Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 20: French seal assistant

The students were very excited about the magazine that Ethan said, especially some young wizards with better grades felt that they had mastered the code of wealth and thought they could use their fists.

The most lively thing in the auditorium was around Hermione and Penello. Their papers were being circulated by the little wizards. The ultra-high-level papers made the younger wizards look at Hermione with admiration. Min got very embarrassed and just lowered her head and ate her mashed potatoes.

Slytherin's Daphne Greengrass came proudly to ask for Hermione's paper, and the little wizards of Slytherin planned to pick out a few mistakes to humiliate Hermione, and Hermione calmly used her paper I made a pair of copies, and handed one of them to Daphne.

Daphne returned to the long table in Slytherin with Hermione's essay. After a group of little snakes gathered together to read Hermione's essay carefully, she finally gave up this self-inflicted act of humiliation.

After the Hogwarts dinner, Hermione was immediately returned to the Gryffindor lounge surrounded by the little wizards of Gryffindor. The Weasley twins prepared a rather grand celebration party for Hermione, and even organized There were a lot of glasses with automatic refilling spells, and when the little wizard lifted the glass, it would automatically fill up with butterbeer.

The table is piled with all kinds of candy from the Honey Duke. The Weasley twins, who have made a lot of money from booklets, are now much richer. The Weasley twins are unscrupulously setting fireworks in the Gryffindor lounge. , Percy rarely stopped his two younger brothers, but was burying his head in sorting out his papers. He planned to revise several excellent papers to submit to journals.

When the joy of the party reached its peak, Hermione was even lifted up and thrown high by several senior wizards. Hermione also shouted excitedly. She also enjoyed the current atmosphere very much.

Ron struggled to grab a chocolate frog that had almost escaped and stuffed it into the entrance. At this time, he and Harry were sitting comfortably on the sofa in the lounge, and their success as friends Hermione also made them feel proud.

In the middle of the party, an owl came to the Gryffindor lounge and brought a letter from Professor Ethan. Ron first found it and gave the letter to Hermione. He wanted to feed the owl with a Bibido flavored bean, but the owl stared at Ron in surprise, pecked his finger hard and flew away.

Hermione opened the letter. The letter was written by Professor Ethan. The letter invited Hermione to go to the wizard's close defense office tomorrow morning to make arrangements for the assistant of Charms. Hermione read the letter carefully, and solemnly pretended to be. He got into his pocket and patted it, intending to make a good first impression on Professor Ethan tomorrow.

So the next day, Hermione was late. When Hermione woke up, the warm sun was shining on her eyes. Last night's party had relieved Hermione's nervous nerves from writing papers these days. Hermione was lying lazily in the warm quilt basking in the sun and turned over. Everything was so quiet and peaceful.

The warm atmosphere was soon broken by Hermione's screams. Hermione was horrified to find that she had missed the appointment with Professor Ethan, regardless of Ginny, who was a little overwhelmed by her screams, Hermione. After getting dressed in a hurry, he rushed out of the room before he could manage his hair, and bumped into Ron at the door who was about to say hello to him. Poor Ron was hit by Hermione and turned in two circles. Harry helped him just in time to avoid falling, and Ron grumbled about Hermione, who felt that Hermione had moved closer to his mother's style.

When Ethan opened the office door in the morning, he found Penello who had been waiting at the door for a long time. It can be seen that Penello seemed to be waiting here very early, and Penello who saw Ethan seemed a little nervous and cramped. Uneasy, Ethan politely invited Penello into his office. Penello curiously inquired about the environment of Ethan's office. I have to say that Ethan's office is full of witcher style, concise and tough.

Two of Ethan's long swords hang on the wall. Below is the wolf school witcher armor on the armor stand. On the center wall of the office hangs a shield with a painted vine. This is Ethan. A shield given by the Duchess of Toussaint to represent the knighthood of Toussaint when she was made a Knight of Toussaint.

There are flowers that Ethan brought from another world on the windowsill. These flowers were originally used as potion materials, but Ethan cast an eternal spell on these flowers and placed them on the On the windowsill, so that even if Ethan is in this world, when the breeze blows, he can still feel the breath from his hometown.

When Penello was about to close the door of the office, Ethan stopped Penello and motioned for Penello to open the door. Penello, a Muggle-born, quickly understood Ethan's intention. , glanced gratefully at Ethan and opened the office door.

This move made Professor McGonagall, who turned into a cat in ambush in the distance, breathed a sigh of relief. Dumbledore kept telling Professor McGonagall to pay attention to observe Ethan. Dumbledore naturally knew about Ethan's big moves in the past few days. He did not intervene in this regard, just instructed Professor McGonagall to keep an eye on Ethan and report the situation at any time. Professor McGonagall trusted Dumbledore unconditionally, and naturally executed Dumbledore's orders meticulously. When Professor McGonagall knew Professor McGonagall was nervous when Ethan invited two female students to his office in the morning.

After all, Ethan's appearance does seem to confuse some little witches who are still in adolescence, but when Ethan specifically told Penello not to close the door, Professor McGonagall already believed in Ethan's character, and he became more and more uneasy. Understand why Dumbledore is so wary of Ethan.

"Miss Vatrick, I have to say that your understanding and application of spells and ancient runes are really excellent, even much higher than some adult wizards," Ethan praised.

"You've won the prize." Penello squeezed the notebook in her hand excitedly, and the knuckles of her slender fingers turned white.

Penello is still very excited to get Ethan's praise. Unlike the younger wizards, Ethan's training for senior students is still very strict, and because of the poor physical fitness of senior students, it is difficult for them to get. Ethan's compliment.

The same is true, Ethan believes that the physical fitness of these students is not even comparable to that of Ciri as a child.

Afterwards, Ethan and Penello arranged matters related to the French Seal Assistant, and set the daily research time after the wizard's close defense get out of class.