Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 228: New Year after 4 seasons

The three judges looked at the four-color stuffed cake on the plate, and they had a strange feeling at such close distance. This feeling has not passed for a long time.


Yes, I am hungry.

But the hunger at this time is different from the hunger after getting tired from normal work. It is a feeling that appears in my heart when facing other people's cooking.

Immediately afterwards, under countless eyes, the young man in a white shirt returned to his kitchen table, picked up a large plate of dishes with five fillings on it, and then slowly walked off the battle platform.

One more plate? Who is this for?

Under everyone's gaze, Belen was carrying the stuffed cake, and then slowly came to some place on the edge of the arena, in front of La Tier and the others.

"I've been waiting for a long time, hurry up and eat, this is what I prepared carefully, it's delicious."

Belen handed the dish to Laya, then blinked, looking at the girls expectantly.

Laiya took the dish, and she looked at the five pieces of stuffing on it, which was the same dish that the three judges wanted to taste on the screen.

While everyone was in a daze, Belen looked at the girl in the black dress and said, "Lu Mia, aren't you hungry? Hurry up and taste it. I'll do it if it's not enough."

"Huh? Hmm!"

Lu Mia was stunned, then pursed her lips, and hurriedly responded. The first one reached out and took a piece of cake from the plate. The four colors made her stunned.

Rex, the "God of Cooking" who was on the judges' desk, was stunned after seeing this scene, and then looked back at the filling cake in his hand, he understood one thing.

This dish was actually born for his family.

Hirose, the youngest of the three judges, was crying bitterly at this moment. No one knew the suffering of this young man who was in charge of the house. He remembered that it was the guys in the group. Under the leadership, instead of becoming more prosperous, Fan Zuo went downhill instead.

But even so, this man is still encouraged by everyone in the group. They trust him, but he is getting more and more frustrated. He always thinks that he has no talent, but even if he is not favored like this, he is being cared for. All my friends looked after.

Thinking of the entrustment and encouragement of all his relatives and friends, he should stop squandering, he must work harder, and work harder to lead the group to a more prosperous level!

When the three judges tasted the food, all of them stared blankly at the scene on the screen. Perhaps this scene will never be witnessed again.

Favna, this beautiful woman has already shed crystal tears at this moment, she is holding back crying tightly, the back of her hand is constantly wiping in front of her eyes, and her eyes are already flushed.

She has been a daughter since she was born. That father took good care of her and always turned to her no matter what, but when her mother passed away, she believed that all the faults were due to her father, which made her hate her father and think that her father I have been busy with official duties but ignored my mother, so I haven't even said a few words for many years.

Many years later, she stood in the position of deputy chief of the top cooking organization in the empire, and even the father of the duke would be afraid of her identity.

However, she couldn't be happy anyway.

Thinking of appearing as the deputy chief to discuss business with the duke's father, the bitter expression on the face of the aged middle-aged man made Favna hate herself.

Time tossed away the handsome face of that man, which made Favna very unwilling. When she was a child, how much that man loved him, she wanted him to go east, and he would never go west, but she never thought about it. Father's feelings.


The waywardness that I had always had been shattered by the many memories today. My father’s busy figure and gradually aging face make this already

The woman over thirty screamed like a child, and she suddenly wanted to see him.

I want to say "I'm sorry" to him in person.

With that peculiar mood, Rex slowly took a bite and slowly chewed in his mouth. The four distinct feelings were so clear, but they did not violate the harmony.

The breeze in spring is gentle and gentle, the scorching sun in summer makes the mood restless, the leaves in autumn slowly wither, and the falling snow in the snow season makes people linger.

And in Rex's mind, a picture gradually emerged. The taste of the four seasons was refreshing and gradually liberated the soul. He thought of many things.

In spring, the young woman is holding his hand, with the slight warmth that makes you no longer want to let go. In summer, I occasionally drink with the slightly thin man. The mouth is hot and spicy, but I want to have another bite. In the autumn, it was sorrowful and cold, but there were still two people walking among the fallen leaves holding hands. But in winter, nestling in that small wooden house, the lighted fire and the smell of rice all over the house can still be seen vaguely.

The scenes were presented in my mind, and I couldn't help tears. The four seasons passed very quickly. I don't know how many have passed. After the four seasons is the New Year, I hope I can wait with them.

Rex lowered his head. The "Eternal Cooking God" who has entered middle age has already burst into tears at this moment. That's it. He is still chewing the cake in his mouth, and he sees more recall.

This well-known figure in the kitchen world can be said to have reached the pinnacle of his life, but Rex hasn't used a kitchen knife for a long, long time.

Because he no longer knows who he should cook his dishes for.

After the game, it is still the game. Was it like this from the beginning?

He climbed to the top of the cooking world. At this moment, his heart suddenly throbbed. Why was his cooking born? He remembered.

Is the woman who taught him how to hold a knife and cook, is still knitting clothes, is the man who taught him how to carry a bow and hunt, is still drinking?

How many years have not been back? After returning home, have you cooked for them? Isn’t your own cooking just for them to say "delicious" from the beginning?


This great figure in the kitchen industry, known as the "Eternal God of Cooking", uttered a child-like cry at this moment. The filling in his mouth had not been chewed yet, but he was crying in such an indecent and imageless manner.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, the three people on the big screen conveyed an inexplicable sentiment, and everyone on the sidelines was gradually rendered.

Cries replaced cheers, "father and mother", or "sister and younger brother" or other people's names ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ constantly sounded from the outside, this scene is funny, but also sentimental .

"Mom! I'm going to cook for you!"

"Ahhh! I want to go home, I'm leaving now!"

"Brother, where are you? My brother is looking for you!"

A series of inexplicable words were conveyed, pushing the sentimentality to the top, everyone felt inexplicable, but they also felt that this situation was taken for granted.

Hillsius on the battle stage was also stunned at the moment. She looked around, and finally looked at the remaining dishes on Belen's kitchen table, and slowly walked over.

"Because of this?"

Hillsius was silent, and then slowly put the dish in her mouth, her face expressionless from the beginning, and finally, she pursed her mouth, with tears flickering in the corners of her eyes, she took a deep breath and took the breath. The complex emotions were suppressed, and then slowly raised his head and looked at the sky, exhaling a long breath. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!
