Wizard: I Can Extract Everything

Chapter 90: 087: Five floors

  Chapter 90 087: Five layers

  At this moment, the sixth floor, level valley.

  When Heath and the others came to Level Valley, a lot of apprentices had already gathered here.

  After seeing Heath and the others, everyone turned dark.

   "The metamorphosis of the Tower of Shadows is here!"

   "Damn, stay away from him, I don't want to fail before the finish line."

  If anyone thought that the black-haired genius of the Tower of Shadows was so vain, then no one now has such absurd ideas.

  In the past few days, the apprentices on the sixth floor have really seen the terrible place of the black-haired genius.

  Although Heath is sometimes very cloudy, but it is only when it can't be beaten.

  He has always been straightforward to deal with Caiji.

   Coming this way, he saw one cut one, saw two cut a pair, and all the apprentices who stopped him and had malicious intentions toward him were sent out by the most direct means.

  Because of this, in just a few days, everyone has experienced the horror of being dominated by black hair.

  Until now, it was too late to see him from a distance, and no one dared to ambush him and hit his attention.

  Take the example of seeing Heath and the three walking into the valley at this time. The apprentices two by one seemed to avoid the plague, avoiding them far away, and there was even a tendency to gather together to form cliques.

   is able to force these unrelated apprentices to be almost in the same breath. From this point, we can also see his great achievements in the past few days.

  ‘Are you so afraid of me? ’

  Walking into the valley, Heath glanced at the trembling apprentices, and then his gaze fell on the giant tree blocking Taniguchi in front.

  This is a high-level magic creature, a kind of tree race, called the guard tree, which has the strength comparable to that of a high-level apprentice, and it can also summon forest goblins to fight together to deal with abnormal troubles.

  The clown who followed Heath said: "There are guard trees left by wizards on all the only ways to the end."

   "But we don't necessarily need to defeat them to get past. Maybe we can try to negotiate with it, maybe there will be surprises."

  Heath decided to follow the clown’s opinion.

  He stepped forward.

  Before he could speak, the tree-man said grumpyly: "Either defeat me, or give me purification water, otherwise don't want to pass me!"

  Heath asked: "Purified water?"

  The tree man pointed to a lake not far away and said, "There is a pool at the bottom of the lake, and the pool is full of purified water!"

  Heath frowned.

  The lake seemed to be hundreds of meters deep, and he hadn’t learned diving spells, and he didn’t even have a good swimming level. How could it be possible to get water from the lake.

  The clown suggested: "Every level guard will have different requirements. If we can't get through here, maybe we can try another place."

  "Can't make it, can't make it, go, go!"

  "Go, try another place."

   "If it doesn't work, just turn back and dig the treasure chest. Anyway, I don't think I can win."

  There are already apprentices around who have begun to choose detours.

  Heath also hesitated.

  Do you want to make a detour?

  The nearest route to the destination will take at least one day, which is too long.

  Besides, the next level guard's requirements can be guaranteed to be met by themselves?

   Hearing in his heart, and then weighing each other's strengths, Heath put a hand on the hilt of the sword.

  The clown shouted: "Yes, **** it!"

   is ready to come hard, but at this moment.

   "Let me try it!" Jenny in the team suddenly said.

  Heath was taken aback: "Are you sure?"

  The two of them are useless along the way, so Heath ignored them directly before.

  Jenny nodded: "I think I can."

  Seeing that she was so confident, Heath didn't say much, and let go of her hand.

   Immediately, Jenny was seen walking to the lake, took out a cowhide water sac from the space pocket, then took off her clothes and walked into the lake naked.

  Every time she took a step, her body began to twist and deform, and she quickly turned into a one-inch-long little mermaid. She jumped into the lake with a ‘click’, flapping the fish’s tail to swim towards the bottom of the lake.

   seems to be a common spell [transfiguration] in the wizarding world.

  After waiting in place for a few minutes, Jenny swam back to the shore again, the cowhide water sac just now being held in her mouth by her.

  She swam back to the shore, her body began to swell and grow a little bit, and she quickly recovered her human appearance.

  She raised the cowhide water sac and shook it towards Heath and Jessica: "I got it."

   Immediately took out the towel to dry the water stains on his body and put on the cloak again.

  Heath took the cowhide water sac and walked over and gave it to the tree man in front. The tree man opened the stopper and drank the water.

   "Yes, it is purified water! You can pass!"

   After saying ‘wow, the dense branches let aside.

  Jessica and Jenny are overjoyed: "Haha, great!"

   Immediately, the three passed smoothly.

  Shortly after coming out of the valley, the clown next to Heath said happily: "Yeah! Congratulations, my friend, you passed the sixth level test."

  "The victorious person deserves a reward. Come and see how lucky you are."

  It doesn’t know where to pull out a thing similar to a big turntable, which is marked with all kinds of magic tools, such as witches, potions, scrolls, and so on.

   Immediately, he turned the turntable, and the turntable began to spin.

  After spinning for more than ten seconds, the turntable stopped slowly, and the pointer was pointing to a label at this time.

  It says: witchware [hound's nose].

  The clown happily said: "Big surprise, my friend, you won [Hound’s Nose] This is a medium-sized apprentice witch."

  "Then, the Hound’s Nose is for you. I hope he can help you on the way after you."

  The clown said and snapped his fingers.

   "Boom!" With a sound, a cloud of smoke exploded in the midair in front of Heath's eyes, and a small wooden box fell from the smoke, and fell to the ground with a ‘click’.

  Heath took a look at the box, which contained a stuff like a dog’s nose.

  He stretched out his mental tentacles to dive into it for the first time, leaving a spiritual mark on it, and understood its usage and purpose.

   Immediately, he said silently in his heart: Extract.

  "Drop, extract successfully, and get the blueprint of the middle-level apprentice-level witchware [Hound’s Nose]."

  At the same time, two more bangs came from behind, and Jessica and Jenny each had a small wooden box in front of their heels, as if they had received rewards.

   "Haha, I got two thousand magic stones!" Jenny said happily.

   "I got [Thorn Coil], a middle-level apprentice spell." Jessica also smiled.

  Immediately, the three of them continued on the road.

  After passing through the checkpoint valley, it is a land of Pingchuan, and I heard from the clown that it is forbidden for apprentices to fight and fight in this area.

  There is no danger, and the efficiency of the three people's unhurried journey has been improved again, and they soon reached the end of the sixth floor.

  Fifth floor, it's just a stone's throw away!

  (End of this chapter)