Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 239: Leptchester

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Belém and his party are still a long way from Kamalga.

Just as Morpheus said, the nearby cities were all in a mess and were hit hard by the "natural disaster", and Belém passed through

Several cities can't make a detour, because some detours are too far.

The cities that Belén and his party passed through during this period were all attacked, which also made him very distressed, because there was no way to purchase any food materials at all, which led to the fact that the storage was almost empty.

This is the most troublesome thing for Belen. In order to keep Latier and the others full, he has eaten so little recently that he is hungry now.

Previously, he checked the last food reserve, which could last up to ten days. During this time, he hoped to reach some cities that had not yet been attacked.

However, seven days have passed since then.

"The meal is ready!"

After preparing the food, Belen yelled to the girls who were frolicking over there, looking at the food on the table, he couldn't help sighing, how should this be good?

During the meal.

After a few mouthfuls of food, La Tier looked at Belém from time to time. She pursed her lips and gathered her courage. She said, "Mr. Belém, that..."

"What's wrong?"

"Is our food reserve... not enough?"

Hearing what Latier said, Belen was also startled, and then he found that several girls were looking at him, so he nodded bitterly.

"Yeah, it's almost gone. Recently, those cities have been attacked by terrorists, and there is no way to purchase food."

When she was helping to organize the warehouse these days, she also discovered that there were not many ingredients left in the food storage area, so she had this question.

Hearing that, La Tier looked at the table full of food, she said dissatisfied: "It's obviously not enough, Mr. Belen still prepares so many meals!"

Indeed, even in such an embarrassing situation, Belem’s meals were prepared so richly, and he was very helpless after hearing Latier’s words. Didn’t he think about the period when a few girls were still growing up?

"I know Mr. Belém is for our good, but ah, we have never finished eating, so many dishes, it's a waste!"

Latier obviously knew Belen’s kindness, so she decided to persuade Mr. Belém. After thinking about it, she continued to add: "Take the food and leave it to me!"

If you continue to let Mr. Belen come, although he will listen to opinions, he still doesn't know how to be the most frugal, so it is better for her to come!

"This... that's okay." Belen hesitated, but after seeing La Tier's indisputable gaze, he reluctantly agreed.

After finishing the meal, Belen was still thinking about the route he was going to go next, and he judged where he was now.

There is still a long way to go before Kalmargarh. During this period, the food problem must be solved. If it can be delayed, it is not expected that the next city will not be attacked. Then... is there any place to be able to How many meals did they feed themselves?

Taking out the map, Belen began to find a route on it, but when his eyes fell on the mountain forest on the edge of a city called "Cai Nuo Chi".

It seems...there is a way!

At the beginning of a new day, Belen is driving a commercial vehicle on the way to his destination. He is going to a school called "Lip Chess", which is exactly an alchemy school. .

That was the school built by a friend of his back then, but it was said to be a school, but it was actually the size of a small private school, I don't know how it is now.

In fact, what it looks like now is very different from what it used to be.

At noon the next day, Belen finally came to a familiar place, but only the location was familiar to him. When he drove a commercial truck to a building that resembled a castle, he blankly raised his head and looked at it. The huge stele outside the castle.

The stone tablet was engraved with the five characters "Lip Chester".

"Fake... fake, right?"

Belen opened his mouth slightly and looked at the huge building with some sluggish eyes. People who came and went were wearing very similar costumes. There was no doubt that it was a school uniform!

This is not the same as in memory! ?

Latil, who was beside Belen, looked at the school above with some doubts, and asked with some doubts: "Mr. Belen, where is this place?"

"Uh, a school."

"School?" La Tier was a little confused, but the one in front of him obviously couldn't be Flozarno School, after all, it was in a mountain forest.

"It's a high-tech academy that specializes in alchemy." Belen explained, and then called to the back room: "All down, let's go in and take a look."

The girls got out of the commercial truck and came to Belém's side, and Belém led the two big guys to the side to stop. After all, they couldn't pull the commercial cart up the stairs.

"Hey, hey! You can't park the commercial car here!"

At this time, there was a hearty-sounding voice from behind, with a tone of dissatisfaction.

Belen looked back and saw a girl with short hair walking over with her hips akimbo. Madoka's face was full of dissatisfaction, and there was no armband "Feng Ji" on her sleeve.

"I'm a member of the Discipline Committee of Leptchester Academy!" The girl pointed to the "Beauty" armband on her sleeve, and then looked at Belen and a few girls. When she saw Laya's elves, she was the same. Frozen, she didn't expect that there was a girl from the Elf race, and she looked at the young man in front of her again.

"who are you?"

Belen was stunned~lightnovelpub.net~ Unexpectedly, there would be a commissioner for discipline. He coughed and adjusted his throat, and then said: "I am a vagrant businessman."

"Wandering businessman?" The young lady of the Commissioner of Discipline was taken aback, and then said: "Our school has always had a dedicated supply channel and does not accept other people's transactions."

Hearing that, Belen shook his head and said: "No, no, I'm here to find someone."

"Looking for someone? Who are you looking for?" the girl asked.

Belen replied: "I'm looking for Putin Yale Chaist, is he in the academy?"

When hearing the name Belen had reported, the commissioner girl blinked her eyes. She looked at the young man in front of her curiously and asked: "Are you looking for our school principal? What is your relationship with the school principal? "

Hearing what the girl said, Belem was relieved immediately. The principal of this school was just that guy, and he thought it was handed over to someone else. So how dedicated is that guy? That's so big!

"I am his classmate."