With a Door In Mind

v2 Chapter 494: ,

Zhao Baoshan hesitated for a while when he heard the words, the workload is not small.

Because if you can't dig it, there isn't much food in the first place. If food is wasted in vain, this winter will be difficult.

But if it is really dug out.

No one can guarantee whether there is no shortage of water, at least the food will definitely increase a lot.

Thinking of this, Zhao Baoshan pointed to the place below and said, "It's better to dig there, it's more reliable."

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at it after hearing the words, and then shook his head, "It's not impossible, because it will eventually be dug out there, otherwise the water will not come out, but I don't recommend it."

Seeing the puzzled eyes of the two, he continued to explain.

"Captain Zhao, look for yourself. From here to there, the horizontal distance is at least ten meters. The vertical height here is only seven meters. Do you think that is faster? And you can guarantee that the digging is horizontal? One thing is, dig a hole more than ten meters horizontally, what if it collapses?"

When Zhou Xiaochuan was talking, the two sides kept making gestures.

Finally, a right-angled triangle was drawn on the ground to explain why.

Hearing this, Zhao Baoshan took a puff of tobacco and looked at Accountant Feng beside him.

"Do you understand?"

Accountant Feng nodded when he heard the words, and shook his head again, "I probably understand a little bit. But I still don't understand."

Zhou Xiaochuan touched his forehead upon hearing this.


If it doesn't work, forget it.

Fate sometimes must have, there is no time in fate, don't force it.

His thoughts just came up when Zhao Baoshan nodded.

"That's okay, just dig according to what you said. Get it right away after the autumn harvest is over. If you dig it, you will be lucky if you don't dig it."

Accountant Feng also nodded when he heard the words, but did not speak.

On the way back, Accountant Feng looked at Zhou Xiaochuan.

After hesitating for a while, he still asked the question in his heart, "Xiao Chuan, do you still remember the first report you wrote?"

Zhou Xiaochuan responded while walking, "I remember. What's wrong?"

"You said before that through interplanting and rotation planting, you can barely do two-year three-crop? Is this true or false?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Xiaochuan let out a soft voice, "Oh, what are you talking about, what's the truth about that? Aren't you just doing it yourself!"

He was talking about soybeans and peanuts in the middle of the cornfield.

Accountant Feng smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, and instead of explaining, he continued to ask his own doubts.

"Tell me what you think. If you plant it this way, the land will not be fertile enough. Before, our peanut and soybean yields were not high."

"Oh, it's nothing strange. Corn can only absorb nutrients near the root system, and it can't reach it if it is far away. Soybeans need nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrients to supply during the growth process, but soybean seedlings are small, so the need for nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium The demand is not particularly great.

Moreover, there are rhizobia bacteria on the rhizomes of soybeans, which have a very strong nitrogen fixation effect, and can completely fix and absorb nitrogen in the soil, so that nitrogen will not be wasted due to the penetration of nitrogen into the deep soil. Planting them together with corn will not have much impact.

Didn't you look at the field where soybeans were planted, did the corn there not fail? The reason why the yield of soybeans and peanuts is not very high is because your corn is too densely planted. "

Accountant Feng and Captain Zhao listened in a fog, and suddenly felt that what Zhou Xiaochuan said was very lofty.

What NPK, what rhizobia.

Never heard of it.

But they still understood one meaning, that is, if corn and soybeans are planted together, they will not be affected.

In fact, interplanting also existed before.

As the saying goes: if you plant corn and beans, the soup will not leak.

The reason why many places no longer grow it this way is because of public grain.

without scientific basis.

Relying on experience alone, many places dare not do it, because no one can bear the responsibility of reducing production.

"What about the other species?"

"Oh, this, right now we only plant for one season here. Interplanting means that when winter wheat is planted in autumn, enough open space is left, and then corn is planted in spring. When the wheat is harvested, the corn does not grow very high. , will not affect the light and nutrition of wheat."

It is not impossible to grow wheat here.

It's just that the yield of corn is higher than that of wheat, so they all choose to grow corn.

That is spring seeds.

This is also a forced situation, because of the lack of water, so the risk of growing corn is lower.

Both of them were there in deep thought when they heard the words.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled and said: "Accountant Feng, don't think about that. If you plant it this way, the distance between the corn plants will be thinner than before, so that the light from the soybeans will not be lost to the corn plants." completely covered."

Having said that, both of them understood what he meant.

It means that if soybeans are planted, the yield of corn will be slightly reduced.

But when collecting public grain, no one will ask you why, there are rules. It’s not that you can plant whatever you want.

Unless someone agrees to use soybeans instead of corn.

However, soybean yields are relatively low.

No one dares to make this decision. Even if the two of them want to do this, it is estimated that the commune will not agree.

When the three returned to the place, people were already working in the fields.

When Zhou Xiaochuan returned to the place. Zhao Sanxi and four men are chopping corn stalks with pickaxes.

Meanwhile, Feng Yue's daughters continued to pick corn.

There is also a **** next to it, which should be specially reserved for him.

Sure enough, seeing him come back, Sanxi yelled at him, "Xiao Chuan, chop corn together. We won't pick it for now."

Zhou Xiaochuan let out a soft voice when he heard the words.

He followed with a pickaxe.

While chopping corn stalks, Sanxi asked in a low voice, "Why did you go, it took so long."

Hearing Sanxi's words, he hesitated for a moment, and finally said it out.

Anyway, I will know later.

"Ah! Is it true or not?"

Hearing his words, Sanxi showed a surprised expression, and even stopped the movements of his hands.

There was shock in his eyes.

Li Guosheng and the others were also nearby, and they were also surprised when they heard Zhou Xiaochuan's words.

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded ~lightnovelpub.net~ and continued to chop the corn stalks in the field.

"Why didn't I listen to what the three said?"

"I don't know, probably Captain Zhao felt that I was not reliable. That's why I didn't tell you."

Zhao Sanxi let out a soft voice when he heard the words, thinking that it was indeed a little unreliable.

Then I asked about the place above.

Hearing the approximate location mentioned by Zhou Xiaochuan, he nodded lightly, "Oh, there! I guess San San really believes it."

Zhou Xiaochuan was puzzled for a while when he heard the words. "Why?"

Seeing his expression, Sanxi smiled, "Oh, I also heard that there used to be... that kind of person who said that there is a water vein near us. The location is also in that direction, but he didn't say where."

She winked at him as she spoke.


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