Wizard: I Brought the Wrong System

Chapter 292: Magic Attack - Fear Coercion

Is the white deer in this army?

Yarrow flies around.

While patrolling the bottom, he slowed down his inertia.

The number of troops below is not large, there are only shallow shrubs around, and there is no other place to hide. Yarrow quickly finished checking.

- No trace of the white deer found!

Just because Yarrow gradually reduced his speed, the crowd below could see clearly that a mysterious man in golden armor and surrounded by black mist was flying.

"What's the matter with you?"

The Benson Knight in the center of the crowd made a loud voice, his eyes were solemn, but he did not even flinch.

According to what he thought, the mysterious golden man in the sky could not stay for no reason.

Judging from the continuous flying around, it must have been eyeing the black stone on the carriage.

Yarrow, who finally slowed down his speed, was suspended in mid-air and looked at the sound, just in time to meet those firm eyes.


Covered by the skull mask, Yarrow's voice was a little low.

However, before he could finish his words, he suddenly noticed the weak body under the knight's feet.

Although the surface of his body was covered with filthy dirt, Yarrow quickly recognized him with his unique hair color and strange clothes.

- Isn't that the white deer?

Take a look at the items on the carriages around you.

A lot of deerskins, strange solidified black jade, blood-stained branches scattered around, strange wounds of soldiers... In addition to the white deer that was trampled underfoot, I do not know whether to live or die.

The details that I didn’t care about just now are reconnected—

"While Bailu was helping him, these soldiers hunted and killed those psychic elk herds, and then dug up the remains of the magic tree?"

The reason why Bai Lu didn't answer the appointment and wait may be because he knew the news.

The crystal epee full of strange patterns was pulled out inch by inch from the scabbard.

Yuqing, the white deer and the elk herd are familiar with Yarrow. The elk herd has been slaughtered so far, and the white deer has been trampled under so embarrassedly, Yarrow can't help but take action.

Yu Li, if the white deer, the daughter of the forest, did not leave, how could the elk herds be killed and injured in such a large number!

This matter started because of Yarrow's help.

He - had to shoot!


The excited sound of unsheathing, the surging fire phoenix came out, and the piercing cries sounded, causing a commotion among the soldiers.

"Bow and string, get ready!"

The bodyguard in leather armor gave the order sharply.

The soldiers who received the order seemed to have the backbone, and they took off the half-length bow on their backs, and put slender arrows on it.

The heavily-armored soldiers on the periphery did not need to command, they had already raised their large shields, and according to their previous training, they quickly gathered in a neat queue.

This formation is naturally effective for a sudden ground attack, but for Yarrow in the sky, it seems so ridiculous.

Just, let's go.

But when reason rose, the idea of ​​​​dancing swords and rushing was temporarily suppressed, and Yarrow thought of a key question.

-How to rescue the white deer!

Even though Yarrow had already shown hostility, the silver armored knight still didn't move his legs.

According to the knight's physique, this situation is no different from the blade resting on the neck of the white deer.

As long as the knight is willing, he can step on it at any time.

"It's that knight, who thinks that these ordinary soldiers around him can defend him?"


"He is also guarding against the white deer?"

"But first of all, I can't show that I want to rescue Bai Lu, in case he uses Bai Lu's life as a threat."

In the blink of an eye, Yarrow came up with two solutions.

The first is to attack the outer soldiers, defeat them and kill them wantonly.

Even if he wanted to guard against White Deer, he should have done it for the rest of the soldiers.

Otherwise, with the strength of a fully armed knight, White Deer has no ability to threaten him at all.

As long as you kill it hard enough, I don't believe that the knight can hold on!

Brutal emotions began to cheer.

Even if it's just for his own consideration, Yarrow will not make this strategy if he chooses again.

As for the second -

The crystal epee exploded with a bang, blazing a fiery flame.

The black mist boiled and spread into a huge human-shaped shadow with wings.

At this moment, in the shadow's pupils, there are even two flaming giant eyes.

Inexplicable—everyone felt that breathing became difficult.

The resulting tightness in the chest makes it even more depressing.

Magic Attack - Fear Coercion!

A large amount of the power of the abyss is directly released, and the fiery epee increases the burning fire.

Under the dual action of the power of the abyss and the burning of flames, the oxygen content of the surrounding air plummeted for a short time.

Two more light spells are used as eyes, which can oppress the enemy's psychology and reduce the attack ability of ordinary enemies.

- Oxygen levels are reduced, making it easier to get tired from doing any movement.

This move was thought up by Yarrow when he was training as a knight.

After all... Yarrow himself has to wear an oxygen mask, so he can't let the enemy breathe the oxygen in the air recklessly, right?

As for mimicry, it's also not a superfluous move.

One of the uses of mimicry is to deter the enemy.

Among ordinary people, there are rumors of demons destroying the world, and this kind of move can naturally scare those ignorant people.

Moreover, the shadow shape simulated by Yarrow also has a prototype in the abyss.

The sorcerer's name for it is a tongue-in-cheek word, and Yarrow directly translates the word as 'Doomguard'.

This monster has the strength to threaten third-level wizards.

It also has enough deterrent power for those extraordinary who can recognize this monster.

The second effect is to confuse the enemy in this way.

When the magic trick was just researched, Bosco also taught that the magic trick should be packaged so that others could not see the principle and reason of the move.

The same is true for simulating the Doomguard.

The 'Doomsday Guard' already has fear and coercion, and by borrowing their appearance, many enemies who do not know the air composition can be misled, making them unable to discern the principle of the move.

"I've taken a fancy to these things, UU reading www.uukanshu.com you...you can get out."

A low and hoarse voice came from under the skeleton mask, and the flying black flame phoenix also screamed.

The huge demon shadow held high a huge flaming sword and swept back and forth in the sky.

The scorching air waves shuttled back and forth on everyone, and the depression in their hearts became heavier and heavier, and some of the injured gasped for a few breaths and suddenly fainted.

At this moment, the mysterious golden armored man in the sky did not move, his eyes under the dazzling blond hair, just stared ruthlessly at the knight in the center of the crowd.

"Can you bear it?"

"Are you going to attack me, or agree to my word and retreat?"

"No matter what, you have to make a decision!"


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