Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 579: Saint Leo

Leo died at the Duke's book closing ceremony.

Happy events become funerals.

But while everyone was sad, they were not too sad.

In a world with an average life expectancy of less than thirty, even nobles can already live at the age of ninety.

In particular, Baron Leo has experienced many ups and downs in his life. There are countless wounds on his body, and he has suffered several fatal injuries.

He broke another arm and was frustrated several times.

These experiences of Baron Elio, even if there were no accidents, could not live to be seventy years old.

It is a miracle to live to this day!

It is because of Will's careful conditioning, practice of various health methods, and various precious "medicine" and "medicine" diets to prolong life.

But it is also the end of life to ninety-three years old.

Even if he does not die today, he will definitely die in a few months.

It was the best ending to die with a satisfied smile at the Duke's closing ceremony.

For an old man who lived ninety-three years old, full of children and grandchildren, and had a duke title that he had never imagined.

It is considered to be dead.


Baron Leo ’s funeral was luxurious and sensational.

Not only did the nobles of the entire Doria province come, but even the king and the duke, as well as other counts and counts of the Cairo Empire, sent people to express their condolences.

A memorial ceremony for Baron Leo ’s remains was also held.

Residents of the Albert family territory lined up to bid farewell to Baro Leo overnight. Many people also trek from far away to admire Baro Leo's remains.

Three days and three nights passed.

The number of people waiting in line is still not reduced.

Full circle around Albert Castle.

Most people cried when they knew that the time limit had expired and they could not look at Barrio Leo's face.

In past publicity.

All the changes and all policies implemented by the Albert family were made by the baron Leo who loved the people like a hero.

Small ones, such as digging channels, repairing reservoirs, flood relief, setting up a village doctor system, etc.

Big ones, urban and rural guards, Winnie Textile Factory, Weiwei Agricultural Company, Guanghui College ... etc.

These changed the territory of the Albert family.

Changed the province of Doria.

Changed the fate of countless people, enabling them to eat, wear and warm themselves, and live a happy life.

Not oppressed.

Not subject to exploitation.

I'll take medicine when I'm sick.

There are subsidies for the Chinese New Year.

Also send seeds, send someone to guide how to plant, how to raise chicken and duck-like fish ...

These are all from Baron Leo.

In the eyes of many people, Baron Leo is a saintly existence.

How can they not be sad when such a great person dies?

How can we not cry?


Baron Leo and his wife Delia were buried in the ancestral home of the Albert family.

In this regard, Will is not satisfied.

After soliciting the opinions of the people, a symbol of "sex".

Will intends to rebuild the ancestral lands and build a 24-story tower named Leo in the ancestral lands.

Riota is dedicated to the past owners of the Albert family and those who have made great contributions.

The available places are Baron Leo and Delia.

From now on, Riota will become one of the symbols of the Albert family.

All generations to come will be dedicated to Riota.

The establishment of Riota is on the agenda.

Regarding Riotaville is very important.

It is to let Riota exist for thousands of years.

"I must also establish a formation in Albert Castle and Wit City."

"Although the formation is not very useful for the enemies of the official wizard level, it is better than nothing."

"You can't let a few third-class apprentices bully in the future?"

"Consider Riota as one of your eyes."

The arrangement of the formation method can not be completed one day or two days.


It takes a long time.

It lasts for decades and grows for hundreds of thousands of years. The more powerful the formation, the more time is required.

If it is only temporary, a "sex" formation, there is no problem.

But as a family inheritance method, it is obviously not possible to do that.

"There are many formations."

"What functions need to be done also need to be considered carefully."

"It's best if the formation method can be used with the blood ability of the family."

"But I am just the first generation of wizards in the family, and the bloodline needs to go through three or five generations to fully stabilize."

"What will be the talent of the bloodline after stabilization? I don't even know it myself."

"Don't be Longwei."

"The real eye doesn't feel good either."

The three original duke families of the Cairo Empire, the Louis family, the Barigu family, and the Nelson family.

The bloodline talent phantom of the Nelson family.

The light of the judging of the blood of the Paligu family.

And the nine strongest cells of the most powerful and mysterious Louis family.

Each one is extremely powerful.

Think about the talents of the bloodline he will.

"The body of recovery?"

"The survivability breaks the table, and the combat effectiveness tells the truth."

"Although the survival mode can explode into a powerful combat force, I don't think anyone but me can learn."

"Armor of Skeletons?"

"That was obtained from a foreign object, it was sublimated from a magic weapon, and it should not be inherited."

"Real eye?"

"Pure auxiliary function, do you want to take the route of the magic" drug ", the magic pattern, and the formation method family?"

"Dragon Blood?"

"It's quite strong. With the breathing method, the potential is good, but that's it. It can't be compared with the ghost and the light of judgment."

"Dragon inflammation?"

"The attack power is there, it is too monotonous and pure, and it is too expensive."

Looking at the five bloodline talents he will know, none of them can be reached.

"If the family had no me and no first-level wizards sat in town, maybe it would become the weakest of the three duke families?

Think about it and feel a headache.

"Forget it, now is not the time to struggle with these."

"I still have a long time."

"At least there are hundreds of thousands of years of life."

"How to enhance the strength of the family, it is not too late to study."


In the study.

Warm sunlight "shot" through the window.

The light flakes shattered on the bookshelf.

The breeze was blowing.

The curtains flipped with the wind and made a "booming" sound, but this sound made the study more quiet.

At the long table in the study, two people were sitting.

One is the gray-haired, flamboyant old man-Will Albert.

One is a middle-aged man with a sturdy body and a face that looks more than thirty years old-Harvey Albert.

"Master Father, Earl Gary and others are here, waiting for you." Harvey said respectfully.

Baron Leo ’s funeral has been over for a month.

The Duke's title was inherited by Will.

Originally Will intended to pass directly to Harvey.

As a first-level wizard, he ranked second only to the Eluman wizard in the Cairo Empire.

The king couldn't even match his heels.

Will you care about the duke title?

But Harvey refused.

Will also feels that having the identity of a duke is more convenient.

Because he still has many ideas that need to be implemented in the territory, there are many policies that need to be promulgated, with the name of Duke, it will be much better in terms of justice.

He didn't want to act every time, every time he wrote a document, he had to find a seal with Harvey.

How troublesome.