Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 258: Oshodol

In this town, everyone knows that the proprietress of the only hotel in the town is a very virtuous and gentle beauty. She is also a magister who can use magic, and is very helpful and gentle.

Because of this, everyone in the town knows Ermin and the relationship is very good. Everyone in the town often goes to the hotel to give things away to express their gratitude.

A blacksmith's shop asked for Ermin's help because the floor of the second floor couldn't support people's weight, and Ermin was very happy to help, so he helped the second floor of the blacksmith's shop strengthen a lot.

The uncle of the smithy yelled gratefully: "Ermin, thank you!"

"You're welcome!"

Elmin smiled and nodded.

"That **** Naldo can marry such a daughter-in-law, I really envy you!"

Some people gathered around here, and after seeing Elmin’s enthusiastic help, some people were also sighing, envying that loyal and honest man to death.

Can it be said that a fool is really a blessing?

Regarding the discussion around, Ermin chuckled and bent over. She didn't regret being able to marry that person, and it was precisely because of that person that she could live in such a stable life here.

"Mrs. Nardo, there is a big hole in the roof of my house, and it can't stop it when it rains. Could you please help me, we are willing to pay!" Someone came to Ermin and prayed to her. road.

"You're welcome, I'm very happy to be able to help everyone in the town, take me there now?"

Ever since, in this day, Ermin almost ran all over the town, wherever she needed help, and didn't stop until dusk.

Elmin walked back on the way, she exhaled a long breath and said, "I'm so tired, I need to rest well when I go back." Although she was very tired, she was very happy to be able to help everyone.

In the early morning of the next day, Ermin was walking on the road by the river. She was in a happy mood at the moment. She wanted to go to the market to buy something, but when she was walking humming a song, she suddenly felt something. , Stopped immediately.

"Unexpectedly, there is still a witch in this town."

From under the tree on the side, a woman in a black dress walked out slowly. She was a very beautiful woman. She looked only in her twenties, with a graceful body and a smile on her face with two dimples. But those eyes are very weird. There seems to be a small black hole in those pupils, and there seems to be a desire to swallow them.

Elmin also noticed her, she took two steps back very vigilantly, and asked in a calm voice: "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

The woman in the black dress smiled and said: "When asking who the other person is, shouldn't you give your name first?"

And Ermin also felt reasonable, nodded and said: "My name is Ermin."

"Ah, my name is Osho Doyle, hello, Ermin." The woman in the black dress looked at Ermin cheerfully, her eyes gleaming faintly.

"Oshodol..." Ermin said the other party's name silently. Although the other party's attitude did not seem to be hostile, the other party felt very dangerous to her, and her heart was a little heavy.

Oshoor looked at Ermin and smiled and said, "Although this town is a bit remote, you may have heard of us. You might as well guess where I am from?"

When Oshoor appeared in front of her, Ermin confirmed one thing. The other party was also a witch, and the confirmation between witches only took a moment. This is also a talent.

As for where the other party came from, Elmin appeared to have an answer in an instant. She stared at the black dress woman in front of her, and slowly uttered two words.


Bang bang bang.

Oshoor smiled and clapped her hands, there was a playful smile on her face, her dexterous tongue licked her lips, and she said: "Since I know that I am from the "natural disaster", then I should also know what kind of organization it is. Invitation to you, do you want to join us?"

Hearing what the other party said, Ermin stared at him in silence, and then asked, "What if I don't want it?"

"I don't want to..." After hearing the words, Oshoel thought thoughtfully. The smile on her face gave people a sense of horror. She said: "Although we are all witches, I can kill you easily. Are you not afraid?"

This woman!

Ermin was silent. She didn't expect to encounter a "natural disaster" person, and she couldn't tell the truth from what the other party said just now, but what is certain is that the other party can really kill her. Feel.

"Hahaha! Look at your nervous look, don't worry, I won't kill you, after all, everyone is a witch."

While Elmin was thinking about something, Osho Doyle suddenly laughed, and then said this as if he was "joking with you".

Elmin still looked at each other in silence. This woman was dangerous as the first reaction, but at the same time, the other party’s words gave her an unreal feeling from the beginning.

It's hard to tell whether what this woman said is true or false.

Immediately afterwards, Oshoor suddenly turned his head and looked into the distance, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and he murmured, "It's really tight."

But Oshoor didn’t seem to be anxious, but smiled and looked at Ermin again. She said, “Although I am disappointed with your answer, I respect your choice. However, I can ask you to help. busy?"

Seeing that Oshoor didn’t seem to be attached to herself, Ermin’s heart was relieved. After hearing the words, she was silent for a while and said: "You tell me, if I can do it, I might be able to help you. ."

"Actually, there is someone who is chasing me. I am not her opponent, and she still has the engraving on her body, but she has been chasing me, and I can't figure it out." Oshoor glanced at a position, and then He sighed and said, "Can you please help me stop her?"

Hearing what Oshoor said, Ermin frowned and said, "I can't even beat you. How can I stop that person?"

"No, the magic of the vegetation attribute is very close to you. You should be a witch of wood, and that person is a witch of water, she should not be able to hurt you, as long as I hold it for a while, I can escape." Osho said Er shook his head and said very seriously.

"That person is also a witch?" Ermin was also stunned when he heard that, why did the witch and the maiden fight.

Oshodol sighed and nodded. She said, "Yes~lightnovelpub.net~ She is also a "natural disaster" person, but in the previous battle, I accidentally injured her friend, so I kept chasing me. , The people in the organization also acquiesced to her approach, because she was at a higher level in the organization than me."

"They are all members of the same organization. It would be fine if this matter is opened up." Ermin also didn't understand this. He was obviously at war with the empire and the Holy See, but there is still this kind of infighting inside?

"Once she decides what to do, she will do it to the end." Oshoor's face was serious, and finally she begged bitterly: "Can you please do me this favor? Don't worry, she won't do anything to the town. People do it, because she looks down on ordinary people, as long as I finish the engraving, I will lead her away, and will not harm your people."

Elmin hesitated, she lowered her eyes in contemplation, she was not sure whether Oshodol's statement was true or false, and such a thing was too risky, who knew what crazy things the "natural disasters" would do.

But if you don't do it, this woman named Oshoor always feels that something bad will be done, and she is in a very bad situation now.

So, she made a decision.

"I understand."