Wizard: I Brought the Wrong System

Chapter 266: nourish

, the fastest update wizard: I brought the latest chapter of the wrong system!

After entrusting the complicated matters to the white deer, he rode on a tall elk. With the support of five elk with white down whiskers, Yarrow left here decisively.

Extraordinary materials will gradually dissipate magic power under natural conditions. Since Bailu needs to use tree trunks and is unwilling to explain the reason, there must be her difficulties.

If you stay here for too long and don't leave, I can't say it will ruin her affairs.

—The reason why White Deer is willing to use magic to help collect materials may have this reason.

Following Yarrow's figure, the shining ball of light gradually escaped into the jungle, and the huge black jade-colored tree trunk gradually fell into darkness, leaving only a pair of beautiful green eyes, flashing with a little emotion.

I don't know how long it took, but a faint singing voice gradually sounded in the silent jungle.

"You are the beating wild deer, you are the galloping bison..."

"The nightingale, who sang beautifully, fell asleep..."

"Look directly at the darkness inside yourself..."

"This is Mother Nature's loving embrace..."

The ethereal and distant voice is like poetry, like songs, and like mysterious sacrifice spells.

Weak spots of light flew slowly from the black jade-colored tree trunk, one after another... The number of them became more and more, and the rays of light gathered became brighter and brighter.

Countless light spots, like scattered bright stars shining slightly, and like flying fireflies chasing waves with the wind, they swarm and fight with each other, gather, scatter, flutter, spin in the jungle... In the dark jungle, Gradually a halo of the Holy Spirit rose up.

There was a commotion in the surrounding bushes, and the sturdy elk broke out from the dark night with their heads held high, like a majestic guard, stepping on the fragile ice crystals, stepping into the land of the Holy Spirit.

Strange vines flickering with a faint magic halo wrapped around the antlers of the leading three tall elk, forming strange cages with small spaces, but in the center of this strange cage, tied one sleeping The abyss elf wearing.

Bailu waved his white arms, just like a great painter who splashed ink recklessly, and like a beautiful fairy palace and weaver girl, connecting the mottled light spots together, making them converge into a long river of fluorescent twinkling stars .

The beautiful girl lit her white soles and danced in a light spin. The long river of light was as soft as mist, like a flowing shawl surrounding the girl.

"...you will nourish all things, and the cycle of life begins here!"

As the girl held her heart and whispered, the elegant light mist covered her silk and circled around her delicate body a few times, and then floated out reluctantly, entwined with three unconscious abyss elves.

The bizarre vines fell off, and the three tall elk lowered their high heads, letting the loose robes take the three abyss elves away.

"You will be reborn in her body, I hope... you can break free, the torment of the power of the abyss on consciousness."

Bai Lu murmured and cast the wish in his heart to the ethereal streamer of light.

With that wonderful expectation, the shimmering streamer quickly returned, dragging the three still sleeping abyss elves into the black jade-colored tree trunk.

Two days later.

Nine iron cages were neatly placed in the laboratory of Perrin Castle, and nine gray-brown house mice were divided into three groups and imprisoned in nine iron cages respectively.

Yarrow took Bevan and Hurley along and began weighing the mice that had been in the experiment for two days.

Turning over the straw paper on which the table had already been drawn, Yarrow first said, "Take the three mice from the blank group first."

The mice in the control group were only fed water for the past two days, but they were all adult gray-haired house mice. Even if they hadn't eaten for two days, they were still very active after seeing strangers coming in, and they kept beating in the iron cage.

After hearing Yarrow's words, Heli, who was wearing thick gloves, immediately stepped forward, pressed down the gray mouse, and then grabbed the back of the mouse's neck with the other hand. in the cage above the balance scale.

As the mouse continued to climb and rotate, and the scales swayed back and forth, Bevin immediately adjusted the weights.

When the balance was roughly stable, Yarrow glanced at the scale and immediately filled in a value on the form in his hand.

536 grams!


675 grams!

"Next one."

476 grams!

Due to the limited number of house mice caught, there were only three mice in each of the three experimental groups.

After Yarrow filled in the data in the blank group, he glanced at the previously registered value, subtracted the two, and wrote:

5.2 (grams)!

6.5 (g)!

5.9 (g)!

This value is still exaggerated, but it is much less than the value subtracted from yesterday.

Yarrow wrote a summary below the data:

[It may be because there is a lot of residual food in the stomach of the mouse, because I don't know the time for the mouse to digest the food, and I don't know whether the digestion ability of the mouse will be strengthened in the absence of food]

[Therefore, the specific time for emptying the stomach cannot be obtained]

After writing this, Yarrow raised his head and motioned to Haley: "Go ahead, take the three mice from the control group."

The three mice in the control group were fed five grams of fat meat every day in addition to water for the past two days.

Compared with the size of their bodies, five grams of fat should ensure their body's consumption, and there should even be a lot of excess.

But after registering the data, Yarrow frowned slightly after calculating the data.

The weight difference between the three mice and yesterday is:

1.6 (grams)!

10.4 (grams)!

1.4 (grams)!

- The data is too biased!

Yarrow stepped forward and carefully inspected the iron cage where the second control group mouse lived.

After a while, he nodded knowingly and continued to write the summary on the form:

[The weight loss of five grams of fat is roughly 1.5 per day. The second control mouse did not eat fat. There was a lot of feces and paw prints in the cage. It should be a stress response. Its data is completely Unbelievable, you may need to catch a new mouse to replace it in the future]

Writing this, Yarrow couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Next, it is to look at the results of the experimental group. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

What could it be?

Is the white wool a stimulant, or is it a super energy bar that can be absorbed quickly?

Without Yarrow's warning, Heli had already thrown a lively brown rat into the cage of the balance scale.


With just a glance, Yarrow's brain quickly calculated a result.


Since the mice were fed white velvet whiskers, Yarrow put more energy into them, and unknowingly had already recorded their weight, which was only 548 grams yesterday.

It actually weighed 19 grams!

Just fed 5 grams of white wool and water every day, this mouse actually weighed 19 grams!

Shouldn't quality be conserved?