Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 19: Never leave

Belen was also startled when he heard Latier's words. He looked at the curious girl beside him, then turned his gaze back to the night sky, showing a thoughtful look.

"Maybe, I did something bad, right?"

"Why can Mr. Belén be so uncertain?"

"Because I don't know what I did wrong."

Latier's gaze fell on Belen's face, and she could tell from the latter's thinking expression that Mr. Belen really didn't clear whether he had done something sorry for the girl.

"Mr. Belém, is that girl about the same age as ours?"

When Ratil asked about his age, Belen was startled, and he replied: "She, she is several years older than you, and one year older than me."

"Is it one year older than Mr. Belém?"

"Well, yes."

La Tier's eyes gradually became weird. Judging from the current signs, she was very clear in her heart how deep the bond between Mr. Belen and the girl was.

"Mr. Belén, what is the relationship between you and that sister?"

Hearing this question, Belen blinked, and then looked at La Tier strangely: "What else can it be? She is my daughter just like you."


La Tier showed an unbelievable expression, and she asked very suspiciously: "But, isn't that sister one year older than Mr. Belém?"

"It's a year older." Belen nodded, and then said: "But, we are father and daughter."

Seeing Belen's "completely incomprehensible" look, La Tier also showed a completely incomprehensible expression. She asked weirdly, "Isn't that sister objecting?"

"Well, it was there at the beginning, but then there was no objection."

Hearing this, La Tier sighed in her heart. The girl didn't agree with it in the end, but she didn't want to pay attention to it.

Immediately afterwards, La Tier was silent again. The two people who were obviously bound so deeply were separated because of what happened?

Mr. Belém is obviously reluctant to bear that person, and what does that person think?

What happened in this, La Tier did not think of a suitable reason, and she did not go uninteresting in asking Belen for the details in the middle. Want to come

Even if he asked, Mr. Belém would definitely change the subject.

"Mr. Belém." Latier's fingers interlaced in front of her, her eyes gleaming like stars in the night sky, beautiful and moving.

"Have you not kept her?"

After hearing the words, Belem was silent. Finally, he shook his head: "No."

"Mr. Belén really has no emotional intelligence at all!"

Seeing La Tier's puffed cheeks, Belen was stunned. He looked at the former very suspiciously, not understanding why she was angry.

"Why is La Tier angry?"

Hearing Belen's words, Latier snorted and turned his head away.

Seeing her like this, Belen blinked his eyes, his eyes showed a look of helplessness, he really couldn't figure out the girl's complicated thoughts.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, and all kinds of thoughts suddenly appeared in Belen's heart. He subconsciously said: "Then when Latier is about to leave, I will try to keep Latier."

When this word fell in her ears, La Tier's face that had pretended to be angry immediately went dull, and after a while, she turned her head and looked at Belem, who also happened to be looking at her.

"Mr. Belen, what did you just say?"

"I just said, wait until you are leaving..."

"Will not!"

Belem was interrupted before he finished speaking. His pupils were slightly enlarged, and he looked at the girl in front of him. The anger on the face of the latter was slightly different from just now.

"That...not Ratil said..."

"I will not leave."

"What?" Belen was taken aback for a moment.

The cat-eared girl in front of her looked at him with a firm gaze. The girl seemed to be angry, much more angry than she had just been, even though Belen didn't know why Latier was so angry.

"I will never leave Mr. Belém! So please don't say anything like that anymore!" Latier was very angry. How could she leave Mr. Belém?

"If it weren't for Mr. Belém, Latis and I might still be enslaved, and we have to live hungry days every day. It is because of Mr. Belém that we have been redeemed."

"So, not only me, but even Lattes, will never abandon Mr. Belém!"

Hearing such firm words, Belen was also stunned. He nodded subconsciously, and then his expression gradually softened. He stretched out his hand, put his hand on the girl's head, and stroked it gently.

"Yes, I won't say this again in the future, so don't get angry anymore."

With that said, as if coaxing a child, Belen had completely replaced himself in the role of "father", and he whispered.

Immediately afterwards, Belen slowly pulled La Tier into his arms and looked at the night sky, looking at the shimmering stars, showing a little reminiscence.

When La Tier was pulled into Belen’s arms, she was also stunned, and it took a while to react. At the same time, La Tier’s cheeks instantly turned red, UU reading www.uukanshu.com even The tips of her ears were also dyed red, and she realized that she was being embraced by Belen.


Latil hurriedly pushed Belen away, stepped back for a long time, covered her cheeks with her hands, only two eyes were exposed, her eyes dodged, and she dared not look at Belen.

"Latier, what's the matter?" Belen looked at Latier suspiciously.

He just hugged him, why did he react so much? Does Ratier dislike this behavior? But isn’t it normal for family members to act like this?

"No, no!" Latil stood up quickly, her cheeks flushed like a ripe fruit, she tilted her head and said, "I, I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to sleep first!"

"Oh, well, go to bed." Belen nodded.

So La Tier ran away without looking back until she returned to the carriage and got into the bedding, like a frightened kitten. In the bedding, her cheeks were still hot. Incomparable.

With a pair of cat ears exposed outside the bedding, La Tier closed her eyes tightly and covered her eyes with both hands. A muttering voice came from the bedding: "It's all Mr. Belen's fault."

But at this moment, Belen was still leaning against the earth dragon, his eyes reflected the shining stars in the sky, and his mind was still reverberating with what Ratil said just now.

"Never leave...?"

Once, someone said something similar.

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!