Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 116: Ethan back to school

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As soon as Ethan returned to Hogwarts, he was warmly welcomed by the Hogwarts students. They enthusiastically surrounded Ethan, took out their respective notebooks and asked Ethan to sign it.

And he kept begging Ethan to show them the Merlin Medal.

Ethan couldn't stand the constant entanglement of the students, so he had to take out the Second Order of Merlin's Order and show it to everyone.

The little wizards stared enviously at the shiny medal in Ethan's hand. Many little wizards have begun to imagine when they can get such a medal.

"God, what are you doing here? Hurry up and go to class!" Professor McGonagall shouted loudly in the corridor.

Professor McGonagall is still very prestige in the hearts of the little wizards. Under the drive of Professor McGonagall, the little wizards dispersed as birds and beasts.

"Professor Ethan, congratulations on your Merlin Medal." Professor McGonagall shook hands with Ethan with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Ethan responded enthusiastically to Professor McGonagall's congratulations.

"Can we talk privately, Professor Ethan?" Professor McGonagall said to Ethan, holding a book under his arm.

"Of course no problem." After Ethan agreed, McGonagall took Ethan to a corner of the Hogwarts corridor.

They didn't pay attention, and three little wizards noticed the movements of Ethan and Professor McGonagall and sneaked over.

"Professor Dumbledore left Hogwarts a few days ago, and he entrusted me to temporarily host Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said to Ethan.

"Headmaster Dumbledore talked to me about this before, Professor McGonagall, if you need my help, tell me, I will definitely help you," Ethan said with a smile.

"Thank you, Professor Ethan." McGonagall thanked Ethan, and then Professor McGonagall seemed to hesitate, and finally she asked.

"Ethan, I heard that you seem to have some conflicts with Professor Dumbledore recently. You know, those portraits always love to spread these rumors."

"Just a few minor differences, we've settled it now," Ethan replied.

"That's good, that's good." Professor McGonagall sighed, "Dumbledore has always admired you, and often praises you even in private." Professor McGonagall also spoke for Dumbledore good words.

"Professor Ethan, the deadline is coming soon. Do you have any plans for this final exam?" Professor McGonagall asked curiously.

"I've already made a plan." Ethan was about to tell Professor McGonagall his plan when he found three little wizards hiding at the corner of the corridor.

"I will definitely arrange the exam properly." In order to prevent the exam information from being leaked in advance, Ethan could only tell Professor McGonagall this way.

Professor McGonagall nodded, said goodbye to Ethan and walked towards the other end of the corridor.

When Professor McGonagall was far away, Ethan said slowly, "It's impolite to eavesdrop on other people's words, Mr. Potter, Mr. Ron, and Miss Granger?"

Harry Ron and Hermione, who were hiding behind the corner of the corridor, were terrified. They had come to Ethan to ask him if he would leave Hogwarts.

But when they saw what Professor McGonagall was talking to Ethan, they sneaked in and overheard, until now they were caught.

With their heads lowered, the three walked out from behind the corridor wall.

"Professor Ethan, we're not eavesdropping on purpose -" Hermione defended in a low voice, but even he himself felt that his defense was very weak.

"Professor Ethan, we're looking for you on business." Ron was eager to clear up the fact that he was eavesdropping, and he said this.

"Oh, that's fine, what is it?" Ethan asked Ron with a smile.

Ron used all his brain power and couldn't think of any reliable reason. After humming for a long time, he pointed to Hermione.

"It's Hermione, she has something to tell you!" Hermione was shocked at Ron's behavior of throwing the blame on her, and she gave Ron a vicious look.

"Professor Ethan, I'm going to give you a paper on the study of French seals--" Hermione had just finished saying this, and realized what a stupid excuse she had given, because she hadn't brought a paper on law and seal studies at all.

"Oh, then give me the paper," Eason said lightly.

Hermione blushed, staring at her toes motionless.

Ethan also saw that Hermione was obviously making excuses just now, but in the end she didn't choose to pursue it.

"Come to my office first," Ethan said to Harry, Hermione and Ron.

The three bowed their heads and followed Ethan to Ethan's office.

"All sit down." Ethan greeted the three little wizards and sat down.

"So, what's the matter with you?" Ethan simply made it clear and asked the three of them.

Seeing that Ethan didn't seem to intend to pursue further investigations, Hermione hurriedly planned to borrow a donkey down the slope.

"Professor Ethan, are you leaving Hogwarts?" Hermione asked worriedly.

Ron and Harry also stared at Ethan's face, wanting to hear the exact answer from Ethan.

"Of course not, why do you think so?" Ethan asked with a frown, he hadn't seen the latest Daily Prophet.

"But that's what the Daily Prophet says~lightnovelpub.net~ Hermione handed the paper to Ethan.

Ethan flipped the page and frowned immediately. Although Fudge had assured Rita Skeeter that she would not scribble, it was obvious that Rita Skeeter had added a lot of personal stuff to this report. .

Especially the unfounded speculation about Ethan and Tonks made Ethan very dissatisfied.

"Rita Skeeter is an unethical reporter." Ethan threw the Daily Prophet on the table impatiently.

"She always likes to add oil and vinegar, distorting reality and creating some gimmicks to attract people's attention. If you meet her in the future, you must be careful."

Ethan warned Harry Ron and Hermione that in the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione and Harry suffered a lot from Rita Skeeter.

Harry Ron and Hermione nodded vaguely, they hadn't touched Rita Skeeter yet.

But since Professor Eason warned like this, it must be justified. Remember to be careful with Rita Skeeter in the future.

"Professor Ethan, did you really join the Ministry of Magic?" Hermione asked, thinking that even if Rita Skeeter was scrambling, she wouldn't dare to make jokes about the Ministry of Magic.

"It's true," Ethan admitted. "Minister Fudge has given me a position in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement in order to deal with certain emergencies," Ethan explained to Harry, Ron and Hermione. .

"But this does not conflict with my teaching at Hogwarts, and I will still be a professor at Hogwarts." Ethan finally gave the answer to the question that the three little wizards were most concerned about.

Harry Ron and Hermione finally sighed, having Ethan at Hogwarts always gave them an inexplicable sense of security.

Now that it was certain that Ethan would not leave Hogwarts, they finally relaxed.