Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 331: Become their trump card

When Selika's words fell into Belen's ears, his pupils gradually enlarged, and a very bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart. Apex novels update fastest

Originally, Sisya had already noticed this incident, but he didn't care, just thinking that the girl was doing something else.

However, he was attacked tonight, but he didn’t hear anything about that girl. It was as if she hadn’t shown up at all. You must know that there were four core members of the "natural disaster", but faced them. It was Belém and others, but Sisia did not show up.

As a brave, she has no reason to do nothing. Could it be that she has left the school?

Thinking of this, Belen immediately asked: "Selika, did she leave the school?"

Hearing this, Selika shook her head. Her thoughts were very clear. She replied: "No, I have asked her to stay in the school during the school festival. I also specially asked if she wants to go out. I need to let me know, and, even if she is outside the academy, there is no reason why she can't feel this huge magical barrier."

Indeed, as Selika said, the enchantment that covers the entire Flozarno Academy is huge, not to mention the brave Sir Sisia, even the students can understand it. Perceived.

So, where did Sisia go?

How could it disappear out of thin air?

The crowd looked at the two people whose expressions were gradually gloomy, and they were all puzzled. They didn't know who Sisia was, so there was something unclear now.

Selika was silent for a while, and then said: "The person we are talking about is a brave man. It is my hidden trump card, and now she is missing."

Brave man!

Almost no one in this world does not know the name of the brave, and the people present also opened their eyes at this moment. The head of the school is so fierce that he even invited the brave.

However, soon everyone's eyes sank.

Lord Brave is missing?

This is not good news, or it is simply terrible. In such a crisis situation, the most powerful people have disappeared.

"Could it be done by people from "natural disasters"?"

Someone issued such a question.

But Belen was silent for a while, and said: "Although this possibility is not ruled out, I don't think they have this ability. The power of Sisiya is far above them."

Belen, who has fought against the core members of the "Scourge" and the brave, he knew very well how powerful Sisia was. Even in that small town at that time, the brave lord did not give his best.

Although the "natural disasters" were strong, they were definitely not Sisia's opponents. So, is Sisia’s disappearance related to them?

"Forget it, let's start deploying defenses first."

Selika first put the question about Sisia’s disappearance behind her head, and then began to consider the defensive deployment that should be considered now with everyone. An attack may cause casualties.

While the Flozarno Academy was discussing tactics, the "natural disaster" members on the other side were all at the other end of the space teleportation array.

In a gloomy hall, there is a figure floating in the air in the middle of the hall. It is blocked by countless magic forbidden spells. Countless huge magical powers come from four directions, seeming to be sending magical power to it, and this person is right. It was Sisia who was in a coma.

And directly below that figure, there was a woman in a white dress sitting cross-legged, and she was connected to Sisia above by a silver-white magic.

"Rosvia, how's it going?" Garlovin, wearing a purple shirt, was standing on the edge of the hall against the wall, and she asked when she looked at the white figure.

The woman in white who was called Rosevia did not open her eyes, but she said: "There are countless elves in the brave body to protect him. Love is too strong. Until now, I can only make her lost. It's just sane, there is no way to control her."

"Really incredible guys, they have already spent such a high price."

Jialuofen stared at the unconscious red-haired girl, her heart was full of jealousy, even if the other party fell into such a coma, let alone that they did not intend to kill the latter, even if they wanted to, they could not kill her. .

No loss is a strong man who can match the legendary demon king who can destroy the world.

At this time, Guyora and Cisse also returned, and she went to the hall and looked at the red-haired woman who was floating in the air. They glanced at Rosevia, and then at Garofen in the distance. .

Guyora asked, "Where are Yanlian Temple and Oshodol?"

"Of course I went back to heal." Jarofen shrugged, and she didn't bother to explain the fact that Oshoor ran out, after all, everyone knew what Oshoor was like.

Immediately afterwards, Cisse asked, "How is the injury of Yanlian Temple?"

As one of their highest combat power here, it is a very troublesome thing that they are injured now, after all, they will have a decisive battle with Flozarno Academy in the future.

"She said she can solve it and she doesn't need help."

"Let her go."

Gaura shook her head and stopped worrying about these things. She looked at the woman in white again and asked, "Rosvia, how is the situation now?"

Rosevia said bluntly: "I can't control her, I can only lose her mind."

Hearing what Rosevia said, Gaola frowned, which was different from what she had imagined, but she also knew that Rosevia had done her best.

In order to be able to control the brave, they also spent a lot of effort, grabbing countless demihumans and elves, using their bodies and lives as the guide of their magic, and also arranged a magic circle that cost six people countless efforts to control their magic. Converge.

And even more unexpectedly ~lightnovelpub.net~ After the first failed attempt to control the brave, Rosevia must devote all of his life to it to be able to achieve where he is now.

As a result, they underestimated the brave.

"Rosvia, thank you for your hard work."

Gaura looked at the white-clothed woman, her eyes were exceptionally soft, which was nothing to treat the rest of the people. The two of them are friends who have been together since the beginning. Think about it, it's probably two hundred years, right?

"It's okay, as long as I can help you, I can do it."

Losvia showed a touching smile at Gaola. She didn't care what the "natural disaster" organization she was in was doing. It was only because the "natural disaster" was founded by Gaola. Do your best like this.

Immediately afterwards, Gaiola looked at the top of the main hall, which was exposed, and she could directly see the bright moon in the middle of the night, and her eyes gradually became cold.

"It doesn't matter if you can't control it. If that's the case, set up an illusory scene in her mind and let her kill all the enemies in front of her."