With a Door In Mind

v2 Chapter 1327: , occupy the material

Chapter 1327, occupying supplies

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at the mess in front of him, and not far away there was a big crack with a width of about one meter, like a pond that had dried up.

At this time, the farmland is still in the harvest season, but special circumstances can only be cleared out and used as a temporary command base.

The edible ones were naturally collected.

The first ones to be built were of course temporary medical tents, command bases and communication facilities.

I don't know the specific situation in other places!

The entire perimeter of the camp can be said to be filthy.

It had been more than a day since the earthquake, and the surrounding puddles smelled of excrement and urine.

Zhou Xiaochuan climbed up the ruins and walked forward along the ruins.

There were people searching and rescuing all over the ruins, and I took a special look at it. I took advantage of the darkness to sweep through it last night, and I really didn't miss anything.

It's just that these people don't know it.

However, a lot of people died. It is estimated that the siren did not come out that night.

Some didn't hear it, and some were too lazy to come out.

"Why! This is not yours, why do you occupy it?"

In thought, two groups of people were confronting each other.

A group of five or six people gathered around three wooden boxes, holding long steel bars in their hands, while the other four or five people were in the same situation.

The dilapidated wooden boards blocked the rain, so that the supplies did not continue to be watered.

While eating biscuits, several people looked at the few people in front of them vigilantly, ready to fight at all times.


Zhou Xiaochuan walked over directly.

Seeing this, the other party picked up the steel bar and was about to smash it.

Looking at the oncoming steel bar, Zhou Xiaochuan caught it with one hand, and then pulled it, and the opponent fell to the ground without standing still.

Several other people also greeted them one after another.

But seeing the pistol that Zhou Xiaochuan took out, several people stopped their movements one after another.

The man who fell on the ground got up, touched the dirty water on his face and said viciously: "Shoot, try to shoot, you dare to hit us workers and common people. See if I will sue you."

When the other people heard this, they were not afraid anymore.

It was him, and he didn't dare to shoot.

"Didn't you hear that guns go off?"

Just about to act, when they heard this, the actions of the few people stopped again.

The man said viciously: "So many people are watching, if you say it's a fire, it's a fire!"

After all, there are still many people watching nearby.

"He just went off the rails, I'll prove it to him!"

The person who was searching for rescue not far away suddenly spoke when he saw this scene.

"Yes! I can prove it!"

"I can too!"

"It's too much, eating alone is not the way to eat!"

"I can prove it too."

The people on the opposite side, including the people around, whether they were not used to it or were unbalanced because they didn't get something, all made their voices out one after another.

For a while, the surrounding area was full of excitement.

Seeing this scene, the man also frowned.

While thinking, the sound of a helicopter came from above, and everyone looked up.

But I couldn't see it very clearly, I only saw a helicopter throwing things down in the rain, which immediately caused looting by people not far away.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiaochuan said to the man; "See, give them one, and the supplies behind will be delivered in a while."

The man looked at it, hesitated for a while, and finally held a wooden box and threw it out.

Suddenly things were scattered all over the place.

And the people here were not polite when they saw this, and hurried to get things.

He thanked Zhou Xiaochuan and hurried away with his things.

Zhou Xiaochuan glanced at the few people, ignored them, and walked back to the original road.

At this moment, he saw what was airdropped.


I saw people open the box, get the pancakes, wipe their hands on a slightly clean place on their bodies, and stuff them directly into their mouths.

It's so hungry.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xiaochuan thought that he should have made loose biscuits and sprinkled them directly, so that at least everyone could share some.

I didn't care about this, and slowly returned to the original place.

"Captain Zhou, the chief is calling for you!"

Just after returning to the original camp, a soldier walked up to him and shouted at him.

Zhou Xiaochuan knew who called him.

He nodded and looked around, then walked into the tent that had just been set up.

Inside the tent was a table that was joined together.

There are many people around.

"Chief, are you looking for me?"

Chief Chi saw him coming, UU reading www. uukanshu.com hurriedly beckoned: "Captain Zhou, it just so happens that you are here, come over and have a look together. I just asked someone to ask and drew a simple map. It's not very accurate, but I just know the general idea."

At this time, the other party had already changed into a set of dry clothes.

On the table, a simple hand-drawn map was lying on it.

"This is where we are now!"

The map has an irregular oval shape, and the location of everyone is directly below.

Chief Chi held his position and pointed to the middle area and said: "We need to open a route leading to the inside from here. We expect that for the first batch, we will first create a route that can pass two trucks alternately.

This is how I think about it. Your team will send some people to participate in opening up the road, because there is no large-scale equipment yet, and some large-scale things need your help to get them. what do you think?

Some of the remaining people hope that you can go deep into the city and start rescue. Of course, our people will also go deep into it. "

At the end, she looked at him.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at the map and agreed: "Okay, no problem, I'll make arrangements later."

(end of this chapter)