Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 33: battle

Snape and Lockhart walked through the crowd and paired everyone up. The combination of Harry, Hermione and Ron was mercilessly broken up by Snape. He paired Ron with Seamus. Min was paired with Millison, a tall, strong Slytherin girl, and Harry was paired with Malfoy, as he should have been.

At this time, Ron unexpectedly contradicted Snape. Ron hoped to replace Harry and fight against Malfoy himself.

Since the wizarding close-up defense class was launched, Ron and Malfoy have been competing for the first place in the second grade. Ron's talent in witch hunter training has surprised Ethan.

Snape stared at Ron in surprise, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he agreed to Ron's request.

Malfoy walked over arrogantly and stared at Ron fiercely. Since Ron made him vomit slugs for a whole day, the conflict between the two could not be resolved. Now Malfoy finally thinks that he has found an honest opportunity for revenge. .

"Face your partner!" Lockhart yelled back on stage, "Bow!" Ron and Malfoy barely nodded, staring at each other viciously.

"Raise your wand and get ready!" Lockhart exclaimed. "When I count to three, I'll cast a spell to disarm—just disarm—we don't want an accident. One—two— three--"

Ron and Malfoy did not listen to Lockhart's countdown and moved their hands at the same time. Malfoy's wand shot a silver light and hit Ron hard. Ron felt his head being slammed into the sky, and he stumbled. For a moment, it seemed that everything was working, so Ron seized the moment, pointed his wand at Malfoy, and yelled, "Boom!"

A silver light hit Malfoy's stomach, and he bent down in pain, gasping for breath, and two funny front teeth quickly came out of Malfoy's mouth.

"I said, just disarm!" Lockhart shouted in horror to the fiercely fighting crowd from above. Ron's legs twitched uncontrollably, like a kind of trot, and Malfoy hit him with a tarantella.

Ron and Malfoy quickly gave up using magic. They recalled the witcher body arts taught in Ethan's class. The two collided fiercely and fought together.

Stop! stop! ' screamed Lockhart, but Snape took the reins.

"Separate left and right!" Snape used magic to forcibly separate Ron and Harry.

Painful moans filled the auditorium. Neville and Justin lay on the floor, panting, and Harry passed out with a black face blown by Seamus' explosion magic.

And Hermione and Millison were still in action; Millison gave Hermione a hard back fall, followed by a cross, and Hermione called out softly in pain. Both of their wands were forgotten on the floor. Lockhart hurried forward and pulled Milison away. It's not easy.

"God, gosh," said Lockhart, jumping around the crowd, watching the aftermath of their duel, "you stand up, Ernie...watch out, Miss Fawcett...hold hard, blood on horseback Just stop it, Boot..."

Madam Pomfrey was called over, she bumped Lockhart away, and methodically bandaged the wound for the little wizards, constantly complaining about this unreliable dueling lesson, which made Lockhart extremely embarrassed.

Madam Pomfrey's skills are still excellent. She quickly dealt with the injuries of the little wizards. The painful moans in the auditorium finally stopped, but the mental state of the students was obviously not as good as before. All the little wizards It looks wobbly.

Professor Flitwick got on the stage at the right time, he cast a loud voice spell on himself and said, "Next, I think I can show everyone a real battle between wizards, Professor Ethan, would you like to? Have a fair duel with me?"

"Of course I would." Ethan readily agreed to Flitwick's invitation and stepped onto the stage.

There was a lot of cheers in the student group. Everyone knows that today's highlight is coming.

Flitwick then said loudly to the students, "Everyone knows that Professor Ethan is a witcher. Today, Professor Ethan will use the witcher's fighting method to duel!"

The little wizards screamed in excitement, their eyes staring at Ethan and Flitwick on the stage with bright eyes.

Lockhart looked pale on the side. He didn't understand why his limelight was snatched away in an instant.

Ethan and Flitwick duel with ordinary wizards, turned to face each other, and bowed.

Next, Ethan slowly drew out his steel sword, and the runes on the sword lit up one by one with Ethan's movements, which caused the collective exclamation of the little wizards.

Ethan quickly outlined an inverted triangle with his right hand, and an orange-yellow shield quickly enveloped Ethan. At the same time, Ethan was also rapidly approaching Flitwick.

Ethan was greeted by several fiery and dazzling red lights. Flitwick's Disarming Curse slammed **** Ethan's Quinn shield, making a dull crashing sound. The magic spell that Li Wei used was much stronger than when he tested the seal.

Quinn's shield, which was hit by the spell, flashed twice, and then the next spell hit the same place as the previous one. Ethan was very surprised, he knew very well that to do this would require quite a lot of control over the spell.

There were dense cracks on Quinn's shield, which were quickly shattered by the third spell. Ethan quickly drew a triangle in the air, and a powerful shock wave slammed into Flitwick. .

Professor Flitwick calmly released several obstacles, and the menacing shock wave seemed to hit the invisible wall, and the impact was constantly dissipated.

At this time, Ethan was already a few steps away from Flitwick. Melee combat was a special event for witchers. Professor Flitwick did not step back. After casting an Iron Armor spell on himself, he quickly cast several aggressive attacks like Ethan. Spell.

The spell at this distance was almost impossible to dodge, and the few witches who supported Ethan couldn't bear to close their eyes, as if they had seen the tragic state of Ethan's defeat.

Ethan made a prediction in an instant, Ethan's figure was really twisted like a civet cat, and at the same time, the long sword slashed at Flitwick at an incredible angle~lightnovelpub.net~ This is the witch hunt Human sword dance!

The long sword slashed on the Iron Armor Curse and made a harsh sound. Flitwick in the Iron Armor Curse was a little surprised. The sword also shocked him, but Flitwick did not relax. Ethan shot, but was dodged by Ethan's wonderful movement.

The eyes of the students looking at Ethan were a little dull. They were greatly shocked by the duel. Professor Ethan's elegant and trembling sword dance made them dazzled. At the same time, the battle was deeply imprinted in their memory. middle.

Flitwick felt that his Iron Armor Spell became weaker and weaker with Ethan's attack, and Ethan's attack did not slow down at all, even getting faster and faster, and his spell had not hit Ethan yet. Sweat appeared on Flitwick's forehead. He understood that Ethan was putting pressure on him, and he knew that he might lose if he went on.

Suddenly, Flitwick's Iron Armor Spell burst with a dazzling white light and shattered. Ethan stepped back cautiously, and at the same time began to outline the seal with his right hand. When the white light dissipated, Ethan was surprised to find that Flitwick was also drawing the seal at the same time. , "Alder!"

Two voices appeared on the stage at the same time, and then two powerful shock waves collided together. A violent roar resounded through the auditorium. The air waves formed by the collision quickly swept the surrounding area, blowing the nearby little wizards to and fro.

The little wizards didn't have time to complain, their eyes fixed on the stage, wanting to see the final winner.

The dust formed by the air wave gradually dissipated, and the stage was empty, and the result was a clear draw.

Ethan and Flitwick were a little embarrassed with their messy clothes. They looked at each other and smiled under the stage. They both knew in their hearts that the other was not using all their strength.

The students who saw this clearly applauded enthusiastically, and cheers instantly resounded through the auditorium.