Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 478: I am disappointed with you

Early spring.

Before dawn.

Light rain was falling down.

The wheel ran over the muddy road, and the horse snarled in a low voice.

Several people in black hooded raincoats waved their whips and drove their vehicles towards Niujiao Village.

One of them is a 17-year-old boy-Harvey Albert.

It's been two months since Harvey became an official knight.

A lot has happened in these two months.

He himself has changed a lot.

Many people said that he became silent, not as lively as before, and the smile on his face was much less.

He used to smile every day.

Very gentle to everyone.

As long as someone please, help as much as you can.

The words "chivalry", "democracy, freedom, harmony", "adult father said" and so on are often spoken.

It's gone now.

He hid everything in his heart.

Because he learned the cruelty of justice.

Since the trial of MiG Plains, he has learned a lot from his father.

One of the words said by his father's adult especially impressed him.

"Justice is not to invite guests to dinner, to make articles, to embroider paintings, to be so elegant, so leisurely, so gentle, so gentle and frugal, justice is a riot, and it is a class' violent action to overthrow a class."


He had thought of justice too well before.

In order to practice justice, violence is necessary.

For the villain, it must be merciless, and can't stay at all.

Of course, a tolerant heart is also necessary.

He also agreed with another sentence of his father.

"No matter how sinful the other party is, as long as we sincerely repent and pay the corresponding price, we should forgive them."

Not only did his father do this.

This is how people are called.

I think a few months ago, after the trial of those criminals.

My father also held a funeral for the prisoners and made people mourn for the dead. I heard that everyone present was having a good time and all smiled and forgave the criminals.

"Can those criminals go to **** with peace of mind?"

"As my father said," It is our duty to let the deadly sinners laugh and soak in the hell. "

"I'm still far away from my father's ideological realm."

"It's not just a matter of strength."

"More is the gap between the mind and the ideal."

"Perhaps it is not unreasonable for my father to say that his strength comes from love and justice?"

"What is the true meaning of love?"

"Can I find it too?"

Harvey looked up into the distance.

Raindrops floated head-on, covering his face with dense drops of water.

Despite walking in the drizzle of the night, his eyes were so hazy, but his eyes were unprecedentedly firm.


Oxhorn Village.

It is the largest village in the Albert family territory, with more than 1,000 people.

Niujiao Village was originally just an ordinary small village.

There were only one or two hundred people three years ago.

The extra people now migrated in recent years.

Some people were taken by bandits and robbers, and their loved ones were all killed and made homeless.

Some people are refugees who have fled the famine and have no place to live.

Some people, who are inhabitants who live in seclusion in the mountains, were taken out by force.

"I originally thought that I had killed so many bandits and robbers. It was a great thing and could greatly improve people's lives."

"Think now, I'm still too young."

"Why do people have to escape into the wilderness and live like savages?"

"Why are some villages built away from people, and the villagers forget how to get out?"

"Why have we wiped out so many thieves' dens, and most of the time we don't get respect but fear?"

"If it weren't for the guidance of my father's parents, I might not be able to figure out these issues in my life."

auzw.com Harvey is very happy to have such a great father.

"It's a harsh tax."

"It's the noblemen's rampage."

"It's all kinds of natural disasters."

"A variety of reasons make some people prefer to live like savages in the mountains, rather than accept the rule of the nobility."

"And there are so many of them."

A picture flashed through Harvey's mind.

In the good mood of the other party, he wanted to take them away from the mountains and live a good life in the territory.

He is out of kindness.

In exchange, the other party's vicious curse.

What you get is an oncoming bow and arrow, and a machete.

The men around them suggested that they should be tied back.

He hesitated.

Finally, he told his father that it was his father who took the horse by himself to successfully persuade those people to return to their territory.

Why is this so?

He had asked his father about this question.

That evening.

In the study.

Golden sunlight entered through the window.

In the beam, you can clearly see countless tiny dust flying.

Father sat on a long table by the chair.

There is a city model on the table, and his father is holding the building block, perfecting the model little by little.

After hearing his question, my father thought about it.

Then he looked deep out of the window.

The breeze rose.

Roll up the fine hair on his father's forehead.

"Harvey, do you remember the betrayal three years ago?" Will, his father, asked.

"How could I forget!"

Those days of suffering must be inscribed in his heart for life.

"Do you know why none of the residents of the territory stood up to support you? Why did they rush to meet as soon as I came back?" Will asked.

"This one……"

Harvey actually already has an answer.

He had thought about the answer to this question, and it was more heard by grandpas during their discussions.

He also agrees.

It's just that the villagers are a group of unfamiliar wolves.

They are all ungrateful bastards.

Seeing his father come back, seeing his father's amazing strength, he posted it in amusement.

But he knew.

These are definitely not his father's ideas.

His father would never agree with this idea.

But besides this reason, what else?

Looking at Harvey's puzzled expression, Will smiled, "Do you know? On the day I just returned, I was really disappointed to see the familiar faces and arms around my convoy.

"Do you think so too?" Harvey asked quickly.

"Who do you think I am disappointed with?"

"It must be ... will it be us?" Harvey hesitated.



Harvey was not convinced.

As far as he knew, their Albert family was the best for the residents of the territory.

Grandpa Leo and Uncle Nikon may not want to do it in their hearts, but they still follow his father's fifteen to ten policy of implementing his father.

Same practice.

When my father was there, he was supported by so many people.

When his father left, he faced betrayal.

No matter what you think, it's the white-eyed wolf villagers who are disappointing, right?

Harvey has many doubts.

But he was not in a hurry.

Because he knew that since his father had raised the question, he would naturally puzzle him.
