Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 69: Nymphadora Tonks

The sound of fighting in the alley spread far, but no one approached curiously, and passersby wisely avoided this area.

Ethan tore off a corner of the fallen wizard's robe, wiped his dagger, then put away the dagger and threw the cloth on the ground in disgust.

Having solved the trouble, Ethan finally focused his attention on the man who was detained by the wizard just now.

The man was still lying on the ground and couldn't move at this time. He had obviously been cast on a full-body restraint spell and locked his throat. Now the four wizards are dead, but the spell on this man still hasn't expired.

Ethan approached the fallen man and observed it carefully. The man's face was covered with a tattered cloth, revealing only a pair of glittering black eyes. When he saw that Ethan was looking at him, he hurriedly looked at him. Signal to let Ethan untangle the magic that binds him.

But Ethan didn't act rashly. Sometimes the enemy of the enemy is not necessarily a friend. Ethan waved his wand to unlock the man's throat, and then put the dagger on the man's neck.

"Tell me, who are you?" Ethan asked in a deep voice.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" To Ethan's surprise, this person actually made a clear and melodious female voice.

But this does not mean that Ethan will give up his vigilance. Instead, Ethan pressed the dagger slightly and said word by word, "I'm asking again, who are you?"

The witch's eyes flashed with annoyance, and her gray-white hair immediately turned a bit red like the Weasley family, "I'm an Auror! Please untie me quickly!"

Ethan looked at the witch's hair that could change color in surprise. Ethan had seen it in the book. It was a natural disguise magus who could change his appearance at will.

People who are born with the ability to change are different from the Animagus who practiced the day after tomorrow. This ability is innate and facilitates concealment and camouflage.

"How to prove it?" Ethan still didn't mean to untie the witch's bondage. In such a dangerous situation, he couldn't be too careful.

"I'm a trainee Auror, I don't have a certificate yet." The witch's voice was a little more embarrassed.

It is not easy to become an Auror, and it takes three years of training after graduating from Hogwarts. Aurors are required to pass a minimum of 5 N.E.W.T. exams with a score no lower than "Exceeded Expectations" (Grade E). In addition to Defense Against the Dark Arts, recommended N.E.W.T. courses are Charms, Potions (specially studying poisons and antidotes), Herbs, and Transfiguration.

If academically qualified, Auror candidates must also pass a criminal record background check and a rigorous character and aptitude test. Exams such as stealth and camouflage must also be passed.

At this time, Ethan had already guessed the identity of the witch in front of him. In order to prove the accuracy of his guess, Ethan pulled down the cloth covering the witch's face.

The witch has a pale peach heart-shaped face, and very eye-catching jet-black shining eyes, and Ethan's actions startled her.

She instinctively shrank back, but the whole-body restraint spell made her unable to move. She now regretted her recklessly entering Knockturn Alley and ended up in this situation.

Ethan stood up without saying anything. Tonks held his breath nervously. She didn't know what Ethan was going to do next.

"All curses are over!" Ethan's voice sounded, and she felt relieved that she quickly regained control over her body.

The witch who had regained control of her body hurriedly stood up, she took a deep breath, learned what her Auror teacher at the Ministry of Magic taught herself, and said formulaically to Ethan: "Thank you for your assistance citizen. …”

Before she could finish speaking, the witch felt a sharp pain in her ribs. She knew without examination that her rib was broken.

The severe pain made her hair turn red in an instant. The witch took a deep breath and leaned against the wall of the alley to try to relieve her pain.

"Drink this first." Ethan looked at the witch in pain, took out a bottle of pure white Farad's potion from his backpack and handed it to her.

The witch glanced at Ethan suspiciously, but thought that if Ethan wanted to do something bad, she could just take the potion that Ethan handed over and drink it.

As soon as she swallowed the potion, the witch felt a majestic vitality rapidly spreading throughout her body. The wounds on her body were healing quickly, and her broken ribs were all healed.

The witch's pale face quickly showed a hint of ruddy, and her hair also turned violet. She was very surprised at the powerful effect of the potion that Ethan gave her, and her impression of Ethan was much better.

"Thank you for your help, I'm a trainee Auror from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, Nymphadora Tonks, you can just call me Tonks. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com" Tonks stretched He took out his hand and shook Ethan.

"Hello, my name is Ethan," Ethan replied politely to Tonks, and was a little surprised to meet Auror Ethan here. Met Tonks who was "familiar" with him.

Nymphadora Tonks, I prefer everyone to call her Tonks, because Nymphadora is a very indecent word.

Tonks is an Auror and a member of the Order of the Phoenix. She has given Harry a lot of help. Tonks participated in the battle of the Ministry of Magic and rescued Harry and others with other members of the Order of the Phoenix. Bellatrix fought and was badly wounded.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Tonks was killed by his aunt Bellatrix Lestrange, who had always hated her, to help Lupin.

Tonks' death has always made Ethan very sorry, but it doesn't mean that Ethan wants to see Tonks.

It was only at this time that Ethan realized that because of his time travel, he was also a "black householder" in a sense, which made him feel inexplicably guilty in front of Tonks.

Tonks looked at Ethan with some curiosity. Tonks was amazed by Ethan's sharp skills when he attacked the four wizards. The wizards in this world have basically given up the study of physical arts. Tonks had never seen such a person with such skills and attack methods.

Ethan's strange seal reminds Tonks of the Waggardu School of Magic in Africa, where many spells are cast with fingers or gestures.

But the magic that Vagadu uses through gestures is very complicated and takes a lot of time, and it is completely different from the seal that Ethan just used.

This made Tonks deeply curious about Ethan.