Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 528: what! My arm

everything's ready.

Will watched Corinne's eyes exudes endless courage.

Feeling the sticky pressure on his body, Corinne's face remained unchanged.

With a calm face, flick the jewel dagger in his hand with a clear sound of "ding ding".

An invisible golden wave of light was excited from the jewel dagger and struck Will.

"So fast!"

Will's eyes tightened at once.

The speed of the golden energy light wave has reached an amazing twelve times the speed of sound!

There is no hiding.

Can only use hard resistance.

"Is the energy wave moving faster than the attack speed and running speed?"

"This is also a matter of course."

"After all, the quality of energy is almost negligible."

Will did not dare to underestimate this seemingly understated attack on Princess Colina.

Who knows if it's pretended?

Maybe this is Princess Claire's trick? Has her magic power been consumed by half?


Through the vision of the real eye, he can clearly see the power of terror contained in the golden light waves.

That is the power that makes him feel the threat of life.

"How long haven't you felt the feeling of death?"

"Even when I faced the promise of the Kirk family at that time, I was still holding the victory.

The sword in Will's hand exudes a magical halo and cuts toward the golden wave.

This sword, Will will show no mercy.

Not underestimated.

His sword speed has reached a terrible eight times the speed of sound!

The blade vibrated, roared, and burst into dragons.


The blade collided with the golden light wave.

In the harsh sound, the blade was crushed into pieces by golden light waves and flew in the air.

The golden light wave continued unabated and struck his body.

Although his reaction was already extremely fast, he was still one step slower. His right hand holding the sword was hit by a golden wave of light.

It is useless even if it is covered with extremely defensive armor.

The arm and the armor of the skeletal shadow fluttered in the air in order to break up.

Bright red blood spewed from the broken arm.

"Ah ---"

"My arm--"

Will screamed.


Time seemed to freeze.

Blood ejected from the fracture coagulated in the air.

The fragments of the armor of the corpse of the broken pieces absorbed the blood and flesh of the broken arm, and turned into fluid to return to Dowell's arm, and condensed into an arm again.

Under the powerful recovery of the recovery body, and the self-healing ability given by the armor of the shadow.

The arm just shattered.

The golden wave of light had not disappeared, and the rebirth of the arm was completed.

Princess Corinne looked dull and looked at Will with her arms intact and screaming loudly, not sure what to say.

It happened too quickly.

The speed of golden light waves is as high as twelve times the speed of sound.

Will's sword swing speed is also eight times the speed of sound.

Those with a slightly narrower look could not see Princess Kelene attacking, or Will's counterattack.

I just thought Princess Colina was playing music with a jewel dagger.

Will screamed in coordination.

So the two are acting?

The eyesight is slightly better, it is because Will has avoided the attack, or the power of the golden light is in doubt, or it may be that Will ’s sword has resisted most of the attacks.

However, only two of the parties knew that in that electric flint.

What's going on in a time that doesn't even have zero seconds.


Will also wailed with his arms.


After a while.

"My arm seems okay?"

Will is also a little embarrassed.

Before confirming the specific strength of Princess Kolini, he just wanted to take the opportunity to show his weakness and make Princess Kolini despise himself.

Look for opportunities later.

Unexpectedly, his healing ability is beyond imagination.

Even he himself was surprised, after all, who would be fine to break his arm to play?

"I'm sorry, because this strategy was thought of temporarily, so I was not mentally prepared, and the acting was slightly exaggerated." Will scratched his head awkwardly. "Actually, I was also taken aback by my self-healing ability."

"It's fine, I can understand."

Princess Corinne has never seen such a scene, and can only use this kind of gold oil to answer.

Then Will wondered: "Is that golden light your bloodline ability? Very powerful, can you feel the immense coercion contained in it, and resembles the dragon, is it the bloodline ability of the dragon family?"

Because of his own magic species and dragons.

What bloodline ability he will awaken himself, he has investigated in depth.

But I have never heard of Princess Colina.

Is it the bloodline ability of the royal family of the Ammon Empire?

Sure enough, in this world where supernatural beings are rampant, how could the royal family not be a wizard or a bloodline?

Bloodline ability must also be extremely powerful.

Otherwise, it will be overthrown by other powerful wizards in minutes.

"This bloodline ability is called the Dragon Power." Speaking of her bloodline ability, Princess Corinne looked very ugly.

Probably remembering the tragic memories of being in the royal family.

"You're lying to me, the power of the dragon can not strengthen the physical quality, can improve the blood capacity of tens of hundreds of times? It is not like you!"

The power of the dragon is one of the bloodline abilities he most wants to awaken.

Dozens and hundreds of times of lifting power?

Just think about it.

"It is the power of the dragon. Although it is only a word different from the power of the dragon, it is essentially different." Princess Corinne corrected.

"Is there any difference?" Will asked again.

As for Will's question, Princess Corinne was not hesitant to answer.

It may be because Will is an acquaintance.

Probably because Will knew the reason for her past.

It may also be delaying time.

But more is talking.

For decades, she has held too many words in her heart.

She has never been a friend.

No one told each other sincerely.

The people beside her were either high or low-profile.

None of them can communicate with her on an equal basis. -Mostly the reason she did n’t look for.

At this moment, facing Will may be the only opportunity in her life to communicate with others on an equal basis.

After all, tonight.


She is the first hand of a fourth-order perfect creature, and more than ten thousand people under one person.


She was also dead, all words were held in her heart.

No one learned.

"The royal family of our empire, the bloodline ability is called Dragon Power, do you know what is Dragon Power?"

"I don't understand."

Will looks like a good student.

It seems a bit of a waste of time, but the predecessors said that knowing yourself and knowing each other is a battle.

It is certainly useful to know the intelligence of the opponent's bloodline ability.

Easy to customize strategies and find weaknesses.

Without paying more for the time and time to explore the truth.


Will's heart taunted Ko Laini, "It really is an immature human traitor who actually tells his blood to others.

It ’s me, even if I ca n’t help it.

It must have been a big fortune, killing the enemy first, and then slowly explaining in front of the enemy's body. "

If it is an ordinary blood line, the blood line ability can be seen through at a glance.

It doesn't matter whether you say it or not.
