly? Even if the emperor listened to it, he will immediately order him to be executed!"

Qiu Gongjian thought to himself, "How dare this villager dare to murder Prince Guiwei Ren, the daughter of the current sage?" ! Die a few times is not enough!

Gao Yushi got up, put on his official robe, sat upright on the chair, and then ordered the villagers to testify one by one, ordering the entourage to record Wang Rong's crimes, and sentenced to be hanged in public.

Wang Rong was dragged outside the hospital, and an officer got a rope from somewhere, wrapped it around his neck, and tightened it tightly...

A person who has a bad mind and only wants to hurt people everywhere, on this day, he doesn't want to spare him!


There was a scream from the silent crowd, and then they were blocked and cut off.

The Wang family didn't dare to say a word at this time, and ordered the family to take Wang Rongniang's father and mother home, lest something go wrong. It is really too far away from them. It was too far to even have the slightest thought of resentment, not to mention that Wang Rong was also committing sins.

The village chief looked at Si Hongcang, the old eyes shining brightly.

The villagers secretly swallowed their saliva and dared not let the air out.

The boys were still envious of Wang Rong's beauty, but in a blink of an eye, yin and yang were separated. Looking at Si Hongcang one by one, he felt both familiar and unfamiliar, respectful and afraid.

The several crimes committed by the county magistrate were all tried by Gao Yushi together.

Because of her corruption and corruption, collusion between officials and businessmen, and full of evil, the result of the trial, in addition to raiding her home and losing her property, was sentenced to be executed.

After the magistrate of Lu was defeated by the law, the vacant post of magistrate, Ji Ruji, who was an external official, took over.

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