With a Door In Mind

v1 Chapter 166: , set up a new home

"The mind has a door (!

After sending Zhao Qinian out of the yard, he returned to the yard.

Grandma Wu looked at Si Xiao who was wandering around in the yard and was a little scared.

"Little boy, can your dog be tied up?"

When Zhou Xiaochuan heard Grandma Wu's words, he pointed to his new home and shouted at Si Xiao, "Go back."

Si Xiao heard the words and ran towards the house.

Only then did Zhou Xiaochuan smile at her: "Grandma Wu, it's alright, my dog ​​has never bitten anyone."

When Grandma Wu heard his words, she seemed relieved and said, "That's good!"

But still looks a little scared.

Zhou Xiaochuan went back without saying anything. If the four little ones are not provoked, they will not bite.

When she came to the room, Yang Yuemei was turning the lights on and off curiously.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan hurriedly stopped and said, "Mother, don't do it like this, it will break."

Yang Yuemei hurriedly turned off the light when she heard the words. Said: "Xiaochuan, let's light the lantern at home. I heard that the electricity bill is very expensive."

He walked over and turned on the electric light with a smile: "Mother, where is the electric light on the lantern. Xiaohe's eyes hurt too much with the lantern. I will not use the lantern in the future."

Although this light is not particularly bright, it is still much stronger than the horse lantern.

Yang Yuemei nodded when she heard the words, but her face was still aching.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at the chickens and ducks **** in the house. Looks like I'll have to get two chicken covers.

Then he joined the ranks of cleaning up the house, Zhou Xiaohe must still be sleeping with Yang Yuemei. Zhou Xiaochuan lives in a room by himself.

After a while, three children came back in the yard, one went to the opposite side, and two went to the direction of the main house.

Zhou Xiaochuan stretched out his head to take a look, these should all be children in the yard.

After a while, the two children who entered the main room stood in the distance, looking at Zhou Xiaochuan curiously.

The older one was a boy, about the same age as Zhou Xiaochuan, wearing short sleeves with a few patches.

The little girl is about ten years old.

When the two saw the four big wolf dogs in Zhou Xiaochuan's house, they all stayed far away.

Zhou Xiaohe saw someone standing outside, so he went out.

The other party looked at Zhou Xiaohe who came out and asked, "Hey, are you new here?"

Zhou Xiaohe said with a smile: "Yeah, it just arrived today."

The other party looked at Si Xiao behind him and said, "Your dog is really big."

Zhou Xiaohe pulled Zhou Xiaomi and smiled, "Great, it was raised by my brother."

The other party nodded when he heard the words: "It's really big, I have never seen such a big dog, what's your name? My name is Li Guoqing, this is my sister Li Ying."

When Zhou Xiaohe heard the other party's words, he smiled and said, "My name is Zhou Xiaohe, this is my sister Zhou Xiaomi..."

The two then chatted there.

Zhou Xiaochuan smiled while listening to the movement outside. OK, not so restrictive.

The two children were outside for a while before being called home by their grandmother.

It was getting dark after a busy day.

At this time, some people came in one after another from outside.

Seeing that Zhou Xiaochuan's family was packing up. They all looked at it curiously and realized that it was a new move.

An uncle in his fifties came to the door and saw that the four big wolf dogs inside did not dare to come in.

Standing at the door, he shouted, "Comrade, are you new here?"

Yang Yuemei walked out after hearing the words.

Looking at the uncle at the door, he smiled and said, "Yes, uncle, I was assigned before, but I never came. I just arrived today."

The other party nodded and smiled.

"Okay, the people in the yard are all together now."

Then he smiled and said, "Then you are busy first, and then we can talk when you have time."

Yang Yuemei nodded when she heard the words. It is convenient to leave.

After working for a while, I finally got my things sorted. It was getting late by now.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at the time and prepared to go to Zhao Qinian's house.

As soon as I went out, I saw a couple pushing a bicycle back.

Half a catty of pork was still hanging from the handlebars.

Both men and women are dressed in blue work clothes, but the styles are not the same. Shouldn't be the same place to work.

The man looked at Zhou Xiaochuan and his group who were about to go out. He smiled and said, "Just moved in? Are you going to go out?"

Yang Yuemei nodded and smiled when she heard the words: "Yes, I just arrived today. Go to a relative's house for a meal and come back in a while."

Hearing the words, the other party nodded: "Okay, then you are busy first, and then we can talk when you have time."

Then he pushed the car and walked around the yard.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at it, the other two belonged to the opposite house.

Then a few people also left the yard.

The journey is not far, it only takes about half an hour to walk.

As soon as Zhou Xiaochuan and the others arrived at the place, they saw Zhao Qinian coming out of the cart.

Zhao Qinian looked at the people who came, and stopped the car again.

He said to a few people, "I see that I haven't come for so long, and I'm still going to pick you up."

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled and said, "I don't need grandpa, it's not very far. It's just a delay in cleaning up the house."

Zhao Qinian nodded when he heard the words, and greeted Yang Yuemei and the others behind him. "Come in quickly. The meal is ready."

Several people followed Zhao Qinian to the main room. At this time, Grandma Zhao and Zhao Qingqing were waiting in the room.

Seeing a few people come in, Grandma Zhao hurriedly stood up and greeted: "Why so late, I thought Lao Zhao forgot to tell you."

Zhou Xiaochuan said with a smile: "Grandma Zhao, it's been delayed at home."

Seeing this, Zhao Qinian urged; "Okay, don't talk for now and eat quickly, it will be cold for a while."

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan and the others sat at the dining table in their left hand.

Glancing at the dishes on the table, there are meat, eggs, and vegetables again.

Rice is still rice.

Yang Yuemei looked at the dishes on the table and hesitated to speak, but was stopped by Zhou Xiaochuan's eyes.

A few people picked up their rice bowls and started to eat.

While eating, talking about the recent situation.

Zhao Qingqing looked at Zhou Xiaochuan and the others, where they ate their meals silently.

But basically Zhou Xiaochuan was talking to the two of them.

A meal was quickly finished.

Knowing that a few people have just arrived in the provincial capital, and there are still many things to do, Zhao Qinian did not keep anyone.

Then he went to the kitchen and brought out three bags and a bottle.

He said to Zhou Xiaochuan, "Xiaochuan, this is the ration of grain and oil for the past three months. I bought them all for you."

Then he handed the food book in his hand to Zhou Xiaochuan and said, "There are still 4.5 jin of meat tickets in it, and I have them in it. I didn't buy the rest for you."

Zhou Xiaochuan took the food book without looking at the meat ticket inside.

Then he looked at the three bags on the ground.

About 60 pounds of rice and 150 pounds of corn flour.

He thought about it for a while, and put back 20 jins of rice and 60 jins of cornmeal after Zhao Qinian stopped him.

After it was done, he smiled at Zhao Qinian and said, "Grandpa Zhao, I don't have any money for you, so this grain should be paid for by you. I won't give you this oil."

Zhao Qinian knew that Zhou Xiaochuan was joking. In addition to going to the black market for food in the city, it is really impossible to buy it now.

But the black market prices are already scary. With the money to buy food, I can't even buy one-third of the food.

In the end, he thought about it, and knowing Zhou Xiaochuan's temperament, he still accepted it.

In his opinion, Zhou Xiaochuan's words and deeds are like a little adult~lightnovelpub.net~ and then said with a smile: "Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can come over for dinner. We are very quiet at home."

Zhou Xiaochuan said with a smile, "That's for sure. If we don't have anything to eat, we'll definitely come to you. Grandpa Zhao, please don't drive me out."

Zhao Qinian was happy when he heard Zhou Xiaochuan's words, and several other people also had fun when they heard Zhou Xiaochuan's words.

"Okay, go back quickly, it's getting dark."

When Zhou Xiaochuan heard the words, he and Yang Yuemei carried the food and left.

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