Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 229: The heart that is pinned

On the edge of the arena, Belen was watching five girls eating their meals. The outcome is no longer important. If there is a belief in cooking, then he might have found it.

Belen asked curiously: "Is it delicious?"

"good to eat!"

The five girls unanimously responded to Belém's words with words like this, and Belém also nodded very contentedly, then turned around and prepared to return to the arena.

As long as they feel delicious, that's enough.

Both on and off the court have become very interesting, and "God of Cooking" Rex has slowly calmed down at this moment, he is still choking, it is really rare for such a big man to appear such a gentle appearance.

Rex put the last piece of stuffing in his mouth and chewed. After swallowing his stomach, he smiled contentedly. This middle-aged man, who has always been sloppy, felt a sense of vicissitudes.

The belief of this dish is understood only by those who really understand it. It has nothing to do with whether the dish is delicious or not, and it has nothing to do with whether the dish is called a superb.

When Belen returned to the judges' table, Favna took a deep breath and looked at the young man in front of her. She asked, "How did you make this dish?"

There is no doubt that people who have tasted it will touch their hearts, and this magic-like effect is really incredible, and they don’t think it’s magic, because no matter which of the three of them, it’s all. He is a magister, but he didn't feel the existence of magic power.

Hearing this question, Belen thought for a while, and then a flash of light in his heart, he thought of a very appropriate sentence, he said: "To borrow a friend of mine, cooking is to put everything on the plate. , And this dish contains everything I have now."

Obviously he was still so decadent half a year ago, he knew it very well, but now he even feels how full his heart is.

The loneliness and plainness in spring and summer, and the joy and happiness after autumn and winter, all these things now, the changes in this year, are all that Belém has now.

This has nothing to do with the level of cooking, but what Belen has to do is to present a dish completely in front of the person he wants to give.

He put everything about himself into this dish.

The belief contained in it is very simple, in fact, it is looking forward to the coming year.

This is a small belief, but it contains enough power to move everyone, but this dish has something that makes Rex more concerned.

"Mr. Belém, do you have any more?"

Hearing the sound of Leia shouting with a horn in the distance, Belen looked at the remaining dishes on his table, hurriedly ran over to put the tray and walked off the battlefield.

Glancing at Belem's back, Rex looked at the genius girl Hillsius in front of him, and he asked, "Little girl, who do you think has won this game?"

Hillsius was startled when he heard the words, and then turned his head to look at Belén, who was with his family in the distance, a smile appeared on the face of this talented girl.

"He won."

Even she had to admit that there was something she didn't have in that man's cooking, and that kind of thing seemed to be familiar and seemed to have once.

Rex smiled and said: "His cooking contains something more moving than belief, that is, his mind. In that cooking, he has a heart for his family."

That man's cooking contains his thoughts on his family, and this feeling can be felt by others. This is the power of that cooking.



Hillsius was stunned, she pursed her lips, and then smiled bitterly, because the so-called "mind" was the simplest, but it was the hardest for them to look at them.

The more I climbed to the heights, the more I forgot my original intention.

Is there any chef’s cooking that was not made for someone in the first place? It's just that, after going further and further, I have forgotten the road behind me.

The same is true for Belém. Before the finals, he had already planned to give up because he did not understand the so-called cooking beliefs. It was not until Lumia's "I'm hungry" that his true heart was awakened.

Why does he study cooking? There must be a reason for this, but what is the reason? As time and the surrounding things are different, Belen has long forgotten.

It was only today that I gradually recalled it.

There was once a very long-winded woman who taught him how to cook, and the reason why he studied so hard was not to make that person show a satisfied look while eating?

In fact, the original intention of cooking has always been around. The reason why he learned to cook is not for those who make him want to cook for him.

Belen looked at the few girls in front of him, the content in his eyes could not be seen by others, and he couldn't help but recall the past, he looked up at the sky.

Where are you?

Rex sat on the chair, his eyes full of feelings. How long has he not returned to his hometown? When the event is over, it's time to go back.

The mind will blossom and bear fruit.

When it was still a seed, after countless winds and rains, it would surely take root and sprout, but in the process, the people who cared for it gradually lost their way and were disturbed by many things in life, and finally Forget the flowers and fruits that are already in full bloom.

Rex looked at the meditating girl, and the middle-aged man said with a smile: "Just as the young man said, cooking is actually done for someone, and his thoughts are very pure. The cooking is for the family."

After all, there are limits to the deliciousness that can be tasted in cooking, but there is no limit to the mind that it contains.

For this, Hillseus has also realized it, but it takes a certain amount of time to find the feeling of the original intention. She knows that she has found the way.

In that small town, the little girl and her mother dine in a restaurant~lightnovelpub.net~ The restaurants there are not very high-end, but the dishes it serves are very delicious and delicious. The woman smiled contentedly.

And that smile fell in the girl's eyes and became the driving force for her to move forward. I don't know when, that smile had been blurred in her mind until now, when she recalled it again, the girl was moved.

"I understand."

Hillsius squeezed her hand, she took a deep breath and smiled again.

Winner! "Unstable chopper"!

With cheers everywhere, the new **** of cooks in the kitchen world was born, and the newspaper will be very busy on this day.

The "God of Cooking" Rex stood up and slowly walked off the judges' table. He was already a little impatient to go home. At this moment, he had picked up what he had accidentally left behind.

If you want to go further and further on the road of cooking, you need people who make you want to dedicate all the cooking skills. ) Book friends hurry up and pay attention!
