Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 432: It's getting foggy

The deepest night.

The whole world is shrouded in black tulle.

In a humble courtyard northwest of Lunt town.

A long abandoned courtyard.

In the darkness, around the courtyard, a stout figure stood straight.

Every figure is extremely strong.

They all wear strong armor, carry strong bows, and hold sharp blades in their hands.

Each one is a battle-hardened warrior, and is the most elite fighting force a baron can bring.

In the broken hut in the middle of the courtyard.

Moonlight leaked from all around the thatched hut, and it was clear that seven people were sitting in the hut.

In the hut, there was only a simple long table nailed with planks, and wooden piers and stones used as stools.

In general, this kind of furniture will not be used by even the poorest people. Only beggars will make it difficult.

But surprisingly.

Each of the seven people sitting is extraordinary, and exudes a long-lived spirit.

More importantly, everyone has the knight strength.

Seven knights, hundreds of meters of warriors, gathered in a corner of Lent town.

The seven people in the hut frowned, apparently very upset.

"What about the Evelyn family? The night attack plan was initiated by them, and it turned out so long that no one saw it?"

Here, it is the Chiola family and the Buken family.

The elite of the two great baron families are brought.

They have to do this.

Because-Will is back!

Fifteen years ago, the genius who made them submit to the three barons.

The genius who had left Albert Castle for thirteen years without any news, came back yesterday night.

When they got the news, everyone was terrified.

Will is back. Is the Albert family far from revenge?

"We should have taken down Albert Castle in one go!"

"... There are also many concerns."

"Worry? Will will come back in the end, not to do it? If we do it earlier, the situation will never be so sad!"

The reason they didn't have the first time to tear the face with Albert Castle.

First, it is nominally afraid of Will coming back for revenge, but this is not the main reason.

The second is that the Cook family and Quimper family who waited for the moon to fall into the city will win or lose.

Everyone knows the close relationship between the Quimper family and the Albert family.

Now it seems that the Quimper family is suppressed by the Cook family, but who knows?

After all, the Quimper family is a veteran big family, maybe it has an unknown heritage?

Not afraid of the victory of the Quimper family in the end, you can't even go back?

The third is that the three baron families do not trust each other.

The Albert family, even without Will, is still much stronger than any of their families.

Who will take the lead?

Are the pay and the profit proportional?

Will the opponent stab him in the back?

The first two reasons are important, but the third reason is the real reason.

"If the Albert family is overthrown earlier, Will is back, and he is just a bare-bones commander, a big knight, not our opponent at all."

"As a result of your procrastination, now we have to face a big knight and four knights."

"The people in Albert's original territory heard that Will was back, and they resisted."

"We are not opponents at all."


Not only that.

In the moonlit city, the Cook family can press the Quimper family, and the support of the Ogari family is one of the reasons. The most important reason is that a big knight sits in the town.

Now the Quimper family also has the great knight of Will.

Can the Cook family suppress the Quimper family?

As long as the Albert family asks for help a little, I believe that the Quimper family will not be stingy to send a few knights to help.

At that time, there was really no fight back.

"Speaking so nicely, why weren't you at the time?"

"It's clear that you are trailing, but you want to rely on us?"

"I heard you guys talking about surrendering just now."

The two baronial families in the hut, the seven knights, are still unable to unite even now.

"Enough!" Baron Kiora shouted at the table. "You're all at this point, are you still arguing? Wait for the Albert family to be destroyed, and Will's head will be cut off.

"That's right." Baron Buchan nodded in agreement. "What about the intelligence I ordered you to collect at Albert Castle? What did Will do when he returned?"

The knight watched by Viscount Buken immediately said: "Will opened the banquet as soon as he came back, all the precautions were revoked, and the protective power of Albert Castle was scarce!"

"Sure enough." Baron Chiola nodded. "It's the same as Baron Evelyn said, but it's weird. He proposed the night raid, and he set the location and time. I haven't seen it for so long. people?"

Whether it was Baron Kiora or Baron Buchan, the moment I knew Will was back.

The first idea is-surrender!

Fifteen years ago, they were all overwhelmed by Will alone.

Not to mention now?

In fact, if you think about it carefully, they are not going too far.

None of the important figures in the Albert family were killed or injured.

If they have made a settlement, I believe the Albert family will allow it.

Of course, the price of reconciliation is also very high.

The territory may shrink significantly.

The family will lose most of the property.

Maybe there will be a few scapegoats, and the status of the scapegoats is not low.

While hesitating and struggling in their hearts, the arrival of the Evelyn family arrived.

The messenger told them the ideas of the Evelyn family, and the various weaknesses of the Albert family, told them that they had a strong relationship, and said that they were 50% sure to kill the Albert family in one fell swoop.

They are all heart moved.

All are willing to participate in this night raid.

And now it seems that the situation is much better than what the Evelyn family said.

Originally only 50% certainty.

Now they have 70%.

It's a little weird, how come the Evelyn family hasn't arrived yet?

Lost at night?

Encountered an accident?

Abandoned the plan?

"You send someone to look at it, you can't find anyone to quickly go to the town of Beiman, and take a look at Evelyn Castle. Such a good opportunity tonight must not be missed." Baron Chiola said to a knight beside him .

"Come, come!"

After hearing the command of Baron Kiora, the knight patted the table and called the servant.

No one came in after shouting for a long time.

"It's really weird. The hut is so well ventilated that you can't hear it?" The knight stood impatiently and walked towards the door of the hut, moving the door panel away.


A cold wind blew from the door.

With the cold wind, there is dense fog.

Dense fog poured in from the gate, and in less than a breath, it diffused through the small hut.
