With Love and Time (Face with Love, Affection, and Time)

Chapter 95: A moment of spring night, but a dream

In fact, I eat hot pot and like to eat leftover pot bottom to cook noodles, but today I drank six or seven bottles of beer, not to mention that there is no room in my stomach, but I always run to the toilet all this time, and my legs are soft. It also affects the mood.

Luo Xiangdong also saw that I was drunk, and he said: "Let's go, I will send you back."

After he paid the bill, he took me out of the hot pot restaurant. When the night wind blew, the smell of beef and mutton in my mouth made me somewhat disgusting. I hurriedly reached out and covered my mouth to prevent myself from smelling it.

Luo Xiangdong caught a glimpse of my little action. He immediately showed a vigilant look and said aloud: "If you want to vomit, vomit now, don't wait for a while to vomit in the car."

His dislike of nakedness is all because of my long history.

I took away the hand that was blocking my mouth and replied aloud: "You don't need to send me off, I'll take a taxi back."

Luo Xiangdong seemed to snorted very low, and then said: "Do you think I want to send you? With your current posture of walking and shaking, the driver knew that he was drinking too much.

I deliberately lowered my face and looked upset, but I walked towards his car as a matter of course.

After getting in the car, Luo Xiangdong started the car and asked, "Where to go?"

I was dazed, leaning on the comfortable leather seat, and whispered back: "Go home."

Luo Xiangdong didn't say anything else, and drove me back to Luo's apartment. The car stopped on the street and I almost fell asleep. All I could hear was Luo Xiangdong's voice: "Can I go up?"

I was unresponsive, and only replied two seconds later: "Yes."

I unfastened my seat belt, opened the door, and when I got out of the car, I waved to Luo Xiangdong and said with a faint smile: "Mr. Luo, thank you for inviting me to dinner."

Luo Xiangdong hummed, it was so cool, he didn't laugh, and said directly: "Go up."

I said goodbye, and after closing the door, I turned and walked towards the door of the apartment.

Being drunk like this, I still maintain the most basic sanity in my heart, don't walk, don't let Luo Xiangdong see me laughing.

I don't know if I am walking in a straight line, because my feet are soft, and every step is like stepping on cotton candy.

After walking more than ten or twenty meters, I finally came to the door under the apartment, thinking about finding the key from the bag to open the door, but with my left and right hands, what about my bag?

Touched all over, where is my key?

I stood at the entrance of the apartment, stunned for a minute, and then, with my almost crashed head, I recalled what happened before.

When I came out of the hospital, I didn't bring my bag at all, let alone the key to the apartment.

This time it's okay, I can't enter the house.

I stand still, infinitely annoyed.

"What are you doing aa?"

In the night when there was no one left or right, a male voice suddenly came from behind, enough to scare me to stick to the security door, then turned my head in horror.

My wide eyes met Luo Xiangdong's slightly squinted black eyes, and I saw that his face was full of contempt and disgust.

After a while, I sighed, but frowned and said, "Why are you here? It scared me to death."

Luo Xiangdong also raised his brows. He looked at me and said, "You won't go in here if you poke and grumble, what do you think?"

I said, "I didn't bring the key."

Luo Xiangdong gave me a fierce look, and then said, "Are you stupid? Where's the key?"

"The key is in the hospital." I replied somewhat aggrieved, is it me the victim now? I’m the one who’s locked out and can’t get in, okay?

Luo Xiangdong blatantly plucked me out for several times, but I didn't believe it that he didn't bother me.

We were separated by less than two meters. We just stood in pairs like this. After a while, Luo Xiangdong finally couldn't stand it and said, "What are you doing there? I'll take you to the hospital."

After that, he turned to leave, I sighed, and stopped Luo Xiangdong, he turned to look at me, his eyes were impatient.

I said: "It's so late now, and I drank so much alcohol, so I won't go back to the hospital, so they worry."

When Luo Xiangdong heard this, he inadvertently raised his brows, looked at me and said, "Where are you going?"

Several candidates flashed in my mind, Dong Jianan, she is now living in Luo’s staff dormitory, not far from here, I can go to her, but she is angry with me now, the atmosphere between us is embarrassing , What I fear most is the disagreement between face and heart, so I quickly ruled it out.

Xu Lu, I was happy to join her, but she lives in a place more than two hours away from the city. I have to toss over it. Not to mention whether Luo Xiangdong will kill me, I guess I can't stand it myself. Therefore, it is still excluded.

auzw.com As for Kuang Yiyang, let alone, he still lives on campus.

I searched it with my alcohol-soaked brain, and I found poorly that when I was in college, I wished everyone in the whole school knew me, and I could know one-fifth of the whole school. But once I graduated, everyone There are only a few people who can rely on when running things, and now, there are very few people.

The feeling of loneliness and helplessness surged up again, and I was really embarrassed to speak to Luo Xiangdong, I had nowhere to go.

Luo Xiangdong stood in front of me, waiting for me to speak. After about ten seconds, he said aloud: "If you don't want to disturb your friends, then go to the hotel, and I will take you there."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the sports car parked on the side of the road.

I looked at his back and my heart warmed inexplicably, because he didn't tease that I had no friends, but used the words "don't bother me".

He finally gave me a step down, and I stepped behind him, and within a few minutes, I got into his car again.

Luo Xiangdong drove me to the Longting Hotel, which is the nearest to the hospital. Outside the dozens of floors of the hotel, the huge l sign symbolizes that this is also an industry under the Luo family.

We got off the car together and entered the hotel lobby. Luo Xiangdong stood at the front desk and opened a room for me. I saw that the receptionist always swept my face inadvertently. With scrutiny and gossip, I quickly kept a little distance from Luo Xiangdong and didn't want to be misunderstood.

In fact, Luo Xiangdong would not give others a chance of misunderstanding, because after he got the room card, he handed it to me directly in front of the front desk and said: "Go up by yourself, call them to send it if you need something."

I took the room card, and my heart was very warm and moved, so I replied softly: "Thank you, Mr. Luo."

Luo Xiangdong gave a hum, and then said: "Think about it again, if there is anything else, if it's okay, I'll really leave this time."

I shook my head quickly and replied: "It's okay, it's really okay this time."

Luo Xiangdong said, "Then I'm leaving, if anything happens, just call me."

I looked at Luo Xiangdong’s back when he turned and left, and a strange thought flooded my heart. If he looked back again, what would it be like?

Halfway through my thoughts, I immediately shook my head lightly and scolded myself for thinking about it.

I went upstairs with my room card. I was really sleepy. After cleaning up, I lay in bed and fell asleep.

On this occasion, due to the effects of alcohol, I slept very heavily and also had a strange dream.

I dreamt that Luo Xiangdong confessed to me that he has liked me for a long time, and I said: "Didn't you always have a girlfriend?"

He said: "I'm just playing with those women, I'm serious about you."

I have to say that I was still tempted, but out of moral constraints, I rightfully rejected him, and said that apart from work relations, I can only be friends with him.

But in the next scene change, I was in a wide beige sofa. Before I got back to my senses, a tall body directly pressed me underneath. He started kissing me, very lingering, even a The subtle movements can make me shudder.

I opened my eyes unintentionally and saw Luo Xiangdong's magnified beautiful face.

I didn't resist, because from the bottom of my heart, I always thought that we are a relationship, and it is normal to do such things.

He kissed my lips, his big hands climbed to my chest somehow, grabbed my chest, and whispered to me, "Do you want it?"

There seemed to be thousands of electric currents running through my whole body at the same time, making me tremble and tense.

Breathing low, I blushed and looked at Luo Xiangdong on my body, just about to say yes

Suddenly, I opened my eyes, and the aim was half white and half light gray. I was stunned for more than ten seconds. Then I realized that I was sunken in the quilt, and my face was half covered, so One eye sees the white of the quilt, and the other eye sees the gray of the wallpaper.

After the hangover, my whole body was sour and soft, as if I had been crushed by a road roller halfway through. Finally, I reached out and pushed the quilt away. I touched the phone on the bedside table and opened it. First I saw the time above. It was already half past 12 noon.

With a frown, I quickly got up from the bed and sat down by the head of the bed.

Below the time, it also shows that I have four missed calls, all of which are from my mother.

I quickly cleared my throat, and then called back. Baidu Sistersuo#>Pen>Ge—With love and time

My mother was connected quickly, and she said, "Zi Jin, where are you?"

I lowered my gaze slightly, holding a corner of the hotel's white quilt with one hand, and forbearing my guilty heart, pretending to be calm, replied, "I'm with friends."

My mother said: "I found out only after you left yesterday. You didn't bring your bag or key. Where did you sleep at night?"

I said: "You sleep at a friend's house, don't worry about me, I will go to the hospital after I clean up."

My mother said again: "If you call your cell phone, you won't answer it. This night, it made me anxious."

I'm afraid that when I go to the hospital later, my mother can guess that I drank alcohol last night, so I simply counted it and replied aloud: "I drank some alcohol with my friend last night. To."

My mother didn't doubt that there was him, and said relaxedly: "That's OK, you can clean up and come here, your milk asked why I didn't see you today."