With a Door In Mind

v1 Chapter 392: ,Leave.

Put the car in the space.

He did not go directly to these two mining areas from the forest.

Instead, he groped to the nearby river, and walked along the river towards Pagan Laokeng.

He swept away all the rivers along the way, as long as he passed by.

Looking pretty close. But it took three days to walk.

By the time he came to Laokeng, it was already dusk.

People are already starting to call it quits.

Because after dark, there is no way to identify, whether the dug out may contain jade.

Zhou Xiaochuan hid in the grass, scanning the nearby underground with his mind.

I sighed inwardly.

It is indeed an old pit.

Although it has been mined for many years, the ore content in it is not much.

But the rest here is really good quality.

Of course, this is good to say Fei rate.

In the previous place, it would be good to have one out of ten with emeralds, but here, three or four out of ten stones contained emeralds.

Not to mention the quality, this probability is already very scary.

Wait until it gets completely dark. He just started to move.

Scan one by one.

However, he did not dare to make too much movement, because there were people patrolling nearby from time to time.

Although his speed is very fast, in one night, only one-fifth of it was cleaned out.

You know how fast he is.

In one thought, it was a radius of fifty meters.

No way, it can only be done tomorrow night.

People who work during the day are surprised when they see the collapse on the ground and on both sides of the river.

Finally, I invited the "brick home" to come and have a look.

The answer is soil erosion and mining, resulting in collapse.

It took five days for him to scan the entire mining area.

Before leaving, here also gave him a big surprise.

Because there is a super large warehouse, which stores the rough jadeite mined from the entire mining area.

More than ten times as much as before.

Zhou Xiaochuan put everything into the space with excitement, and immediately fled towards the new mining area.

When people woke up the next morning, they were dumbfounded when they saw the collapses all over the mining area.

Subsequently, the missing thing in the warehouse was also discovered.

Suddenly the whole camp jumped up.

These Zhou Xiaochuan no longer know.

The two places are about ten kilometers apart.

When he came to the vicinity, he entered the space and continued to select ores.

At this time, the spring water in his spring has changed from dark green to dark green.

Take a sip.

It feels more spiritual and more comfortable. Nothing else has changed.

But he felt that the effect of this spring was definitely better.

There is only one last new mine left.

But when he came to the place, there were already three steps, one post, five steps and one post.

Not to mention the warehouse.

The defense is tighter.

But none of this bothered him.

A week later, Zhou Xiaochuan left the mining area.

The rest is that the entire mining area is in turmoil, and everyone is in danger.

Because most of the ore that has been stored for four years since 1965 is gone.

There must be more than that in Myanmar, but it is no longer necessary.

This time, I got too many things, which is equivalent to the non-stop mining of Myanmar for 20 years.

I don't know if a few years later, the jadeite public disk will be due to the lack of so many jadeite ore.

resulting in soaring prices.

I can't go back now.

It's been out for over two months. It's time for Xiaomi to graduate from primary school soon.

And Qin Xiao still didn't know how to arrange it.

I drove out of Pagan Town at night, and I can drive normally during the day and night.

Just beware of small arms and barriers along the way.

At this point his car has been replaced by a jeep.

At that time, I forgot about it after I received it at the air force base in N country, and only now I remembered to take it out and open it.

This thing is much more comfortable to drive than a truck, and the seat cushions are all leather.

In terms of light shock absorption, the truck is not at the same level as this one.

Rampage towards the border area.

We set off in the morning, and it was already dusk when we reached the border.

But when we got to the border, we had to get off.

Because there is a river in front, and after crossing the river, there is a large mountain range behind.

The weather was very hot at this time.

Jumped into the big river on the bank, took a bath and ate an ice cream.

Felt much more comfortable.

Only then did the speedboat in the space be released.

In the dark night, the speedboat went upstream and headed in the direction of Tengshi.

After driving for three or four hours, he stopped in front of a waterfall.

A little further ahead is where the bald-headed few people disembarked.

But he wasn't going to go further east.

After crossing this mountain range, you can directly enter the city of Teng.

Put away the speedboat, and take advantage of the dark night to walk into this mountain range.

In the dark night, the woods were quiet, only the sound of Zhou Xiaochuan walking alone.

It took three hours, and in the middle of the night, he climbed to the top of the mountain.

"Mummy. It's so far away!" Although there was an intention, the forest was still gloomy.

But to the top of the mountain, the rest is much more convenient.

Walking is impossible.

Take out the motorcycle, choose the road to go, and head down the mountain.

But down the mountain, the goal is still a piece of hilly area.

You can only travel through the jungle on a motorcycle.

"Ah, finally there is a way."

At this time, the sky was slightly brighter.

There is a faint path ahead. This made him very excited.

He breathed a sigh of relief when his motorcycle drove off a path.

There is a road, which means that there are people nearby.

It also means that the road behind will be easy to walk, so you don't have to feel the darkness and run around in the woods where you can't see the direction.

He felt like a savage now.

For nearly two months, he said something other than the big bald people.

He was alone the whole time.

No one speaks and chats.

This feeling is really depressing.

Although his character is relatively silent, it does not mean that he can leave the society.

There is a road, and the next thing is much better.

Take out the jeep and compare it with the map.

Then he set off towards his goal this time, Kun City.

As for the jeep, he's not worried, it's not that there is no such thing in China.

It has been seized before.

It's just that you haven't reached a certain level, so don't even think about sitting.

The lowest level is the city's senior officials to have the opportunity.

And most people don't dare to stop it.

Open the window, hum a little tune in the wind, and the car moves forward quickly.

Returning like an arrow.

There were a lot of people on the road, but when people saw the jeep approaching, they all gave way a long time ago...

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Well, this is the big leader.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Xiaochuan finally arrived near Kunshi.

At this time, he was relieved, and finally saw a living person.

One of the things that happened when I came back, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was to return the gasoline barrel and map, and put two more barrels of gasoline by the way.

This is what he promised.

do as promised.

Fortunately, it is placed in the innermost corner, and it is impossible to find it without careful inventory.

After finishing it, he went to the train station and bought a ticket to the provincial capital.

The car at 9:30 pm.

After it was done, it was already more than five o'clock.

Did not enter the space to eat.

Spent half a catty of national food stamps and sat in a state-run restaurant eating noodles.

Although many people speak, he can't understand, but he is still willing to stay here.

Because of popularity.

Chapter three hundred and ninety-two, leave.