Wonderful Trip To Another World

Chapter 352: Wake up Sisia!

In the northwest region, countless mountain peaks have collapsed, and this piece of land is already out of shape, and amidst the burning smell, a sound of swords can be heard from a place covered with huge rocks.


Those boulders were all shattered, and a white-haired figure covered with blue light came out of it. This person was exactly Belen who was head-to-head with Sisia.

Belém’s situation is not good at the moment, his hair is completely white, probably this is not just because of the passage of time, because his appearance has not changed, his thinking will jump to another dimension from time to time at this moment, maybe Most of it turned into gray hair because of this.

The flow of life in his body has stopped. This is because his amplification magic has reached its limit and cannot continue to go up. His body has almost assimilated with the magic of heaven and earth.

At this moment, Belen was already injured, and the eternal holy sword that shook "the brave" frontally, even in this detached state, he couldn't retreat completely.


At the other end, a red figure also rushed out of the rock covered area, Sisia was standing on a rock, her eyes full of disgust were staring at the blue figure in the distance.

At this moment, Sisya is also very embarrassed. She is also injured, and she is not much lighter than Belen, but as a powerful superhuman, she is physically stronger than the ultimate Belen. His self-healing ability is several times stronger than Belen.

Belen could naturally feel Sisia's endless killing intent and disgust. He couldn't imagine the state Sisia was in now, whether she was trapped in a fantasy or emotionally indulgent.

But just now, the moment Belen and Sisia met, there is no doubt that he saw the vermilion color on the latter’s eyebrows. With his current detached state, he can even see that the eyebrows are stretched out. The numerous prohibitions.

If he could meet the restriction, he believed that he could definitely make Sisia wake up.

But the problem is that even if Sisya is unconscious, her fighting skills are never forgotten. In the face of such a powerful guy, even the current Belén can hardly be close enough to touch him. Reached that forbidden distance.

As a result, Belen's gaze was fixed on the eternal holy sword in Sisia's hands. If she could avoid her swordsmanship, she might be able to get close to that distance.

Go ahead!

After making the judgment, Belen's body fell slightly, and with a force from behind his feet, the blue afterimage stayed in place, rushing to the red-haired girl not far away like a flash of lightning.


Belen leaped up, the snow lion went out to sea like a dragon, with the tip of the sword pointed at Sisia, and when the wrist was turned, the silver-white long sword revolved in an instant, enveloping the surroundings with fierce energy.

"Broken Army·Devil Slayer Taidao."

In the hands of the red-haired girl, the scarlet big sword was replaced by a dark red Taito. Faced with the silver-white long sword that was rotating and stabbing straight, she waved her arms and directly blocked it, and then raised it high. Beheaded at Belem's head.

Holding the snow lion again, Belén raised his sword and collided with Demon Sword Taito. His body sank a point in an instant. He shook with all his strength and bounced Demon Sword Taito. Then he bullied himself and moved his left hand to the girl. Pucked his eyebrows.

However, Sisiya flipped back, kicked Belen in the chest and kicked him into the air. The former stomped on the ground and then flew away.


Belen's eyes trembled slightly, and then he saw Sisya jumping towards him. He made a sideways movement in the air to avoid the blow of Demon Slayer Taito. When he was at the same height as the latter, he A roundabout kick hit the red and white light armor, directly let Sisia fly out.


Seeing Sisia flying upside down, Belen's eyes widened slightly. He used the power of Qi to make his feet able to exert force in the air, and the whole person flew directly towards the former.


At the moment Sisia fell on the ground, Belen had already put out his left hand and aimed at the former's brow, but the next moment his blue pupils suddenly tightened.

I saw a blast of red light coming, directly knocking Belen away, and hitting a piece of collapsed rock, while Sisya was carrying the Demon Slayer Taidao at high speed, and she pulled closer in the blink of an eye. Leaving the distance, he stabled straight towards Belem.

Belen made a countermeasure without hesitation. He clenched a fist with his left hand and slammed it against the rock wall behind him, causing it to collapse, and then he himself fell into it.


Demon Swordsman slashed away the stone pile, and the majestic wave of air directly caused the stone pile to fly around, and Belen's thinking suddenly jumped out again. His eyes flashed for a moment, and he stepped out and crossed the space. At the same time the sword cut away.


Even the sword cut after crossing the space was still blocked by Sisia, and Belen's figure retreated again, leaving a long trace on the ground.

Belen, who could clearly perceive the magical changes of the heavens and the earth, immediately noticed the approach of a figure. When he wanted to react, his abdomen was hit hard, and he was blown out with a punch.


His figure smashed through the pile of rocks, his mouth was overflowing with blue blood, and there was a faint glow of fluorescence. He didn't even have time to erase the blood, because the red light and shadow came in front of him again.

Seeing Demon Slashing Taito stabbed again, Belen's eyes locked on the girl's eyebrows, he released the snow lion in his hand, and directly grasped the Demon Slashing Taito with his left hand. His body moved slightly, and the Taito was still pierced through him. scapular.

The power contained in Demon Slasher is eroding the vitality in his body, but at this moment he can only grit his teeth and endure it, and he must concentrate on it.

It was precisely because Demon Zhan Taishou passed through his body, the distance between him and Sisia was also shortened by a large amount. At this reachable distance, he instantly stuck out his right index finger and landed on the girl's forehead. ~lightnovelpub.net~ His blue pupils can clearly see the incomparably complex restriction. If someone else can't even penetrate the magic into it, he can do it easily at this moment!

Blood gushes crazily from both sides of the penetrating side, and a big mouthful of blood is gushing out of his mouth, but the blue eye pupils are extremely serious and concentrated, as if they have forgotten the sharp pain.

His thinking jumped to another dimension again, he seemed to be able to master all the magic circuits. At the moment of touching, the magic instantly entered the restriction and was perfectly solved at an astonishing speed.


The abhorrence in Sisiya's eyes gradually disappeared, and the clear gaze gradually returned. She froze in place, staring blankly at the white-haired man in front of her.


Seeing Sisia wake up, Belen also wanted to say something, but there was a large amount of blood spilled in one mouth, he coughed dryly, and then grinned with a reluctant smile.

"Thank you to pull this out."