With Love and Time (Face with Love, Affection, and Time)

Chapter 384: Pissed him away


I have the heart to kill Luo Xiangdong!

For fear that he would call out something unacceptable again, I hurriedly said before my mother got to the bottom of the question, "Mom, my friends have come to play at home. I will go to greet them first and call you tomorrow."

My mother drank a little too much, otherwise she wouldn't let me off easily. After I hung up the video, the first thing I did was to reach out and hit Eenb on the head. I almost never hit Eenb, but like Luo Xiangdong, it caused me trouble all day long.

Jumping out of the bed, I rushed out of the master bedroom to the door of the guest bedroom. Pushed open the door of the room, the guest bedroom did not turn on the light, and the light of the living room was shining in. I saw that Luo Xiangdong had gone from his back to me to face me. He curled up one leg and said after seeing me, "Come on ...I have a numb leg..."

I strode over and raised my voice: "Which leg?"

"This...this side is numb..." Luo Xiangdong frowned, and put his hand on his right leg gently. I didn't care so much, I just raised my fist and hit his right leg, from the hip to the calf, as long as it was where I could touch it, I beat it all at once.

I beat Luo Xiangdong straight back to hide, but there was not much space behind the single bed, so he quickly pressed his back against the wall. I thumped and said: "Is it numb? Is it numb?"

Luo Xiangdong retreated irretrievably, and suddenly bounced off the bed. He stretched out his arm and hugged me directly around my waist. I felt like I was being taken by him and flew directly. Accompanied by the long scream of ‘ah’, he hugged me onto the bed. I thumped my hands and feet, kicking and kicking, and Luo Xiangdong's heavy breathing sounded in my ears. A stunner, I have been crushed by him.

My arms were pressed by his chest, and I pushed up hard, but he was like a heavyweight, and I couldn't move it. He wanted to move his legs, but he was a chicken thief, and his legs had long held my legs firmly.

I was in a stalemate with him for only 30 seconds, and my whole body was hot, like running a kilometer.

The guest bedroom did not turn on the lights, only a piece of light from the living room at the door. Luo Xiangdong pressed on me, and the light in front of me was blocked by the back of his head.

With my eyes facing each other, I stared and said angrily: "Luo Xiangdong, what do you want to do?"

My hand with my fist was just touching his heart cavity, and the beating of his heart's ‘dong dong dong dong’ was connected to the sound of my heartbeat through the fist.

Looking down at me, his thin lips opened, his voice couldn't hear anger or he complained, "You want to kill me?"

When I got angry, I struggled a bit. Although I couldn't get rid of it, I gritted my teeth and said back to him: "Why don't you kill you!"

Luo Xiangdong said, "Why beat me to death?"

He pressed me under his body and asked why I wanted to kill him?

I gritted my teeth, I didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so I just said concisely: "Let go."

Luo Xiangdong said, "I don't want to loose it."


I pressed my lips and said nothing, just raised my eyes and stared at him vigilantly. Luo Xiangdong's face is completely hidden behind the light, and occasionally a little side light shines, making his features more three-dimensional and deep.

I could not see the expression in his eyes, but after ten seconds, I heard his voice calling my name in a low voice: "Zi Jin..."

I was so excited by him that I subconsciously said: "Luo Xiangdong, you don't have to make an inch."

This time it’s his turn to stop speaking, I deliberately sullen my face, and said solemnly: "Do you think I let you in my door, you can do whatever you want? You think you stayed at my door all night and I feel softhearted Now? I tell you, I just pity you, and leave as soon as you wake up. I don't want to see you."

An evil fire in my heart for no reason. Who does Luo Xiangdong think of me? I broke up with Ji Guanxin, but my heart is made of flesh. Even if the stone falls into the lake, I still have to make a sound. He really thinks I can accept him so quickly?


"I'm single now, but it doesn't mean that my next choice is you. Luo Xiangdong, I will not passively wait for someone to respond to my love anymore."

Some people say that the more you talk about love, the better. Because you see more, you know what is best and what you want most; but some people say that the less love talk, the better, because people will Learn fine slowly. Once the relationship is calculated, it will inevitably be a bit more to weigh the pros and cons.

If my love for Luo Xiangdong was sprinkled with blood on the ice cube, then even if the ice wants to melt me, it depends on his own temperature.

I can no longer use my own temperature to melt others, because feelings are also capable. I am afraid that I will be overdrawn and lose the ability to love someone in the future.

After I finished speaking, Luo Xiangdong was silent for a long time, but he finally turned over and got off me and lay in the bed. I wanted to go, but he still held my hand. I just wanted to go crazy, but I heard him say: "I won't touch you, you lie down with me for a while."

I struggled to get up, Luo Xiangdong simply crossed his arm and took me into his arms.

I cursed: "Luo Xiangdong, are you he..."



I was pressed into his arms by him, and I reached out and grabbed the sweater on his chest. Hearing this, I couldn't honestly let him slaughter. While pushing him, I said, "Hurry up and get out of here!"

The one-meter-wide single bed was full when Luo Xiangdong lay on it. Now I will be added. My back is empty and I feel like it will fall anytime, anywhere.

Luo Xiangdong clasped my wrists with one hand, and wrapped my waist with the other. In the chaos, he said aloud: "Fall again and kill you."

I ignored it and said loudly: "You let me go!"

Luo Xiangdong cursed in a low voice: "How stubborn is he!"

After finishing speaking, he used both hands at the same time to directly lift me up. Originally, I was face to face with him, but now he moved his body out, and I was pulled over by him. When he turned over again, I was transported from outside the bed to inside.

Luo Xiangdong was afraid that I would fall, so he turned his back to the bed. I spared my legs to kick him. At first he wanted to suppress me with his legs, but I was very flexible and was a bit reckless to get crazy. Knowing where his weakness was, I kicked it.

Presumably, Luo Xiangdong didn't expect me to dare to kick his crotch. When I got down, I only used 30% of the strength. But Luo Xiangdong still snorted, let go of my hand, and rolled directly to the ground.

With a bang, the moment he fell to the ground, I immediately got up and leaned against the corner of the bed. The kgb and eenb outside heard the sound and Sa Yazi ran over, leaning close to Luo Xiangdong and sniffing, thinking that something serious had happened to him.

A few seconds later, Luo Xiangdong got up from the ground, his white socks seemed to emit a bright white light under a ray of light.

He stared in my direction, his face stinky. I was also scared at the bottom of my heart, because I knew there was no kicking, so I deliberately didn't use much effort, why he was so embarrassed?

I want to ask him if there is anything wrong, but I feel that it is not my fault. When I am struggling...

"Liang Zijin!"

Intuition and lessons taught me that when Luo Xiangdong called me by my full name, there was basically nothing good.

I was shocked slightly, and I was afraid that Luo Xiangdong would really go crazy. I said: "You fell by yourself."

Luo Xiangdong was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, but he couldn't really hit me. He stood there and stared at me for a while, and he said bitterly, "You have to kill me!"

I huddled in the corner of the bed and blocked myself with a pillow. Hearing this, I didn't dare to say anything.

For a minute and a half, Luo Xiangdong's anger in his heart gradually calmed down. When I saw him walking towards me, I was so frightened that I stood up and said, "What are you doing?"

Luo Xiangdong still took a sigh of relief. Hearing this, he stunned me without thinking: "I want to do too much. Can you control me?"

With that, he had walked over to the bed and reached out his hand to me. I was so scared to hit him with the pillow, he grabbed the corner of the pillow, snatched it and threw it beside him.

I thought he wanted the Overlord to bow, but he just took away the belt around me. Putting the belt back around his waist, he turned and walked out without saying a word to me.

I thought to myself, when it was over, Luo Xiangdong turned his face like a book. This really made me angry.

Sitting on the bed, I was curious about why he went out, but in order to be angry with him, I couldn't get out of bed and follow.

After about half a minute, I heard the door opening and closing. Eyes stared slightly, Luo Xiangdong left?

After waiting for a while, the room was quiet. I got out of bed and walked out of the guest bedroom to look outside. There was no one in the living room, and Luo Xiangdong really left.

It's just... I looked at kgb and eenb standing at the door, and Luo Xiangdong left, why did he leave them with me?

I especially wanted to call Luo Xiangdong to ask questions, but I felt that the person who called first had no face, so I refused to do so out of anger.

I don't know what Luo Xiangdong is up to. Maybe he is going to the door to play a joke again, so I put on my slippers and went to the door to look out of the cat's eye. There was no one outside the door. I went there every other time and found that Luo Xiangdong had really left.


I gave a blank look, thinking that he was wrong, he still dare to make a face with me?

There is a kind of walking, there is a kind of never coming back to pick up a dog!

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, I turned on the TV to watch when I was bored, and two big dogs were lying beside me. After 11 o'clock in the middle of the night, I tried to turn to a food show. The enlarged images on the screen were all delicious.

My hungry stomach screamed, kgb and eenb didn't eat anything at night. At noon I have done everything I can do at home. It's really nothing. I had to wear a coat and take both of them out for food.

Fortunately, the location where I live now is convenient, and there is a small restaurant on the back street. I took the two of them and found home casually. The waiter said that dogs were not allowed in. I was standing at the door holding the menu and ordering dishes. Then I gathered my coat in the cold wind and said to them: "You said Luo Xiangdong. Moral, right? I'm ashamed to pull you up with bites and hardships. This is the first time he doesn't want you?"

"If you are a little bit shy, don't go back with him in the future, you will get confused with me."