Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 102: This is obviously an accident

Throwing the matter of discussing between myself and Hoshina in my mind, I hope that this will not happen again in the future, after all, trouble!

Look, didn't the previous sword almost hurt, oh no, did it kill Belém?

This kind of thing is not only troublesome, but also very dangerous, try to avoid it!

Back in front of the residence, Belen was a little tired. He couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Wouldn't he be tired even if he didn't exercise for too long?

Even the last time, it seems that I really lacked exercise and was too lazy.

No longer thinking so much, Belen opened the door and walked into the room. He turned on the light and looked at the door next to him. There was no light.

As he understood in his heart, Belen turned the light off again, opened a crack in the door, scanned the sleeping faces, and then closed the door.

It was too late to remember.

Belen took off his coat, and then got into the bed too.

Then, he should also fall asleep.

Not long after closing his eyes, Belém fell asleep. Today is really tired, from mental exhaustion.

It was a deep sleep, and Belen fell into a dream, although it was not a good dream.


In her sight, the girl with cat ears was sitting on the ground and crying, her teary eyes staring at something.

Following Latier's gaze, there was a silver-haired girl with both feet bound by chains and handcuffs held by chains. She was walking slowly, her eyes blank and dazed.

"That kid..."

Belen naturally knew who this silver-haired girl was, after all, the reason for the deep impression was not just because of the gift of magic.

"Mr. Belém, can you save her? She will... and never come back..."

At this time La Tier also looked at Belem with her crying face, and the expression in those eyes was clearly visible.

Sad, hopeful, eager...

"Latier, I..."

Belém has never seen such a sad Latier. He obviously has no self-knowledge in a dream, he just feels so uncomfortable...

Seeing that the silver-haired girl went further and further away, she did not turn her head back, and went straight to the cliff in front of her.

"do not want!"

Belen yelled, but the figure remained indifferent, stepped on the air, and fell directly into the abyss.

This scene fell into Belen's eyes, his eyes were dull, and his head seemed to have stopped working.

"Mr. Belen..."

Hearing the sound, Belen regained his senses. He looked at Latier, who stared at him with his hollow eyes.

"Why don't you save her?"



bsp; Belen opened his eyes and woke up, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and his mouth was still gasping.

"So...is it a dream?"

Until he woke up, Belen still felt a sense of fear in his heart.

Belen looked at the shining window. He only felt a headache. He clearly felt that he had just fallen asleep, so why was it daytime?

This time, I didn't sleep well.

Belen opened the door for a day and saw that Latier's three daughters were still asleep. He didn't intend to disturb them. He just packed out a few pieces of clothes and was going to take a bath.

At the door of the bathroom, the two met.

Belen blinked, feeling embarrassed to the point of embarrassment. He dared not say a word and looked at the person in front of him.

In front of Belen, a pretty girl with a double ponytail in a bathrobe wrapped her hands around her chest, tapped her index fingers and fingertips, and looked at Belen indifferently.

"This is a misunderstanding…"

"How come you haven't seen you have this habit before, have you cultivated it over the years?"

Vernie's eyes were cold and slightly weird, and she didn't expect Belen to be such a hobby.

"So it's a misunderstanding."

Belen had a cold sweat on his face, but he had forgotten one thing, that is, not only did he not know where the men's hot spring room was, but he didn't even know the ordinary bathroom!

It's all right now. I accidentally came to the women's site again, and I ran into a former commissioner of discipline. It's miserable.

"Don't tell me it's a misunderstanding, are you illiterate!? You can't understand the men's and women's areas marked in my hotel!?"

Vernie would definitely not believe Belen's words this time. The last time she ran away for this guy, there was no way, and she would have to be punished now.

Belen was still naked at the moment, facing Vernie, which could be said to be very uncomfortable.

When Belén was a little strange, Vernie felt a little strange, but with her cleverness, she quickly reacted and her face turned weird.

"Are you... a pervert?"

"certainly not!"

Belen looked unnatural, and when he was about to ask for mercy, a sound that made both of them horrified came from the bathroom.

"Vernie, are you in there?"

The master of this voice was recognized by Vernie and Belen in an instant.

Hoshina? !

It's over!

Not only is Belém crying and tearless now, even Vernie feels unprecedented danger.

If Hoshina found out that she and Belem were here, it would be useless no matter how she explained it, that guy would definitely be thinking about it!


Verni is very cautious

Belen yelled softly.

And Belen was in a tacit understanding at this moment, knowing it in an instant, but when he turned his head, his face suddenly froze.

"Where to hide?"

This is just a small bathroom, there is nothing to hide, so there is nowhere to hide!

Vernie noticed this too, her face suddenly looked ugly, she looked around, trying to find a hiding place.

"Vernie? What's wrong with you? Are you all right."

Seeing that there was no movement in the bathroom, Hoshina was also worried outside, guessing what happened to Vernie inside.

"I'm here! It's okay! I was thinking about something just now, I'm distracted!"

This reason is obviously far-fetched, but it cannot be said that it is impossible, and Hoshina naturally believed it.

"Have you not started washing? Do you need me to wipe your back?"

"Huh? No, no need!? I'm already washing it!"

Verni who was answering immediately started to act. She pressed a switch casually, and water immediately fell from the ceiling, directly covering Belen and Verni.

Press wrong!

Vernie's face froze, this switch is the most powerful.


"Do not talk!"

Verni interrupted Belen when he was about to speak, and he shut his mouth immediately.

Hoshina feels weird outside the bathroom, but there is no doubt.

"Okay, I'm going next door."


Upon hearing Hoshina's words, UU Read www.uukanshu.com Verni was relieved immediately. When she heard the footsteps leaving, her body suddenly softened, but immediately after that, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

Vernie turned her head, her hair was already wet at the moment, and she saw Belem's wet upper body, and her heart suddenly felt bad.

"You! Are you still watching?!"

Vernie immediately protected her, her face was blushing, her bathrobe was originally very thin, and it would become very transparent when it was soaked in water.

"This, this is an accident! You see, it is obviously an accident! I will go out immediately!"

Belen was holding his eyes. It was clear that the water temperature was normal, but he felt that his cheeks were very hot. He immediately ran to the door, pressed the switch to open the door, and fled.

In the bathroom, Vernie knelt and sat on the floor with a strange face. She pursed her lips, her cheeks seemed to be dripping blood, very embarrassed.

"Asshole...") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!
