Witcher at Hogwarts

Chapter 85: Harry and the Chamber of Secrets

"We should probably go to the professors for help," Ron reminded.

Harry thought about it for a while and nodded in agreement, God is pitiful, Ethan's persuasion finally worked, and the two reckless little lions finally figured out that they should go to the professor for help when they encounter such a problem.

The first thing Harry and Ron thought of was Ethan. The two sneaked to the door of Ethan's office and knocked on the door for a long time, but got no response.

"Professor Ethan is not here! It's this time!" Harry touched his head in distress.

The two then went to find several other professors, but due to Dumbledore's arrangement, they naturally did not meet.

They even went to the principal's office, but they didn't know the code to enter the door, and the gargoyle stationed at the entrance of the principal's office refused to let them in, so they couldn't ask Dumbledore to help.

Of course, Snape and Lockhart, Harry and Ron didn't even think about it, they thought that finding these two professors would only make things worse.

"What should we do now?" Ron asked anxiously, he didn't understand why the professors seemed to disappear in an instant.

"We'll do it ourselves!" Harry gritted his teeth, but finally chose to be reckless.

"What should we do? We don't even know where the secret room is!" said Ron.

Harry pondered for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"Do you remember? Who was the victim of the Chamber of Secrets incident that Dumbledore told us about fifty years ago at Aragog's funeral?"

"Myrtle!" Ron clearly realized something, "We can ask her! She might know something!"

Harry and Ron did what they said and hurried to the women's bathroom.

To their surprise, when they arrived, Myrtle was honestly floating beside a sink, as if waiting for something.

"Myrtle, what do you know about the Chamber of Secrets?" Harry asked.

Unexpectedly, this time Myrtle didn't do anything strange, but honestly told Harry and Ron the story that happened before her death.

After figuring out everything that happened at the time, Harry and Ron began to carefully inspect the sink in the women's bathroom.

Harry quickly found the faucet used to open the secret room, "Probably this is it," Harry said to Ron.

"Say a few words. Say a few words in Parseltongue." Ron stared carefully at the little snake on the copper bridle.

"But—" Harry thought desperately. Before, he could only speak Parseltongue in the face of a real snake.

He stared intently at the carved little snake, trying to imagine it as a real snake.

"Open," said Harry, who looked up at Ron, who shook his head.

"No, you are speaking in human words," said Ron.

Harry turned to look at the snake again, forcing himself to believe it was alive.

Harry thought that if he shook his head a few times, the flickering candlelight would make the snake appear to be moving.

"Open," Harry said again, this time with a strange hissing sound.

The pool changed immediately. Just like before, the dragon head emitted a dazzling white light and began to spin rapidly. Then, the pool also moved.

Then a thick water pipe was exposed, which was the entrance to the secret room.

Harry heard Ron gasp. He looked up, already making up his mind what to do.

"I'll go first," said Harry.

Harry had to go, they had found the entrance to the secret room, Harry kept recalling what Colin and Dobby looked like, Dobby was hanging by a thread now, and Harry didn't want anyone else to get hurt again.

"I'll go too." Ron patted Harry on the shoulder and said firmly.

Harry slowly got into the tube, and as soon as he let go, he disappeared into the bathroom, followed by Ron, who closed his eyes and entered the tube together.

During the waiting time, Ethan and Dumbledore sat bored on the stone floor of the secret room.

Simply Ethan took out the Gwent card and explained the rules to Dumbledore, and the two fought.

Dumbledore took an extraordinary interest in the Gwent card and quickly became familiar with the rules.

Dumbledore was very interested in the characters on the Gwent card, and kept asking Ethan to introduce him to the background of the characters.

Looking at Dumbledore's interest, Ethan suddenly thought that it might be a good idea to promote the Gwent card in this world. If the Gwent card can fascinate the greatest white wizards, it will be even more for everyone else. Forget it.

Just as he was about to tell Dumbledore about Radovid in detail, Ethan's hunting senses were very keen to capture the footsteps and conversations coming from the tunnel outside.

Dumbledore obviously noticed this too, and quickly calmed down. It didn't take long for Harry and Ron to appear tremblingly in the secret room.

Harry and Ron were very nervous. The huge snakeskin they had just seen made them realize how terrifying the enemy they were about to face.

Harry could almost hear the rattling of Ron's upper and lower teeth as they shook.

"Harry, there's something there." Ron grabbed Harry's shoulder, his voice distorted with fear.

Harry saw a huge coiled thing, and there seemed to be a small thing lying in the middle of it, Harry took two steps forward quietly, narrowed his eyes and took a closer look, he recognized it~lightnovelpub.net ~ That's exactly Dobby.

At this moment, Dobby closed his eyes tightly and lay quietly on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

And there was a huge basilisk coiling around him. The basilisk's eyes were closed, and its body was up and down, as if it was sleeping.

Harry didn't dare to look at the basilisk, for fear that the basilisk would suddenly open his eyes, so he could only lower his head and move forward slowly and quietly.

"The basilisk is sleeping, don't wake it up, I'll sneak over and bring back Dobby lying in the middle, and then we'll leave here immediately." Harry whispered to Ron in a low voice.

Ron nodded and agreed with Harry's plan.

Harry swallowed and gave Ron the crossbow he brought before leaving, telling Ron to use the crossbow to protect himself if something happened.

Then Harry squatted and walked towards the basilisk quietly, and when he entered the basilisk, Harry smelled the pungent smell of the basilisk, which was much more stinky than the toad that Snape asked them to skin.

Harry resisted the urge to vomit and approached the basilisk.

Harry carefully stepped over the basilisk's coiled body, trying his best not to touch the basilisk, feeling a tightness in his throat.

At this time, Harry was more nervous than ever, and he could see the body of the basilisk that was crouching and crouching because of its breathing.

Harry successfully stepped over the body of the basilisk. At this time, he was very close to Dobby. He only needed to take a few steps to pick up Dobby and quickly leave this terrifying place.

Harry looked at Dobby, and to his relief, he could see Dobby's chest heaving slightly, which meant that Dobby was still alive.

Suddenly, Harry heard the sound of scales rubbing against the ground, which made his hair stand on end, and he felt the behemoth around him move in an instant.

The basilisk wakes up.