Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 24: Harry chatted

Seeing the eyes of the two companions looking at her, Hermione's face blushed slightly, and she stopped trying to get the second candy.

The three little wizards sat uneasily opposite Ethan, no one spoke first, and the atmosphere in the office was a little awkward for a while.

In the end, Hermione was the first to break the silence: "Professor Ethan, can you tell us about the secret room?"

Ethan had long guessed that the purpose of the three little wizards coming to him must be related to what happened today, so he explained the legendary Slytherin Chamber to the three of them.

"Then you mean the monster in the Chamber of Secrets has been released by Slytherin's heir?" Hermione Harry and Ron's faces turned pale, and they realized that they were still living in Hogwarts where they lived. Hidden such a terrifying monster.

"I'm afraid that's the case." Ethan nodded and agreed with them.

"God, what should we do then?" Ron couldn't help covering his face and sighed. Harry and Hermione couldn't help nodding when they heard Ron's words. They also wanted to know how to deal with the terrible lurking in the castle. monster.

"Of course you guys are going to take your class well, I and other professors will deal with this monster." Ethan took out the majesty of a professor, frowned and preached.

"However, that monster may attack the student at any time!" Harry couldn't help but retorted.

"This monster is obviously not something that your second-year wizards can deal with. As for how to prevent it, I suggest you try not to be alone when you are in the corridors. The professors at Hogwarts will definitely solve this trouble." Ethan warned solemnly, and the three little wizards nodded helplessly, indicating that they would obey Ethan's words.

"Professor Ethan, we suspect Malfoy is the heir to Slytherin! His family has been Slytherin House for centuries, and he hates Muggle-born students so much, he once called Hermione... ..." Ron mustered the courage to express his inner guess.

Hearing Ron's words, Ethan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was a reckless little lion, but on the surface, Ethan said seriously: "Mr. Weasley, these are quite serious accusations, and what you suspect has What evidence?"

"We haven't found it yet, we're just guessing..." Before Ron could finish, Ethan interrupted Ron, "Mr. Weasley, you can't make such a baseless accusation against your classmates, I sincerely recommend that you focus on your own studies and leave the responsibility for protecting students' safety to our professors."

Seeing Ethan saying this, the trio who have already learned the information they want to know are planning to leave, and now they also feel that it is a bit reckless to sue Malfoy rashly to the professor. The three little wizards politely said goodbye to Ethan and wanted to leave the office.

Ethan stopped them and said that it was now before the lights went out at night, and there were monsters rampant outside. It was very dangerous for the three of them to go back to the Gryffindor lounge alone, and he wanted to send them back.

Since the appearance of the Basilisk, Ethan has reverted to the standard witcher attire of wearing armor and carrying two swords. This time, the lobby did not raise any objections. Given the current situation at Hogwarts, Ethan's attire is instead. It can bring you some security.

On the way to **** the three little wizards back to the lounge, the four of them did not talk, only Harry seemed to be hesitant to say something, as if he wanted to say something to Ethan.

Just as the four of them walked to the entrance of the Gryffindor lounge, where Ron and Hermione had said goodbye to Ethan and were about to enter the lounge through the portrait of the Fat Lady, Harry stopped Ethan.

"Professor Ethan, I've been hearing some strange noises that no one else can hear lately. I heard it once in Professor Lockhart's office and a second time before Mrs Norris was attacked. That voice." Harry said hesitantly.

Hermione and Ron were taken aback, they didn't expect Harry to confess it to Ethan at this time, and Ethan didn't expect Harry to tell him about it, you know In the original plot, even if Dumbledore asked, Harry didn't tell Dumbledore.

Ethan pulled Harry to the corner of the corridor. Hermione and Ron followed closely. Ethan stared at Harry's green eyes and asked, "Harry, tell me you heard something. what."

Harry, who was stared at by Ethan, was a little uncomfortable. He hesitated for a moment, then began to recall the sound he had heard and repeated: "Kill you... tear you... so hungry... ... starving."

After saying this, Harry suddenly found that Ron, Hermione, and Professor Ethan were all looking at him with surprised eyes, which made Harry a little confused.

"God, Harry! You were talking about snakes just now!" Ron opened his mouth in surprise. Although he already knew that Harry was a Parseltongue, Ron was still shocked when he heard the snake tongue for the first time. Jump, even the ordinary greeting between Parseltongue, it sounds to outsiders as if the two are plotting some evil conspiracy.

Realizing that Harry, who was talking about Parseltongue just now, immediately turned pale, he realized that his Parseltongue talent had been completely exposed to Ethan.

The three little wizards watched Ethan's reaction nervously, UU reading www. uukanshu. Ethan was only stunned when he heard Snake Whisper, and patted Harry's shoulder in relief when he saw Harry's terrified look.

"I know Harry about this situation. If you are hearing that voice, please tell me immediately, or any other professors around you, okay?" Ethan said to Harry as gently as possible.

Hearing Ethan's words, Harry nodded hurriedly, and Ethan then signaled that the three little wizards could go back. Harry followed Hermione and Ron into the Gryffindor lounge as if they had been granted amnesty.

After watching the three little wizards enter the Gryffindor lounge, Ethan thought for a while before walking to the headmaster's office.

The two gargoyles at the entrance of the principal's office still dutifully guard the entrance of the office.

"Password" saw Ethan standing in front of the door, and the gargoyle spoke dryly.

"Zizi honey candy?" Ethan tried the password for the first time he came to the principal's office.

"Password error"

"Lemon Snow Treasure"

"Password error"

"Cockroach Pile"

"Password error"

"Liquorice Candy Bars"

"Password is correct" The gargoyle twirled, revealing a staircase leading to the principal's office. Ethan was mistaken.

Since it was night, the portraits in the principal's office had already gone to sleep, and the awakened Phoenix Fox was staring at Ethan with curious eyes. Fox didn't seem to be in good spirits, and his fur was not very bright and messy.

"Don't worry about Fox, it's about to die." Dumbledore appeared and greeted Ethan.

Dumbledore was wearing some cartoon-style pajamas, printed with a yellow crescent moon with a cartoon smiling face, and Dumbledore's long silver beard was a bit funny.