With a Door In Mind

v2 Chapter 515: , black-bellied Zhao Baoshan

The two chatted and walked away.

But what he said surprised him.

Lao Zhao is quite a business man! .

This is taking Lin Lao Liu to find another production team. This is ready to become bigger and stronger!

Although the production team of the commune has not come to the end today, several still came.

The heads of several production teams formed a circle.


There you come and I discuss. Noisy blushing.

However, only Zhao Baoshan was attacked. Because everyone feels that this guy is too greedy.

I'm too embarrassed to say it's 50%.

Zhou Xiaochuan was also secretly surprised when he heard it beside him.

Zhao Baoshan is indeed quite dark.

This is thinking of shit. It's kind of ugly to eat. Others will definitely not agree!

Waiting for the harvest to be harvested is tedious.

In the middle, everyone wrote the letter and sent it out, and all the things that should be bought at the supply and marketing agency were also bought.

Soon it was time for lunch.

Everyone took out the dry food they brought and started to eat lunch.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at Qian Hongbing and thought that he hadn't received the letter today, so he comforted: "Don't worry, the letter from my hometown hasn't been sent yet."

Qian Hongbing shook his head gently while eating the vegetable dumplings in his hand, "It's okay, I told them not to send letters."

Zhou Xiaochuan was surprised when he heard the words.

"Why don't you let them send a letter? It's not that difficult to find someone who can read to write a letter."

Hearing his words, Qian Hongbing shook his head with a wry smile, "It's not convenient for us to go to the commune, delaying things and spending money. When I left, I had only three dollars left at home."

Zhou Xiaochuan was silent for a while. did not speak.

Every family has its cupboard.

In his thoughts, Zhao Baoshan walked over with a satisfied face.

Looking at each other's smile, it must be more satisfied.

"Captain Zhao, how's it going?"

The other party smiled when he heard the words, "After talking, how much do you guess?"

Zhou Xiaochuan didn't care too much before.

50% is definitely impossible, and I estimate that one or two% have already died.

You must know that this is the production team of the entire commune.

And the people on the Xialin production team are several times their size.

Although the rest of the production team has not arrived yet, as long as they hear the wind, they will definitely come over by smelling it.

There's no way, they're all terrified.

Who wants to miss this opportunity to pick up money for nothing.

Yes, in their view, this is a waste of money.

I saw Zhao Baoshan gesture at him, and then slowly said, "This year's rate is 25%. 20% is money, and half is materials that don't need tickets."

After talking, hey hey.

This next week Xiaochuan was really surprised.

This is really taking money for nothing!

Bargaining so little!

However, Zhao Baoshan then said: "Next year, it will be 1.5 percent, and after next year, it will be 1 percent."

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded when he heard the words, it's not too bad.

But after thinking about it for a while, he realized that Zhao Baoshan was really black.

Because the most expensive Huanglian in it is perennial.

This year, those people who are digging for medicinal materials will definitely dig no matter how big or small.

Save at most some for seeds.

Those old rhizoma rhizomes, if they are dug up, will take several years to recover.

Even if some people hold back this year and let them dig next year, it will still be 15%.

From the beginning of the year after, actually not so much.

Those people probably didn't understand what was going on. Otherwise, she would have started scolding her.

Zhou Xiaochuan figured out the reason.

I thought to myself, aren't the rural people of this era all simple?

Captain Zhao is quite shrewd in playing this little abacus.

But thinking of the money in the other party's hand, he reminded: "Captain Zhao, are you going to pay the commune's money first? Or what are you going to do?"

Zhao Baoshan felt distressed when he heard the words, yes, the village still owes so much money to the commune.

If this continues, it is estimated that the money will be paid back next year.

But thinking of this, he felt distressed!

It is estimated that the money has not yet been warmed up, and it will be returned to the commune.

Zhang Baokun didn't have time to look for him when he was busy with farming before, but now that farming is over, it is estimated that when he finds an opportunity, he will come to ask for money.

However, I think it is not like his production team.

Everything else is a bear.

Pay it back.

Zhou Xiaochuan looked at Captain Zhao's expression and said with a smile, "Captain Zhao, give you an idea."

"What's your idea?"

"Go to the county seat and buy some sick cows and donkeys from the county seat. Let the old man treat him, and he's cured, but it's all labor!"

Hearing his words, Zhao Baoshan was also moved.

Then he still shook his head, "There are veterinarians in the county town, and those who can be optimistic should have been optimistic."

"Captain Zhao, do you think the cattle and donkeys of the Xialin production team have not gone to the veterinarian? Just took them out and sold them?"

When Captain Zhao heard his words, he hesitated for a while.

Yes, this big animal is so expensive, how could it not be a veterinarian.

It must be bad to see, and then you will be willing to take it out and sell it.

Thinking of this, he began to hesitate again, and he was also afraid of being poor. With so much money, he would be pulling a bunch of big animals that couldn't be cured.

There is no place to cry then.

"Old Zhao, come here quickly, it's our time."

In his thoughts, the front accountant Feng shouted at him.

Zhao Baoshan looked forward and hurriedly said:

"Okay, pay the public food first, then I'll discuss it with Lao Feng."

After speaking, without waiting for Zhou Xiaochuan to agree, he quickly walked towards the grain station.

The delivery of public grain is very slow, because each bag of grain has to be checked to see if it is dry.

Last is the weighing.

I saw the food inspector holding a small iron pipe and inserting it into the cloth bag.

Then some corn, sorghum or millet fell out of it.

The other party put the food in his mouth and chewed it.

After confirming that the grain was dry, he waved his hand: "Okay, let's weigh."

After the pound was passed, the grain was poured into a large bucket next to it.

This is also the last step to check to see if there are any other things mixed in.

Such as stones, or ash not sieved clean.

Busy until almost two or three o'clock.

All the food for the Shanglin production team was weighed.

After everyone came out, Zhao Baoshan hurriedly handed the note to Feng Accounting, "Look, is the account correct?"

Accountant Feng took the list and looked at it.

Then he nodded, "Almost, only 50 pounds less."

The food must have been weighed at home before it came.

Zhao Baoshan muttered there, "I'm not afraid of dying."

"Okay, so much food, a little error is normal."

Feng Accounting finally comforted him.

Zhao Baoshan nodded when he heard the words, and looked at Zhao Dafan in the crowd, "Dafan, take them back first, Lao Feng and I have something to do."

Zhao Dafan nodded when he heard the words, and walked towards the way back with the crowd.

Zhao Baoshan and Feng Accounting both looked at each other.

Then nodded to each other. He went to the commune.


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