Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 159: Percenet's Perception

Although such a farce happened in the tavern, it still did not affect the hot atmosphere in the tavern. In other words, because of Ilia's shots, she and the tavern became famous. Many people came to check the situation. , Although the atmosphere in the tavern is hot, business tonight is also a little colder.

At several tables, some people were discussing things about the guys who were just asking for trouble.

"Brothers are free tonight?"

"Why, something?"

"I want to give them some color just now. A group of outsiders are doing things in our city and they are just living impatiently."

As a result, the conversation at this table was heard by the people at the next table, but the next moment, the old buddies at these tables met their eyes and were walking tonight.

When Dolino passed these tables, he looked at the guys who were smirking at each other in confusion, then tilted his head in confusion and continued to serve the wine.

Next to the bar, Latir and Illya were sitting there. At this time, Illya had returned to her usual cold and calm look. Looking at the people in the tavern, she seemed to be alert.

"Ilia, you can't hurt people when you encounter this kind of thing next time."

Latil suddenly moved herself into Illya’s sight, and spoke to her with a very serious expression. For her, if Illya just knocked down others, it would be fine, but she must not let her The child is stained with blood.

Hearing La Tier's words, Illiya's eyes slightly turned away from her sight, she said nothing, her expression did not change, but this appearance made the former slightly startled.

Ilia is sulking?

Realizing this, Latier laughed involuntarily, and when she was stared at by a pair of eyes, she immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

Illia stared at the girl who was a little bit older and could not help but said: "Sister Latier, what are you laughing at?" Even though she asked, the voice she asked did indeed contain "sulking." "This factor.

After discovering that the silver-haired girl had such a "cute" side, La Tier couldn't help but suddenly became a little bit brighter, and Illya looked even more lovely in her eyes.

"No, nothing."

La Tier was still holding back her smile, because she felt that Illiya's voice was too emotional, and she could just clarify her emotions at the moment.


Seeing the inexplicable appearance of La Tier, Illia was also rare to have the rest of the mood swings, she blinked, and the sullenness in her heart was gradually fading.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier looked at Dorino who was relaxing in the distance. He didn't know what Ador's mood was now. After all, he was pushed to the ground to help Laya. Fortunately, he was not injured. Otherwise, Laya would definitely blame herself.

"Don't worry about Ado, that kid is very strong."

A comforting voice came from the side, and it was Persina, who was wiping the glass.

La Tier looked at the "handsome" girl with a free and easy attitude, and asked curiously: "Is it really okay? Encountered something like that, I must be in a bad mood."

Seeing that Latier was still worried, Persina smiled and shook her head. She said, "These things are not the first time. Ado, she is very kind. She was bullied last time. He also stepped forward. The rude customer that time was neither tall nor strong, and A Duo almost went up to fight with them. He was really boyish."

Hearing such deeds, La Tier was also a little surprised. He had long discovered that Dolino's temperament was very free and easy, somewhat similar to Laya, but he didn't expect to have such a powerful side.

Silent for a while

Later, La Tier was going to talk to Dolino, after all, there were no follow-up guests, so it was a lot easier.

"Illya, sit here and rest, I'll go down there."

With these words, La Tier walked in the direction of Dorino, and Illia was watching La Tier’s departure. At this time, Persina’s voice came from her ears. .

"Ilia is really amazing, she actually possesses such a powerful magic power."


Ilia replied nonchalantly.

"This silver hair is really beautiful. It's natural. I heard that there is a Sattar Arena in Yarusal. There is a girl named "Witch". She seems to have a lot of Strong magic power, and yeah, also has such beautiful hair color. "


Iliya responded again.

After wiping a goblet, Persinai changed to another one, talking non-stop, and after rinsing the glass, he squinted at the little silver-haired girl.

"That "witch" won't be sisters to Ilia, right? After all, it's so similar. In other words, that "witch" is Ilia? "

This time Ilia did not answer, but turned her head and glanced at the smiling Persinai, and then looked at the still unstopped snow scene outside the tavern.

Seeing that the girl didn't answer any more, Bosina didn't continue speaking at the moment. She followed Yi Liya's line of sight, smiled, and spoke again.

"La Tier is also a very kind child, but she is for your good."


Eliya answered again, she actually understood it very well.

On the other side, La Tier came to Dolino's side, and Laya happened to come to one side, with a grateful smile, and then stood in front of Dolino with a very solemn gaze.

"Aduo, thank you!"

Seeing Laya being so solemn, Dorino was also startled, and then he waved his hand quickly and said with a smile: "No need to do this! Besides, Laya is such a beautiful girl, why should I touch it? !" So, he stretched out a pair of "salted pig hands" and touched Laiya's slender waist.

"Tickle! Haha!"

Laya was scratched and uncomfortable, and then hurriedly jumped aside and escaped from Dorino's claws.

After Dolino succeeded, he smiled ~lightnovelpub.net~ and said with a smile, "You don't need to care about it this way. Although the time is not long, they are employees who work together at any rate. Those who work together are friends. "


Laiya and Latier were moved.

"Those guys can only do it when I'm unprepared! Otherwise, hell." Dolino waved Hui's thin arm, looking like she was very powerful, and then showed it to the two young girls. Laugh.

"Furthermore, there is our eldest sister, so don’t be afraid of them! Our eldest sister is very, very powerful!" When it comes to eldest sister Alice, Dorino also showed a proud look. It seems that there is such a boss, she also feels Very proud.

After hearing these words, Latier and Laya couldn't help but think of the scene at that time, when the eldest sister Alice threw the brawny man out of the tavern with one hand.

Obviously looks so thin and so beautiful, I didn't expect the strength to be so great) Book friends, hurry up and pay attention!
