Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 218: Guess what the bonus is?

"A graduate of Flozarno Academy?"

When he heard Belen's words, Alice was also startled, then looked at Belen's body, and said thoughtfully: "How many years have you graduated?"

"four years ago."

"So it's so old?"

After Belen heard the words, a black line suddenly appeared on his head. The guy in front of him opened his eyes and said nonsense. It must be intentional. This is revenge! But he didn't bother to refute it. He could see that the guy in front of him was very vengeful.

"your name?"

"Belen Grean."

"As far as I know, most of Flozarno's graduates have already achieved a lot, you"

Alice looked at Belén with a weird look. She was naturally no stranger to Flozarno Academy. You must know that it was a place with a low enrollment rate and promotion rate, and a lower graduation rate.

None of the students who graduated from that school were recruited by multiple organizations. To put it bluntly, every student who graduated from that school was a super genius.

The promising future refers to those people.

As for the young man in front of him, the strength that he revealed last night does indeed have the qualifications to graduate from that school, but ah, why hasn't he heard of it?

"Not interested in."

Belen returned an answer that puzzled Allice.

"Not interested in?"

"Does the achievement you mean by climbing to a higher position in the empire, or scoring a reputation that everyone knows on the battlefield? But I am not interested in these."

Alice stared at the young man in front of him, finished smoking the cigarette, and slowly spit out the smoke ring. She said: "You are really rare for people like you. You obviously graduated from that place."

"In fact, among those guys who graduated with me, there are many people who have this idea." Belen responded, and then continued to organize the tables and chairs.

In the eyes of most people, ideas like Belén are very decadent. They clearly possess extraordinary abilities and talents, and they clearly have a bright future without fighting for it. It is a pity to live an ordinary life like this.

"Mr. Belen!"

At this moment, Latier ran over and greeted Alris when he saw Alris, then smiled and said, "Sister Alris! Finished up!"

"Then let it go, the work clothes can be taken home first, it's okay."

Alris nodded to Latier, then looked at the girl's hand holding Belen's arm, and then added the next sentence.

"Great, thank you! Mr. Belém, let's go!"

Belen glanced at Alice, and then left here with Latier, called Laya and the others, and went all the way back to the hotel.

In the hotel, four girls are sitting at the small table, and La Tier is looking at Belen excitedly, the tail is still swinging behind him.

"Mr. Belén, you are now a semi-finalist, can you please ask, how much money do you have?"

In La Tier's opinion, the prize money of such a large-scale competition will definitely be very generous. They work every day, because they are double the salary, so they can get one gold coin plus twenty silver coins a day.

The top four players who can enter the competition should have hundreds of gold coins no matter what they think!

"En" Belen looked at the four girls in front of him, and after thinking about it, he decided to sell it. He said in a playful manner: "How many do you guess there will be?"


Er also raised his hand very interested, and then said grinning: "I'll come first! I guess, there are two hundred gold coins!"

"How can there be so few, I guess there are eight hundred!" Laiya hummed and reported a number.

"What about Ilia?" Belen looked at the silver-haired girl with a slight smile.

Illiya's eyes rolled, seeming to be thinking, and finally reported a number that made both Laiya and Latir dumbfounded. She said, "I guess there are four thousand."

Hearing this, Belen looked at Ilya, he blinked, and Ilya also blinked back twice in doubt, Belen thoughtfully, and then looked at Latiss aside.

"Latis, guess how many?"

However, Latis raised her head and looked at Belem with that cute expression. She said something completely unpleasant: "I want to eat candy."

Hearing Lattes's words, Latte, who is the older sister, couldn't help it immediately. She hurriedly said out, in case Mr. Belen agreed to Lattes, she said: "You can't eat it! Lattes! You! You are fat now, you know?"


Latis's head shrank slightly, her small mouth muttered, her head lowered, and she looked pitiful and aggrieved.

Hearing La Tier's words, Belen also looked at the kitten curiously, and then stretched out his hand to squeeze La Tisi's cheek, the hand feeling was still so soft, Belen thought about it.

"It seems to be a little fatter."

Belen remembered how she had seen Lattes, and then looked at Lattes in front of him. He shook his head and stretched out his hand to rub the kitten's head.

"It doesn't matter, it's just that I was too skinny at the beginning, but it's just getting better now."

Hearing Belen's words, Latis immediately raised her head, opened her mouth with a sweet and lovely smile, and threw herself into Belen's arms and hugged him around his neck.

Seeing Belen spoiling Lattes so much, Latil helped her forehead helplessly. She said, "Mr. Belen, you haven't seen how Lattes loves sweets. You can't let it go any longer. ."

Hearing that, Belen also thought about it, and then said: "It doesn't matter, Latis will follow me to exercise afterwards, and I won't get fat."

La Tier was stunned, and looked at Belen suspiciously: "Exercise?"

"I will teach her the things she will use when she enters Flozarno Academy in the future." Belen replied, and he had already figured out what he would teach Latis.

"In fact, Illiya has already guessed very close, but that was the bonus in the quarterfinals."

Hearing this sentence, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Latir and Laya have their eyes wide open. In the quarter-finals, they received a four thousand gold coin bonus, so how many bonuses will the top four have! ?

"There are six thousand gold coins in total."

"No, no, no way"

Latier and Laya looked at each other, but then the cat-eared girl drooped down her ears. Then the gold coins they earned were useless?

In the end, Mr. Belén was not helped.

As if seeing what Ratier was thinking, Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed Ratier’s head. He said, “What’s frustrating. Earning gold coins means that you have grown up. I’m very pleased. ."

Ratil looked up at Belém, pursed her mouth, and then nodded, with a sweet smile on her face: "Then can we all work in the tavern before Mr. Belém finishes the game?"

"Of course!") Book friends hurry up and pay attention!
