Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 21: Magic attribute

Seeing La Tier's expression of surprise, Belen's face showed a faint smile, with a little ridicule. ?

? "Don't want to see it?"

? "No, no, I want to see it!"

So, Belen smiled and rubbed Latier's head, then walked aside, ten meters away from the table, he stopped and looked at Latier.

? "Then, let me show you a little bit."


With such a response, La Tier's eyes flashed with hope and curiosity, and she was very curious about what Belen's magic was like.


Belen exhaled, and on this lawn, there was a cool breeze blowing, white sleeves fluttering with the wind, and at this moment, blue light gradually emerged from the void.

? Om.

? The buzzing sound rang, the wind swept away, the blue magic power overflowed all around Belem, and an invisible force vibrated down, even his hair was blown by the wind at this moment In the floating state, that power shook the ground by a point.

"This is called momentum, and some people of strength can use it, well, it's just that I use magic to give a substantial effect to momentum, and momentum cannot be considered magic, and what I am best at is the control of magic."

After speaking, the blue magic power of Belen gradually disappeared, and the surroundings restored calmness. He smoothed out some wrinkled corners of his clothes with his hands, then walked to Latir’s shoulders and stretched out his hands to pat lightly. shoot.

"If you can do this step, not everyone can do it. At least you need to be very proficient in controlling magic. It's good, it's time to eat, and the dishes are cold."

Belen sat back to eat, while La Tier was still standing still, her mind was still replaying the scene of the previous magical power.

?Although that look doesn't seem very powerful in Belen's mouth, in front of Latier, who is still unable to use magic power, the scene is undoubtedly very beautiful and powerful.


Hearing La Tier's murmur, Belen also glanced at her, then chuckled slightly: "Uh, it's not a big deal, there is no need to be so shocked."

Immediately after, Belen found that Latisi, who was opposite to him, was looking at him with those big bright eyes, with a slight light radiating from her pupils.

? "Big brother, so handsome!"

? "Ahem..."

Hearing Latis's admiration, Belen suddenly choked on the food he had just swallowed, his face turned slightly red, and he didn't know if it was choked or something else, a trace of shame appeared on his face.

? "And, it's not a great thing, if it is Lattes and Latier, it can definitely be learned."

When she heard Belen’s words, La Tier suddenly trembled slightly, and she slowly turned around. Those brown eyes looked at Belen blankly, and a faint moment could be seen. The color of hope.

"Mr. Belém, is what you said is true? Will you teach us to use magic?"

Seeing La Tier's appearance, Belen was also slightly startled, but immediately he saw the hope in La Tier's eyes, and immediately nodded, and he scratched his cheek with his hand.

? "I have this plan."

? "Really willing to teach us to use magic...?"

? "Well, it's true."

Belen nodded seriously. He also understood why Latier was so eager to learn magic. He stretched out his hand and patted the stool beside him.

? "To learn magic, you have to eat a full meal."

Hearing that, La Tier immediately sat on the stool and began to eat, although it was obvious that her mind was not on the table.

? And Lattes, who has finished her meal, is staring at Belen across the table, her cat ears are swinging flexibly.

Magic is beautiful in the eyes of countless children, and Latis is no exception. When she heard the words of Belen and her sister, this cute little girl was also full of interest. ?

? Soon, La Tier filled her belly. Although she was full of eagerness, she helped Belen clean up the dishes first.

Seemingly seeing the eagerness in La Tier's heart, Belen also slightly raised the corners of her mouth, showing a slight smile, she was happy from the bottom of her heart about teaching the two girls magic.

?Since I like magic, it doesn't hurt to teach her two.

?Perhaps he himself is not good at any attribute magic, but he also has reasons he can teach. He is not bad at anything.

After a while, the three of them sat on the lawn. Anyway, staying here just wanted to have a good rest, so there was nothing to rush to do.

?At this moment, Belen was holding a glass ball in his hand, he placed the glass ball on the lawn, and then looked at La Tier and La Tis.

"This is a magic ball for testing magical properties. You just need to put your hands on it. It is a magical device that can guide your magical powers, so you don't have to worry about not being able to use your magical powers."

After hearing Belen's words, La Tier nodded, and La Tisi nodded slowly, blinking her big eyes and looking at the glass ball.

? "Then, I'll come first." La Tier looked at Lattes who was still staring at the magic ball, and then said first, then stretched out her hand and placed her white hand on the magic ball.

? Om.

? When the palm of the hand was attached to the magic ball, the magic ball reacted. A green magic power poured into the magic ball, as if a cloud of wind was spinning in it, it was a small whirlwind visible to the naked eye, with Soft feeling.

? "The magic of wind attributes."

Seeing the reaction in the magic ball, Belen's eyes also flashed a faint light, he nodded slightly, and he was also relieved for Latier.

? Fortunately, not like him, do not possess any attributes.

Waiting for Latier to withdraw her hand, she looked at Belen with that surprised gaze. She could see what kind of attribute her magic power was just by looking at the scene in the magic ball.

? "Very good."

Belen also nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, she was in a daze to Latisi, putting her hand on the magic ball, and both of them looked at her.

? I saw the scene in the magic ball began to appear again, there were three different colors of magic pouring into it, and only one scene appeared in the magic ball.

It is a scene of a grassland, countless green buds sprout, but the next moment there is a flame burning, all the seedlings are burned down, this grassland becomes a wasteland.

?"This is..."

Ratil on the side was also puzzled. She looked at the magic ball strangely, and then at Belen, she found that the latter's eyes were full of surprises.

?At this moment, the wasteland suddenly changed again. The sun and the moon alternated, and the sky was bright and dark, which seemed to imply the passage of time~lightnovelpub.net~ At this moment, a green sprout suddenly cracked from the soil. It drilled out, more and more, until the entire wasteland was covered.

? At this moment, the wasteland has become a grassland again.

Ratis is looking at the scene in the magic ball with her big eyes open. She seems to like this kind of scenery very much, but at the same time there is a look of surprise and doubt on her small face.

After a while, the scene didn't change anymore, Latis put her little hand back, her little face was covered with the word "curiosity", and she looked up at Belem.

? "Mr. Belen, the magic of Latis... is it wood or fire, or something else?"

Ratil found that he didn't understand the meaning of the scene very much, so the biggest guess was that his sister has two or more magic attributes.

? Is her sister a genius?

? And at this moment, Belem's voice sounded.


Ratil turned her head and looked at Belem, then showed a puzzled look, isn't it? What could it be? Is there anything else in the sight of the magic ball?

Belén leaned his elbow on the back of his other hand, resting his chin in his right hand, and seemed to be thinking. After a while, he looked at Latis, with a smile on his face, and a little surprised.

? "Latis's magic attribute is life."

The first publication of this book is from 17K Novels. The first time you see the genuine content!