Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 201: Winner, "Unstable Kitchen Knife"

That's right, the dish Belém served on the table was a burger. This was a temporary idea. The name is called a double burger. After all, there are two types of patties.

Among Belém’s recipes, burgers and meat rolls can be said to be the most common, because no matter the former or the latter, its preparation method is not complicated, and compared to those complicated dishes, it is simpler and more common. Can seduce people's appetite.

It has such a charm, which is the conclusion that Belém has obtained over the years.


Hearing this extremely unfamiliar name, the three judges were all stunned. There was no such thing as a dish in memory. I was seeing this young man making a dish. It was the same as everyone thought. This person is cooking fried food.

And is the fat bread in front of you considered fried food?

"God of Cooking" Rex smiled slightly, looking at the hamburger dish in front of him with interest, looking at the various ingredients in the middle, and then reached out and picked up one, smiling. Ask the young man.

"Will it be rude to hold it with your hands?"

"It doesn't matter, it is meant to be eaten like this, please bite it down."

Hearing the words of the young man, "God of Cooking" Rex was the first to set an example. Under the attention of everyone, he opened his mouth and bit down fiercely as Belen had said.


Suddenly the sirens sounded from the sense of taste!

When the teeth broke through layer after layer of defense and finally touched with their significant other, the various flavors of sweetness, crispness, tenderness and plumpness were felt by the teeth and tongue in an instant.

Lots of side dishes! "

Rex's heart suddenly shook, and the burger projected on the screen was also a step closer, everyone could see the various side dishes inside.

Cabbage leaves, Zhihuang slices, Vanilla red persimmon slices, egg yolk edges

From the naked eye, there are seven kinds of edge colors of the layers inside, and the side dishes are all mixed in the form of two pieces, and the two pieces of meatloaf are also here. The species is more prominent, being the thickest two layers, despite being separated by several side dishes.

"Oh my God!"

"God of Cooking" Rex screamed at this moment. Only those who tasted it personally knew how delicious the mixed taste of this burger was. It could be said that it was unparalleled!

So many side dishes can be so perfectly blended together, people can't feel the slightest sense of disharmony, paired with those two tender and delicious meatloaf, it is beyond his imagination!

Seeing Rex's gaffe, Fafna and Hirose Yell on the left and right were also stunned, and then quickly picked up the hamburger and bitten it fiercely.

Huh! ?

An untimely muffled sound appeared in Favna's mouth immediately, and while chewing, the expression on her face continued to soften.

As soon as I started to chew in my mouth, a variety of flavors emerged instantly. It was not a mixed flavor. The flavor of each side dish was so clear. When the rich sauce and the overflowing oily water from the meat pie flowed on the tip of the tongue At that moment, the hot flavor burst out instantly.

The beautiful face immediately became crimson, and the hot smell came out through the limbs, as if even the pores were unfolded, the breath between the nose was eagerly breathing, the fragrance was dripping with sweat, this charming posture made Countless men are a little unable to control themselves.

This smell!

The various personalities of the side dishes are highlighted, falling to the ground like a storm, appearing in my mind one after another, giving endless surprises. When the fresh and tender beauty of the double-layered meatloaf is combined with the hot sauce, Like the earth's crust began to crack, magma began to erupt, directly blasting away from the earth.

If the previous stewed dishes are developing the limit of taste buds step by step, then this dish called double burger is a delicious food that directly breaks the limit!

The two are completely different, but there is no doubt that the former is like making a wedding dress for others, and the taste buds that have been developed to a high level are washed away at this moment, directly piercing through the clouds!

Its deliciousness is so amazing!

More, I want more!

Favna immediately turned into the incarnation of desire, the deliciousness that broke the limit of the taste buds was irresistible, and everyone who would really taste it was like this.

It has to be said that the side dishes prepared by Belém are the top priority of this dish. If it were not for them, it would not be able to show the true attitude of the dish called hamburger. If the double-layered meatloaf is made into a house The mainstay, and the side dish is the concrete that strengthens the house.

Many people in the watching area were shocked. From the previous games, they judged that Belém was a type of cuisine that highlighted the staple food with side dishes. At this moment, that kind of conjecture disappeared without a trace.

That young man is a terrible guy, he is a type of creative cuisine.

Many people are shocked in this dish called hamburger. Generally speaking, the so-called staple ingredient is that its taste must be the most obtrusive presence in this dish.

However, they felt something very special from the man, as if for the young man, there is no so-called main ingredient and side dish. He is good at making perfect dishes that bring out the deliciousness of all the ingredients.


The girl codenamed "A New Kitchen Knife" was staring blankly at the figure on the stage at the moment. She was very interested in the dish named Hamburger, and she also saw the difference in that dish.

"Complete cooking."

Zhan Fulie also squinted his eyes, and he subconsciously confided these five words~lightnovelpub.net~ This is his evaluation of the burger dishes made by that man.


"God of Cooking" Rex had already finished his burger at this moment. After the aftertaste, he extended a thumb to Belem, and then laughed and commented.

This very innovative burger dish can be called a "complete dish", because its taste is only due to the ingredients, not just because of the two patties.

Rex hasn’t tasted dishes like this for a long, long time. It can even be said that he hasn’t seen it in a long, long time, especially among the younger generations after him. arrive.

Being able to be rated as "Awesome" by the "God of Cooking" is something that is enough to cause a huge storm in the kitchen world. No chef will question the words of the "God of Cooking" Rex, and even those who have become champions in other sessions. "God of Cooking" doesn't work either, you know, this is the "God of Eternal Cooking".

"Winner, on the 13th, "unstable chopper". ") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!
