Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 158: Ilia is angry

When everyone saw the sight of Iliya, no one was untouched in their hearts. That very beautiful little silver-haired girl actually had such power?

Even the owner Alice and Persina at the wine counter were stunned. They stared at the petite figure, and they all showed the same shock.

"Damn it, what's the matter with this little girl?!"

When those people saw their companions wailing on the ground, their faces were also very ugly. They only saw a silver light flashing, but they didn't see what it was, but when they looked at the little girl's silver hair fluttering and glowing After that, I immediately realized something.

"Damn it, the magister is amazing? I'm not unsuccessful!"

One of the extraordinarily strong men came to the front and walked towards Ilia angrily. He had also been a soldier once, and he must have no problem dealing with such a young magister with his own skill!

"You dare to hurt them."

There was such a whisper from the mouth of the little silver-haired girl, as if the high-ranking person was angry at the ants. Yiliya's eyes were very sharp, and anger appeared on her small face.


The magic power that was invisible to the naked eye appeared quietly in the tavern, the wine glasses and plates floated, and the stones on the ground outside the tavern also trembled. The majestic magic power made the air very depressing, making many people unable to breathe. Angry.

And that strong man's complexion changed drastically at this moment, standing still on the spot with his teeth clenched, because he found that his feet could no longer step out, his body was as heavy as a hundred kilograms, and his body was slumped down. My knees gradually bend, and finally knelt down on the ground, supporting the ground with both hands, and the whole body is full of veins.


Everyone stared at the man who was kneeling on the ground in a daze. Although he didn't know what happened, no one could see that the man was under tremendous pressure and pain!

Iliya walked to the kneeling man with a cold expression and watery eyes. When she raised a hand, the silver hair was immediately pulled up with her raising hand, as if she was ready to go.

She is no longer the person she used to be, but even if she wants to live a stable life as an ordinary person, she will never allow anyone who hurts herself to care about.

And when Ilia saw that these hateful guys actually wanted to do something to La Tier, Ilia, who had always been in a stable mood, suddenly felt violent fluctuations in her heart.

The gesture of raising his hand seemed to impose punishment, just like before.

"Illya! Don't!"

Ratil was also shocked when she saw Illya's expression, but she quickly reacted. She seemed to have guessed what would happen in the next moment, so she immediately stopped.

And when Ilia heard Latier’s cry, her palm that was about to fall also stopped, and at this moment, Latier came to Ilia’s face and hugged her petite body into her arms. middle.

"It's okay, no need to hurt people."

Latil hugged Ilia. Although she was very moved that Ilia was angry for her, she did not want to let Ilia continue to hurt people. What's the difference between that and before?

Listening to the soft voice in her ears, the gloom in Iliya's eyes slowly receded, and her shiny silver hair returned to normal. Hanging behind her, the magic that filled the tavern gradually disappeared, and her depressive aura was gone. , So many people are relieved.


Hearing the response from the person in her arms, Latir let go of her embrace, and then looked at the girl in front of her with a gentle smile on her face.

"Thank you Ilia, I am very happy."

Because of the shocking scene just now, everyone in the tavern did not move at all at this moment, and the guys who were with the strong men looked at the guy who fell asleep due to severe pain and was trying to climb far away. The person who got up couldn't help swallowing, this time it seemed to hit a hard stubble.

"Ha, ha, there must be some mechanism here, there must be some mechanism!"

The strong man got up very hard, gasping for breath. He couldn't imagine that it was the power of the little silver-haired girl. He immediately looked around the tavern, panting. He didn't expect that he would be so humiliated. In one scene, his face was flushed with blood, and he looked at La Tier, who was between himself and Ilia, and raised his fist to smash it down with a roar.

"Be careful!"

Laya on the other side was also shocked when she saw the man's actions, and immediately shouted, and at the moment when she made her voice, she suddenly felt a gust of wind passing by her ears, blowing her blonde hair.


When the man suddenly shook his fist, suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist, and the fist could no longer fall. The man’s face was covered with sweat because of the previous magical pressure, and it was even more sweaty at this moment. Under the rain, he turned his eyes to the short-haired woman who stopped him, with a cigarette still in her mouth.

"Hey, silly big guy, dare to be so rampant in the old lady's tavern, you are the first."

The man just wanted to talk, suddenly his face changed drastically, and Alice shook his arms with a cold face, and threw the strong man directly out of the tavern. The distance between them was more than ten meters.

Everyone was stunned at this scene, such a tall adult man, unexpectedly the beauty owner of the tavern threw a hand out? !

Alice glanced at Latier and Ilia, then turned his head to look at the guys who were watching the show, took the cigarette with one hand, and yelled.

"What to look at, drink for drink, work for work."


Both the guests and the employees in the pub were shocked when they heard the beautiful boss's words, and then continued to devote themselves to the work they should do.

Alice glanced at the troublemakers who were in a daze again, took a cigarette, and then said coldly: "There are you guys, the guy on the ground, hurry up and get rid of the old lady!"

"Yes Yes!"

After a while, the troublemakers immediately picked up the unconscious guys on the ground and fled this terrible tavern. UU reading www.uukanshu.com was afraid that they would never come to the tavern to make trouble again.


Dorino came to Allice with a very reluctant smile, while Alice looked at the short-haired girl and put a hand on her head and rubbed it.

"Good job."

Immediately afterwards, Allice looked at Laya and Latier again: "Sometimes in the store there will be such unreasonable guys, so be careful, don’t swallow, point to your nose if you can’t help it. They are."

Latier and Laya looked at each other when they heard the words, and finally smiled at each other, and said yes.

Alris nodded, and then looked at Ilia. She found that the little girl was looking out of the tavern, her eyes still seemed to be filled with anger, but she was just such an angry silver-haired little girl. Let Alice confide a word that makes Latier and Laya feel speechless.

"Get angry and cuter.") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!
