Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 710: Rose's funeral

Early summer.

Albert Castle.

The warm sunlight poured down, and the birds stood on the branches tweeting cheerfully.

In the courtyard beside the garden, a kind old man lay on a rocking chair.

The rocking chair rocked "creaky".

She lay quietly, wearing a white "color" dress, holding a freshly picked rose in front of her hands, and closed gently in front of her eyes, as if falling into a deep sleep.

Colorful butterflies fluttered in the garden, coiled around her, and fell gently on the rose.

"Da da da……"

A skinny old man, walking on crutches, staggered towards the garden from a distance.


The old man stood beside the rocking chair, staring at the blooming flowers in the garden, "This year's roses are blooming pretty well, you say yes, wife?"

Will looked at Niya.

The dancing butterfly fluttered away from the rose in Niya's hands, and the breeze blew, with the fragrance of petals in the wind.


Will's hands trembled towards Niya's face.

At the moment when it was about to be touched, the body stiffened at once, as if not daring to cross this short distance of one millimeter.



In front of the tombstone.

Will stood blankly, his eyes clouded, his body thin, his muscles atrophy, and two or three white hairs sparsely growing on his folds.

Scrawny fingers held the cane and stood quietly.

It feels like he will lie in the tomb of the tomb next second.

The crowd has dispersed.

There were three people standing in front of the tombstone.

In addition to Will, the left is "Lu" Na, the right is Harvey.

Time didn't leave a trace on Lu Na. She was still the perfect elder sister at the age of twenty-six.

Harvey is different, even if he is the second order of the Holy Realm, he looks old, and looks like he is seventy or eighty years old.

Harvey's eyes fell on Will, and his eyes were so sad.

He had never seen his father look so distracted. In his impression, his father should be like a god.

Not only has strong power, but also has a strong mind.

Although her mother died, her mother also lived 156 years old. My mother had enough of her life, and she had no regrets. She should not be so sad.

When he was about to speak to comfort his father, the afterglow of his eyes saw "Lu" Na shaking her head at him.

"Adult" Lu "Na is one of the powerful formal wizards. He has been with his father all year round, and his understanding of his father should be deeper than me."

After hesitating, Harvey decided to obey "Lu" Na's opinion.


The three of them had been standing in front of the tombstone, and the others did not dare to mess with it.

Will leaned on a cane and looked like a candle in the wind, as if he would fall at any time.

But no matter how weak Will looks, Lu Na doesn't look down on her, because she knows Will's horror.

"Twenty years have passed since the last defeat of the Troll King."

"My strength has grown enough to finally become a real" liquid "wizard in the first two years."

"But even so, my strength is still far behind him."

"I don't know what his current cultivation position has reached? Crystallization? Crystallization peak? Or have you" touched "the threshold of a second-level wizard?"

No matter how powerful Will shows, she will not be surprised.

"Unexpectedly, this adult will also" expose "a day with such an expression."

"Lu" Na's understanding of Will is far from Harvey.

"Originally, he thought he was a monster that could abandon everything for the sake of dreams, seeing family, friendship and love as nothing."

auzw.com "Unexpected ..."

Just looking at Will, she could feel the waves like the sea, as if there was no end of sadness.

"What will he become afterwards?"

"More ruthless? Or become approachable?"

"Perhaps now is the moment that can affect the future of the entire world."

"Lu" Na thought her thoughts were ridiculous. A first-level wizard, even if he becomes a second-level wizard in the future, wants to influence the world?

But she couldn't laugh.

Because this person is Will Albert!

Time passed day by day.

The sun rises and sets, and the moon appears and disappears.


It was noon, but the sky was dark.

The dark clouds obscured the sky, and a long snake of thunder and lightning flew in the clouds, and the whole world turned into darkness.

"Wow la la ..."

Pebble-sized raindrops fell from the sky and hit the ground.

"Da da da……"

The raindrop hit Will, as if to knock Will's body down.

And Will's body, also slammed by the raindrops, kept tilting and bending, and it was about to fall.

"Father, be careful."

Harvey quickly reached out and wanted to help Will.

But as soon as his hand was extended halfway, he stopped.

Because Will is already standing, and standing as never before.

Will's body began to stand upright, his head lifted up, this process was very fast, less than a second, but also very slow, so slow that Harvey and Luna could see every change in Will's every movement.

Ricky's body stood up straight again.

The atrophied muscles swell again.

All the wrinkles and age spots have disappeared and replaced with fair and smooth skin.

On the bare scalp, the flaxen "color" hair grows in the wind, and a long waist-length hair flutters in the strong wind.

The turbid double pupils became extremely bright, and the gold "color" pupils shone brighter than gold, but just looking at those pupils, they would bow their heads involuntarily.

In almost a second, Will transformed from a dying old man about to step into the "hole" of the tomb into a young handsome man in his early twenties.


Will screamed in the sky, the roaring dragon roared into the sky, and even the dark clouds were penetrated, and the faint sunlight "shot" from the hole to the earth.

The pupil of Wilkin's "color" glared!

In the sky, the crimson "color" dragon flame immediately burned, and even the dark clouds could not escape.

In a blink of an eye, the dark clouds turned into the dragon's sky, and the whole sky was red.

It was still a violent storm a moment ago, and now it's hot enough to sweat with short sleeves, and the rain on the ground has been dried by Long Yan.

People looked up at the vision in the sky.

As soon as Will's eyes closed, the dragon's inflammation disappeared, and the hot sun at noon poured down, shining on the earth.

Will pressed his hand on the tombstone.

"Yes, there is nothing to hesitate."

"My dream has not changed since the beginning."

"Always, everything I do is to build a beautiful world."

"I believe you think so too, and that is your wish."

"Although you left me one step first, you can rest assured that I will not be lost and will not stay. I will definitely move towards our dreams."

"We must create that harmonious and beautiful world!"

Will carried his hands on his back and looked up into the distance. His pupils were unprecedentedly bright, and his will was unprecedentedly determined.

There is nothing in this world that can shake him.

His heart is no longer flawed.