Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 160: at this time...

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In the middle of the night, it was time for the tavern to close. Because something like that happened in the evening, no one was very happy. Although Dolino was still active, it was more or less affected. The subtle changes are not imperceptible.

After Alris said that today's work was over, everyone changed back to their clothes. When Laya and Latir walked out of the tavern, Laya couldn't help but look up at the moonlight after the snowflakes.

She didn't understand some things, but she didn't want to worry about it all the time, otherwise the days would be so boring, but tonight, she had to remember.

Although there are rumors that people in the elves are very handsome, but in fact they are not like that. In fact, they are just like ordinary humans, except that the beautiful blond hair makes many people have that illusion.

But I have to say that Laya is indeed very beautiful, even in the fairy forest, it is also a rare look. In the outside world, because of the rarity of the elves, it is even more interesting.

Although Laya didn't care about others' prying eyes, the occurrence of such a world tonight really troubled her. Thinking of this, she couldn't help but sigh, feeling a little complicated.

"Where is Latis?"

Standing outside the tavern, La Tier suddenly remembered something. She looked around, and then found that her sister was missing, her eyes widened suddenly.

"Isn't it still in there?"

Laiya reminded her, she thought about it, and it seemed that she hadn't seen Latis tonight.

As a result, the three hurried back to the tavern, and then asked the employees who were still around, and finally got the answer from Persinai who was about to leave.

La Tilton turned into a small room in the back kitchen. When she saw a little girl sitting in a chair, La Tilton breathed a sigh of relief, but then she noticed a lot of things on the side. Candy paper was stunned when La Tilton, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.



Hearing her sister's cry, the kitten sitting on the chair immediately screamed, then quickly turned his head and saw three people standing at the door looking at him.

"elder sister."

Seeing her sister's angry look, Lattes immediately panicked, then hugged the candy papers and threw them into the trash can, then jumped out of the chair and walked towards Latil.

Ratil asked, "You won't always eat sweets here, do you?"

"Ah, uh..."

Kitten lowered his head in front of Latier, fingers interlacing each other, obviously she was afraid of her sister being angry.

After hearing the words, La Tier was silent for a long time, and finally sighed, and stretched out her hand to gently stroke La Tisi's head, she said serious words in a gentle voice.

"Can't do this, understand?"

When Latis heard the words, she raised her head and said in a soft voice: "Yes, that pretty sister gave it to me. I, I didn't steal it..."

Pretty sister?

Hearing this, Latier and Laya looked at each other, who would it be? So I searched for the target in my heart, and finally showed a suddenly realized look.

Sister boss, Allice.

After knowing what kind of preferences that person had, La Tier was relieved. She thought La Tisi was stealing food here, but it seemed that she was wrong to blame her.

La Tier was a little embarrassed. Although La Tis and Ilia were not allowed to work, she always felt uncomfortable, but at this moment it was not easy for La Tis to reject Allice's kindness later.

In the end, she compromised, but she still told Latis to stop eating so much sugar, and the kitten nodded very well.

"go home."

At this time, in the hotel, Belen was sitting opposite a girl, and there were several dishes on the table. Not only Belen made it, but also the killer girl.

"Lu Mia, why is your cooking so good? Are you a killer?"

Belen let out an awe-inspiring voice after tasting the last dish.

Because the killer girl has never left, Belen and the killer girl can be said to get along for a whole day, and in order to repay the meal, the girl also told Belen her name, but kept her surname.

"I have learned from my mother since I was a child, and the dishes my mother cooks are delicious!"

Lu Mia put down her chopsticks, her face was reminiscent, and her delicate face was involuntarily showing a sweet smile, which made the opposite person a little dumbfounded.

"Your mother is really amazing." Belen also exclaimed.


Lu Mia responded with a smile, then lowered her head again, her expression a little unnatural, she pursed her lips, as if suppressing something.

But Belen didn't realize this. He asked curiously: "Is your mother a killer too?"

Hearing that, Lumia raised her head, and then shook her head. She said, "No, mother, she is not a killer, but a very ordinary person."

"Then does your mother know that you are a killer?" Belen asked curiously.

"I know." Lumia nodded.

Belen didn't ask any more questions. The kid was too unsuspecting. Maybe after he asked, Lumia would answer it.

"It's late and I'm still full, I'm leaving now."

Lumia stood up, and then touched her belly a little unhappy. She ate too much, but now she felt a little uncomfortable.

Belen scratched his hair, and said apologetically: "Sorry, I decided on the topic of cooking without authorization."

Upon hearing this, Lumia shook her head ~lightnovelpub.net~ and stared at the man at the table. The girl showed her assassin again. She said, "I will come again tomorrow."

The girl's return is not to come for dinner, but to continue the unsuccessful assassination today. Belen is still very clear about this. He nodded and spread his hands nonchalantly.

"I can wait, you have to work harder tomorrow."

In response, Lumia snorted, then looked at Belem hesitantly, and finally bowed slightly. She said, "Thank you for your hospitality today. In return, I will definitely kill you."

Hey, is it really okay to say such a terrible thing so peacefully?

Belen couldn't help but opened his mouth when he heard that, but when he changed his mind, he had nothing to say, just a faint smile. Was he weird or was this girl weird? No matter what you think, you can't get angry.

Obviously the other party wanted to kill him, and the other party's assassination today was not a joke, it was a serious action.

Just when Belen was about to inspire and motivate the girl, suddenly the door of the room was opened.