With a Door In Mind

v2 Chapter 889: , going out is scheduled

Latest website: After two classes, when it was time to finish, Song Xiaoya left the classroom with her books in her arms.

Yang Kaiming watched the other party leave, and hurried over.

He whispered, "Xiao Chuan, I am not a traitor! I didn't tell her, but she guessed it herself."

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan nodded, "It's okay, it's okay if you guessed it, but brother! I can't help you anymore! If I come up with any bad ideas, it will make your relationship even worse, and it will be embarrassing."

When Yang Kaiming heard this, he hummed.

Zhou Xiaochuan walked out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his back.

Yang Kaiming followed with a dejected hammerhead, muttering as he walked, "What the **** is going on!"

Hearing his words, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled: "You guys are young, she suddenly behaved like this, either she has always regarded you as a brother or she has a relationship with her."

Yang Kaiming hurriedly shook his head, and said with a sure face: "It's impossible to belong to each other, and now we still live in a compound. If we really have our own attachment, I will know for sure."

After finishing speaking, she said with uncertainty: "She...doesn't really treat me as a brother?"

Hearing his words, the corner of Zhou Xiaochuan's mouth twitched.

He ignored him and walked out towards the school gate.

The farm is still slowly being built, and he doesn't have much to do.

Wang Benqun is keen to hold conferences every day, but due to his lack of education, he spends every day cramming and asking these people for basic knowledge.

With limited energy, I didn't make any sons.

Those backward elements he picked out were handed over to Wang Dalong for independent education and study.

With his own explanation, Wang Dalong naturally held it high and put it down gently.

But for some serious people, it still cannot be let go.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was Sunday.

This afternoon, he came to Ghui to look for Zhang Ping.

He was going to tell Lao Zhang about his previous decision, he was going out for a trip, but before that he had to order the ducks needed by the duck farm.

He came to ask for approval.

Separate batching is also to prevent encountering the same situation as the chicken farm.

When he came to the place, Zhang Ping knew that he had something important to ask him.

Sure enough, after Zhou Xiaochuan sat down, he said: "Old leader, they agreed, but they want pounds or US dollars. There are still a few questions. The first is where to trade. They will definitely not come to the mainland. The second is how to ensure the security of this transaction.”

Zhang Ping nodded when he heard the words, and put a smile on his face.

He said with a serious face: "I see, I will report it right away! You go back and wait for my news."

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Don't, leader, I still have business to do with you!"

Hearing his words, Zhang Ping was speechless for a while. Is there anything more important than that 200 tons of gold?

"Tell me! What is it?"

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Give me an approval note, and by the way, help me order two pulverizers, the kind that process feed. Let's talk about it first, I won't pay for the machines!"

If the provincial capital produced such a machine, he would buy it himself.

As for the rest, he hasn't figured it out yet.

There are many things that can be bought here, such as driving cars. Jianghuai Automobile Factory has started to produce cars since last year.

The farm is too small for the time being, so it is not suitable to buy.

Zhang Ping nodded when he heard the words, "Okay, no problem, I approved it, but this machine is not expensive, the total is a few thousand yuan, and the money still has to be paid. You can pay the bill first, and then give it when you have money."

Hearing his words, Zhou Xiaochuan thought for a while and knew that Zhang Ping had his difficulties.

Then he nodded, "Okay! As long as you don't ask me for money now. 首页收起@定定After that, he was ready to leave.

Seeing this, Zhang Ping hurriedly said to him: "Don't run away, just meet at G, or I won't be able to find you then!"

Zhou Xiaochuan thought for a while, then smiled and said: "Well, I will go to the farm on the other side of Chaohu Lake first, and I will be back soon. I will come to you when the time comes. They said, as long as you make sure, there will be no problem here. It can be traded, but I have to go out and operate in advance."

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Chapter 889, Going out has been decided

Zhang Ping thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, you can wait for such an important matter. Don't worry, there will be no problems."

Seeing his serious expression, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled, "That's fine, I'll go out and wait for you! Old leader, hurry up! I'm very busy."

Hearing his words, Zhang Ping smiled angrily, "Okay, you just wait in the office outside and don't run anywhere. I'll call now."

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan shrugged, left the office and went outside.

When he came outside, Xiao Li was writing something.

Seeing him coming, he just sat there and waited, then he smiled and said, "What's the matter? It's not fixed, is there anything else?"

Sitting on the sofa, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled and said, "Don't let me go, wait for my punishment!"

Xiao Li smiled and didn't answer, "Would you like something to drink? Tea or coffee?"

Hearing his words, Zhou Xiaochuan shook his head with a smile, "No need, Brother Li, you are busy with your work, I will sit down for a while, and I will leave when the old leader is done."

That's what he said, but how could Xiao Li be busy with himself and throw him aside.

Thinking of something, he smiled and said: "Xiao Chuan, if you have any difficulties in your work in the future, you can tell me first, and you don't have to bother the chief with some small things."

Zhou Xiaochuan thought about it after hearing the words, and it seems that he is too.

As the saying goes, there are seventh-rank officials in front of the prime minister's gate, and these seventh-rank officials don't necessarily take ordinary seventh-rank officials into consideration.

Not to mention Zhang Ping's secretary and driver.

But usually he's fine.

Then he was polite and said with a smile: "Okay, if there is anything in the future, I will find Brother Li!"

He didn't bother to eavesdrop on Zhang Ping's words, so he sat there and chatted with Xiao Li for a while.

"Xiao Chuan, come in."

After waiting for a full hour, Zhang Ping's shout came from inside.

Seeing this, Zhou Xiaochuan smiled at Xiao Li and said, "Brother Li, I'll go in first!"

The other party nodded, "Hurry up and go in!"

After entering, he closed the door, and Zhang Ping said with a serious face: "It has been confirmed, you can decide the place of transaction, as long as it is near us, and the time is also decided by you, and the money can be delivered to you in advance. your designated place."

Zhou Xiaochuan was surprised when he heard the words, so grand?

Seeing his expression, Zhang Ping continued: "The old leader asked the higher-ups for instructions, and the higher-ups said that the things sent earlier are already more than this price, so we can't be stingy anymore."

Hearing his words, Zhou Xiaochuan nodded.

Such domineering words and confident decisions should come from that person.

And who else can Zhang Ping's old leader ask for instructions.

Didn't expect it to be so big.

Then he raised his head and said with a smile: "Well, if you don't worry, the money will be given directly to Hong Kong Island. You must know who to give it to! Also, the old leader, you can find me a reason to go out. By the way Book a ticket for me, so I don’t have to go get it.”

Hearing his words, Zhang Ping nodded, "Don't worry, the reason has already been determined. It happens that the "backward team" will go to the capital to receive education the day after tomorrow. I will put you there. You are the entourage. You can do the rest yourself!"

Zhou Xiaochuan thought for a while, then nodded.

Anyway, I have to go to Lao Maozi to get the things first.

He knows about the latecomers (if you are interested, you can check it out, I won’t explain it here. There is no problem with the timeline. @精量\\/书阁*first update~~).

A meeting was scheduled some time ago.

It's just that their farm doesn't have quota.

Feeling that there is no problem, he smiled and said, "Okay, who should I contact then?"

Zhang Ping reported a set of phone numbers after hearing the words!

"You remember this number, don't keep paper records."

Zhou Xiaochuan nodded, and after making sure, he said hello and left.

Just leave the rest to Zhang Ping.

After leaving Zhang Ping's office, he drove towards Chaohu Farm.

When you come to a place, explain your purpose here.

Fortunately, the duck farm has been raising for many years. There are 30,000 to 40,000 ducks, and a lot of duck eggs are stored for hatching in spring.

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Chapter 889, Going out has been decided

Plus Zhang Ping's approval note.

The other party didn't argue, and generously agreed, and gave 20,000 ducks, and most of them were female ducks.

It's just that there are too many and it takes time.

It is tentatively scheduled to be completed by April.

Zhou Xiaochuan naturally agreed, and delivering 20,000 ducks ~lightnovelpub.net~ in more than a month is enough.

5 cents each, only 1,000 yuan in total.

After finishing it, when he came back, it was getting late.

I didn't go to the farm, but before I leave the day after tomorrow, I still have to go to the farm and explain it.

Otherwise, when he leaves and the ducklings arrive, it's still unknown how long these ducklings will survive, after all, they haven't been vaccinated yet.

It is easy to die.

Back home, the whole family is here.

Zhou Xiaochuan watched Qin Xiao pouted in his room, as if he had been wronged.

He walked in with a smile, "What's the matter?"

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Chapter 889, Going out has been decided